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Lesson Planet has helped me very much indeed. Easy-to-find lessons. Short preparation time. Students entertained while learning.

Frederic D.
Lesson Planet has saved me so much time in creating worksheets and developing lessons. It is a "life saver".

Joyce B.
Fitchburg, MA
Lesson Planet has not only provided me with lesson plan ideas but it also has given me the inspiration to create more inquiry-based lessons for my Biology students.

Johanna S.
Louisville, KY
I have been able to find lessons that support my state's standards and integrate them into the curriculum with ease.

Keith M.
Orting, WA
Lesson Planet is excellent for differentiation.

Adrian L.
Charlotte, NC
As a homeschool Mom, Lesson Planet has helped me find appropriate worksheets to complement my lessons, as well as given me ideas for new lessons.

Barbara F.
Macungie, PA
Lesson Planet has helped me with my pre-student teaching lesson plans as well as my student teaching plans.

Andrew G.
Sheboygan, WI
When I'm in a pinch and looking for something to supplement my curriculum, Lesson Planet always helps me find what I'm looking for. This website is packed full of reviews to amazing resources!

Lindsay B.
Spokane, WA
Lesson Planet helps me find lessons to compare to my lessons to see if I am meeting the needs of my students.

Roxanne B.
Thornton Heath, London, UK
Lesson Planet is definitely my go-to website when I need to find a fun and unique lesson for the day! I love the creative lesson plans that always have an element of fun.

Carmen T.
Lowell, OR
Lesson Planet helps me find lessons and activities that I use all the time to add fresh ideas to my teaching!

Jeannie Y.
Lotus, CA
Lesson Planet has really helped me out a lot.... i am a student studying to be a health teacher. For some of my assignments i have been trying to make lesson plans for the first time. Looking at all of these different lesson plans has really helped me grasp the overall goal of a lesson plan and given me some really good ideas.

Matthew C.
Emporia, KS
Lesson Planet has helped me with great ideas for student centered activities and making sure the essential questions or Big ideas are hit upon throughout the lesson.

Amanda C.
Portland, CT
Lesson Planet has done wonders with assisting me in implementing new ideas and strategies for the maximum opportunity to engage my students.

Ashanti S.
Mcdonough, GA
Lesson Planet is helping me make quicker work of assignments.

Pam H.
Saint Jacob, IL
Lesson Planet has helped me in finding useful and relevant worksheets!

Elana H.
New York, NY
I have used lesson plans that I find through lesson planet to "jump start" my own lesson plans. The number of creative lesson plans is extremely helpful.

Joan D.
Lake Geneva, WI
Lesson Planet has been excellent.

Kim H.
Dudley, GA
Lesson Planet saves me time.

Linn M.
Mackinaw, IL
Rather than reinventing the wheel, Lesson Planet has helped find some creative lessons to use in my classes.

Joseph G.
Jewett City, CT
LP has helped me to develop lesson plans and supplemented the plans I already have.

Cj A.
Fanwood, NJ
Lesson Planet helps me find numerous ideas when I just can't seem to come up with any.

Mary F.
Crofton, NE
Lesson Planet has helped me come up with better ideas for exciting things to do in the classroom.

Paula P.
Pensacola, FL
Lesson Planet is a huge time saver!

Debbie F.
Jupiter, FL
Lesson Planet has been a great resource for finding ideas and worksheets that are both age appropriate and on topic. No more searching for hours for lesson ideas!

Stefanie R.
Cambridge, MA
Lesson Planet gave me the opportunity to expand the lessons I have previously taught and it helped me provide a more interactive and cooperative learning experience to my students.

Lorna C.
Lesson Planet has made it easier for me to meet the needs of the various learning styles within my classroom. There are a variety of lessons with a plethora of activities to keep my students engaged. Math can be difficult to teach if you cannot maintain the interest of the learner.

Andral H.
Douglasville, GA
Lesson Planet saves me time when looking for subject matter. I really enjoy this program.

Bettye H.
Clinton, NC
Lesson Planet help me to use other ideas and different modalities in the classroom as they are aligned to the standards. When I am unsure of what to do I can solicit ideas from other veteran teachers' lesson plans.

Andrea K.
Brooklyn, NY
Lesson Planet helps me supplement classroom curriculum with lesson plans and worksheets. I can count on Lesson Planet to supply me with benchmark specific resources. I don't have a lot of time to search for information on the web when in need, so Lesson Planet has been that one-stop website for my science starters, homework, etc.

Glenda P.
Defuniak Springs, FL

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