
Knock'em Downers and Pick'em Uppers

For Students K - 4th
Set up several cones, pylons, or pins around the gym floor. Split that class into two equal groups. Assign one team as the knock'em downers and the other team as the pick'em uppers. Each team does exactly what their name implies....

Hop, Skip, Gallop

For Students K - 4th
Begin by having the class line up on one end of the gym floor. Ask the class what is the easiest way to get from one side of the gym to the other. Obviously, by walking. So together they walk across to the other side of the gym. The...


For Students K - 8th
Groups form a circle with each person's feet spread shoulder width apart and touching the person's next to them. Drop a ball in the middle of the circle. The object of the game is for players to keep the ball from leaving the circle...


For Students 1st - 8th
First create a starting line and ending line in the gym. After divvying up the class into equal teams, each team lines up in a straight row behind the starting point. Each player is lined up behind the other on their team. When you yell...

4-Side Warmup

For Students K - 8th
Write four exercises on separate sheets of paper and hang them in the four corners of the gym. Include the name of the exercise and the number of reps for each. Assign class members to each corner. Instruct athletes to complete each...

Crows and Cranes

For Students 2nd - 8th
After separating the class into two teams—crows and cranes—each team lines up in the middle line of the gym with their backs facing each other. If the teacher yells out "cranes!" then all the cranes run to their side of the gym while the...

Pass and Score Tag

For Students 2nd - 6th
Give two taggers a pool noodle and two freers a foam ball. If runners get tagged, then the freers must free them by throwing the ball to them. The trick is freers can't move when they throw, and runners must catch the ball to be free....

The Video Camera Game

For Teachers K - 5th
Implement a fun game at the start of your next physical education class to warm-up the class' bodies. Call out video-editing terms to signal a particular tasks such as walking, running, jumping and more!   

Mental Math Warm-Up

For Students 1st - 8th
Use a simple warm-up that has pupils solving math equations to determine the number of reps for a certain exercise. Learners use mental math to solve basic equations. Next, they must do the same number reps of whatever exercise you...

Hit and Run

For Students 1st - 8th
After partnering up each person, give the pair a ball. One person gets the ball first, while the other person runs around. The person with the ball tries to chase down their partner and hit them with the ball. Then, the roles reverse....
Phys Ed Games

Field Hunters

For Teachers K - 6th
Warm up a physical education class with a game of Field Hunters. Participants scour a field to collect as many objects as they can in a limited amount of time. 
Phys Ed Games

The Reaction Game

For Students K - 6th
Put learners into equal groups with a cone in the middle of each group. Start by calling out a command, whether its touching the nose or toes, balancing on one foot, jump around, doing arm circles, etc. Then, when the students hear "GO!"...
Phys Ed Games

The Number Game

For Students K - 6th
With the entire class spread around the playing area, set a timer and have kids run, skip, hop, or jump around the area. When the timer stops, yell out a number. The students must form a group of that number, and whomever doesn't have a...

Line Math

For Students 1st - 8th
Call out an equation and have team members walk, run, or jog to the answer in a line. Then, the next player in line goes. This non-competitive game is good for reinforcing math skills that have answers under 10.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Champs

For Students 2nd - 8th
The goal of the activity is for participants to win as many rounds of Rock Paper Scissors as they can. Pupils spread out across the gym and play rock paper scissors with random people. The player that loses must get behind the person who...

Steal the Ball

For Students 2nd - 8th
Put all the balls (same type of ball) in the middle of the basketball court. One person from each team must run to the center of the court and bring back the ball to their team's hula hoop. If using soccer balls, players must dribble;...

Bump Tag

For Students 2nd - 7th
Partner up the class. Break up one set of partners and assign one as a chaser and the other as a flee'er. The flee'er runs around the gym away from the chaser. If the flee'er is tagged, then he become the chaser. If the flee'er makes it...

Mystery Tag

For Students 2nd - 8th
When the chosen person yells "Face the wall!" everyone on the opposite end faces the wall while the tagger counts down from five and hides behind an exercise mat. When the tagger gets to zero, everyone runs across the gym to the other...

Fitness Relays

For Students K - 8th
After separating the class into equal teams, the first player in each line runs to the opposite end of the gym to the fitness mat. Then, they do a certain number of reps of a certain exercise

Bean-Bag Relays

For Students K - 8th
Divvy up the class into equal groups. First person in line on each team runs to the opposite end of the gym, around the cone, and back to their line. They pass off the bean bag to the next person and sit at the end of the line.

Animal Relays

For Students K - 4th
Run like a lion! As the teacher calls out an animal, one person from each team runs to the cone at the opposite end of the gym like the animal that was called. Then run back and high-five the next person in line signaling them to go....

Fitness Ball Run

For Students 2nd - 8th
Think back-to-front sprints with a ball! Pupils jog around in a straight line while carrying a ball. The leader in the line passes the ball back to the person behind them and so on and so forth until it gets to the last person in the...


For Students 1st - 8th
Get teams running around the perimeter of a court like a racetrack speedway. One person from each team—the number of teams depends on class size—runs around the "speedway" in the same direction, making it back to their team with a...

Hourglass Relay

For Students 3rd - 8th
Have the class run continuously in the shape of an hourglass with the hourglass relay activity. Four lines stand in four opposite corners and run to respective lines making the shape of an hourglass. They high five the first person in...