Unit Plan
Purdue University

Food Waste and the Environment

For Teachers K - 5th Standards
Out of sight out of mind can be a dangerous habit. Learners investigate the life of food waste after it leaves people's homes and its impact on the environment. They complete a series of three activities that involve building a mini...
Unit Plan
Purdue University

Trees of the Midwest

For Teachers K - 5th Standards
All trees are not created equal. A set of three wildlife conservation lessons has learners examine the characteristics of individual trees. They look at the life cycle of the tree using a story and reference a field guide to identify...
Unit Plan
Purdue University


For Teachers K - 5th Standards
Learn about nature and health all in one set of lessons. Individuals use a scavenger hunt to record observations during a nature hike. They then complete activities to categorize their observations and rate the health of the habitat for...
Lesson Plan
Purdue University

Invasive Plants: Impact on Environment and People

For Teachers K - 5th
It's the attack of the invasive species! Young scientists simulate the behavior of an invasive species with a game-like activity. They assume the roles of native plants, invasive plants, and resources and watch the invasive plant takes...
Unit Plan
Purdue University

The Scientific Process of Conservation Biology: Analyze, Design, Debate

For Teachers K - 5th
Scientists use data to learn about species survival—and your classes can too! A set of four lessons guides learners through a process to draw conclusions about the fluctuations in the population of the Hellbender species. They read...
Unit Plan
Purdue University

The Great Clearcut Controversy

For Teachers K - 5th
Urban development and habitat retention are often at odds. A three-part lesson examines the pros and cons of forest clearcutting. Learners review data and characteristics of a specific mammal to make conclusions about the effect...
Purdue University

Common Indiana Mammals

For Teachers K - 5th
Mammals all have their own story to tell. A set of 34 cards outlines the key characteristics of different mammals. The cards include images of each mammal as well as their skulls and tracks. The back of the cards describe characteristics...
Lesson Plan
Purdue University

Coloration Exploration

For Teachers K - 5th
Finding an animal in nature can be like a game of hide and seek. A thorough lesson explores different coloration strategies of animals. Pupils complete look-and-find puzzles and coloring sheets to differentiate between different types of...
Lesson Plan
Purdue University

Discovering the Watershed

For Teachers K - 5th
Human impact on watersheds can make or break an ecosystem. Learners use a game to learn about the impact human choices have on water quality and the organisms that depend on it. The activity includes a game board and game cards that tell...
Lesson Plan
Purdue University

Healthy Water, Happy Home

For Students K - 5th
Clear water does not mean clean water. A collaborative lesson has groups play a board game to identify sources of water pollution and develop strategies for improving water quality. Their investigations include reference to the water...
Unit Plan
Purdue University

Mammal Food Webs

For Students K - 5th
You are what you eat—or at least a part of what you eat. Budding scientists examine owl pellets to develop their own food webs. They use tooth and skull identification techniques to classify what they find.
Unit Plan
Purdue University

Animal Diversity and Tracking

For Teachers K - 5th Standards
What exactly are those glowing eyes in the night? Learners run an experiment to attract local wildlife and then document the number of visitors by identifying their tracks. They then analyze the data to draw conclusions about the types...
Lesson Plan
Alabama Department of Archives and History

Birmingham: The Magic City

For Teachers 4th
Why is Birmingham known as the magic city? A comprehensive lesson plan provides hands-on activities, group discussion, and writing exercises to teach young historians about the importance of the city of Birmingham. Scholars learn the...
Lesson Plan
Agriculture in the Classroom

Roll of the Genes

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
Animal reproduction in sheep and cattle is explored with the help of Punnet squares. Scholars employ tools using probability to conclude the color of wool a sheep's offspring will have. Acting as animal geneticists, pupils then take...
Unit Plan
Good Project by Harvard Project Zero

The Good Project Lesson Plans

For Teachers K - 6th Standards
Excellence, ethics, and engagement are the three E's featured in a unit that promotes good work among elementary scholars. Through discussion, reflection, read-alouds, activity worksheets, and written responses, participants gain...
Unit Plan
Chesterfield Township Elementary School

Gifted and Talented Enrichment Curriculum

For Teachers K - 6th
Looking to start or support a Gifted and Talented program? An 80-page packet outlines grade-leveled lessons in all subject areas as school district's Gifted and Talented enrichment curriculum.
Lesson Plan
Southern Poverty Law Center

Evaluating Reliable Sources

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
A lesson plan instills the importance of locating reliable sources. Scholars are challenged to locate digital sources, analyze their reliability, search for any bias, and identify frequently found problems that make a source unusable. 
Lesson Plan
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation

What Was Everyday Life like in Colonial Virginia?

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
What was everyday life like in Colonial Virginia? To find the answer cooperative groups work collaboratively to read an informational handout and complete a graphic organizer. The speaker of the group then shares their new-found...
Arbor Day Foundation

Trees: A Joy Forever

For Students 3rd - 12th Standards
This Arbor Day, put on a show! A three-scene play follows a boy and girl that run into Arbor Day founder, J. Sterling Morton. Morton describes how the holiday came to be and discovers how his hard work has grown into a national...
Lesson Plan
WE Charity

Elementary–Module 5: Transportation Solutions

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
How does transportation affect the environment? Using the fifth and final lesson from the WE Are Innovators—Elementary Modules series, scholars explore sustainable transportation. Pupils work in small groups to create innovative ways to...
Lesson Plan
WE Charity

Elementary–Module 4: Energy and Housing

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
Many innovators are working on solutions to address environmental problems like energy-inefficient housing. Scholars have an opportunity to develop their own strategies using the fourth of five lessons from the WE Are...
Lesson Plan
WE Charity

Elementary–Module 3: Food Waste

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
Before pupils discard anymore of their uneaten vegetables, they may want to learn more about food waste. Here's a resource to help them do just that! Using discussion and video, scholars discover how innovators are tackling the issue. As...
Lesson Plan
WE Charity

Elementary–Module 2: Circular Economy and Nature

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
How can people do their part to help protect the environment? Learners participate in an engaging jigsaw activity to discuss the causes and effects of pollution. Next, pupils develop their own innovative ideas to address an environmental...
Lesson Plan
WE Charity

Elementary–Module 1: Sustainable Innovation

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
Where would society be without the innovations of Thomas Edison or Steve Jobs? Scholars explore what it means to have an innovative mindset. Working in small groups, pupils design a product or service to help solve a social,...