Airplanes and Airstrips, Part 2
Table the decision to land. Pupils form flight crews by matching up different representations of linear equations. Given a set of coordinates for an airstrip, the crews determine the equation of the line that will position their planes...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Determining Concavity of Functions over Their Domains
Time to take a second look at derivatives finding concavity. While watching the video, learners find out the definition of concavity. Individuals see how to determine whether an interval is concave up or concave down using graphs and the...
College Board
Civic Knowledge and Action: Voter Registration
What does the data say? Using provided voter data from the 2016 presidential election, scholars describe the data and identify questions they could answer by analyzing it. Learners then construct tables and use them to determine whether...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Derivatives of tan(x), cot(x), sec(x), and csc(x)
Continue to differentiate the rest of the trigonometric functions. Pupils see the derivatives of the other four trigonometric functions and begin to memorize the rules. Learners see examples that show that the calculus portion of a...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - The Quotient Rule
Some differentiation rules are just better to memorize. The ninth lesson in a unit of 11 presents the quotient rule to pupils for them to memorize. Learners use the quotient rule to determine the derivative of two quotients after seeing...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - The Product Rule
There's more to derivatives of multiplication than simply the product of the derivatives. A helpful video gives learners the product rule of finding the derivative of the product of two functions. Pupils find the derivatives of functions...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Derivatives of cos(x), sin(x), e^x, and ln(x)
The shortcuts are not just for polynomial functions. Pupils learn the derivatives of the two basic trigonometric functions, cosine and sine. The video provides the derivatives for exponential and logarithmic functions. Learners work...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Derivative Rules: Constant, Sum, Difference, and Constant Multiple
Use derivatives to find equations of lines. Pupils learn more rules to use as shortcuts to find derivatives. Using the rules, they find the equations of the tangent line and the normal line at a given point. Scholars then apply the new...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - The Power Rule
There has to be a quicker way. Pupils learn the power rule that allows for a shortcut to take the derivative of terms to a power. Using the newly found rule, scholars find the slope of the tangent line to a function at a given x value....
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Connecting Differentiability and Continuity
Despite what you thought, you can differentiate between continuity and differentiability. Using a short lesson, pupils learn how differentiability and continuity relate to each other. It provides three descriptions of when a function is...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Estimating Derivatives of a Function at a Point
It seems like it should be about three. Pupils learn to get an estimate of the derivative of a function at a point by using the derivative functionality of their graphing calculators. They take that information to determine the equation...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Defining the Derivative of a Function and Using Derivative Notation
Pupils learn how to find the derivative of a function by applying the definition using limits. Learners understand that the derivative provides the slope of the tangent line and use that information to find the equation of the tangent...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Average and Instantaneous Rate of Change
Ramp up the average rate of change—instantly. Learners use their knowledge of the formula to find the average rate of change to find the instantaneous rate of change. The presenter shows pupils an interactive that demonstrates finding...
Solutions to Polynomial Equations
Take a step back to Algebra II. The first activity in a series of 23 asks scholars to remember working with quadratic equations with complex solutions. Pupils apply polynomial identities to complex numbers and work examples that show how...
Radford University
Rocket Quads
How high will it fly? Pairs build straw rockets and launch them at different angles and determine the height and horizontal distance of the flight path. Teams make conjectures about how the angle affects the measured distances and use...
Radford University
Projectile Motion and Quadratic Functions
Model the flight of a ball. Small groups collect time data for how long it takes to toss a ball between two people. The teacher leads a discussion about projectile motion to get the class thinking about how to calculate the equation of...
College Board
2009 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
Dive into the exam review. Pupils use questions, including one about diving into a pool, to prepare for the AP® Calculus BC exam. Items include contextual and non-contextual questions with contextual examples requiring a calculator....
College Board
2007 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
Provide a review for the exam so individuals don't tank. AP® provides the free-response questions for teachers to use to help their pupils prepare for the exam. The six BC questions from 2007 include regions bounded by functions, water...
College Board
2009 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions
What was one of the big takeaways from 2009? By reviewing the released AP® Calculus free-response questions, pupils and teachers realize that performing mathematics is not all there is to doing well on the exam. Several items require...
College Board
2007 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions
Grow your knowledge of Calculus AB. Items released from the 2007 AP® Calculus AB exam provide information to teachers about the importance of particular topics. Pupils use the questions to gain an understanding of ways the exam assesses...
College Board
2006 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions
Develop more than just a topical approach to the exam. The six free-response questions from 2006 reveal how the AP exam assesses topics. By using the questions, pupils practice topics such as velocity, sketch slope fields, solving...
College Board
2015 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
How will the exam ask this question? The free-response questions from the 2015 AP Calculus BC exam demonstrate how questions appear on the test. Using the questions, pupils gain experience answering similar inquiries to what they see on...
College Board
2013 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
Apply the skills to problems to ace the AP test. Free-response questions require scholars to take calculus skills and apply them to situations. Pupils use the questions to see how those situations appear on an upcoming exam. Teacher use...
College Board
2016 AP® Calculus BC Free-Response Questions
The split is 50-50. Released free-response questions from the 2016 AP Calculus BC show that half the questions are from the AB portion of the course and the others are from the BC portion. Teachers and pupils use the items to prepare and...