Lesson Plan
Outdoor Learning Center

Outdoor Survival

For Teachers 4th - 12th
Which of the following can you survive without for the longest time: water, food, or a positive mental attitude? The answer may surprise you. Guide learners of all ages through games, activities, and discussions about surviving in the...
Lesson Plan
Constitutional Rights Foundation

U.S. Immigration Policy and Hitler’s Holocaust

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Though the Statue of Liberty welcomes political refugees to her shores, the welcoming sentiment has not always been reflected in the American citizenry. High schoolers read about the regrettable period in United States history when the...
Lesson Plan
US Holocaust Museum

Remember the Children: Daniel’s Story

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Imagine being a child forced from your home and into a concentration camp during World War II. Scholars prepare for a visit to the United States Holocaust Museum by researching the children of the horrible event. They analyze...
Lesson Plan

Gathering Textual Evidence: “Invisibility” of Those Interned

For Teachers 8th Standards
Add another layer to the class's understanding. Scholars deepen their knowledge of the primary sources in their Japanese-American Internment during World War II packet and determine how the sources relate to the theme of invisibility....
Lesson Plan

Biolite - Fire to Phone Charging

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Provide the spark to foster a love of science. Instructors perform a demonstration that uses a camping stove to generate electricity to charge a phone. Pupils use data from the experiment to the calculate the efficiency of the stove....
Lesson Plan
Nemours KidsHealth

Diabetes: Grades 6-8

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
After reading a series of articles that provide background information about Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, class members design a meal plan and an activity plan for a weeklong summer camp for 5- to 8-year olds with diabetes. A second...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Maus: Problematic Situation Strategy

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Do people really need “a newer, bigger Holocaust” in order to change? Or is it possible that by making text-to-self connections to the stories of others people that they can change? In order to connect to Art Spiegelman’s Maus, class...
Lesson Plan

Dear Miss Breed

For Teachers 4th - 12th Standards
This compelling plan based on the letters in the book Dear Miss Breed engages readers in learning what it was like for Japanese Americans following the attacks at Pearl Harbor. After reading the letters, young scholars will partake in...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Journey to Topaz: Directed Reading Thinking Activity

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Have you used the directed reading thinking activity in your classroom? Doubling as either a prereading strategy, or a during reading strategy, it helps readers connect the historical background of the text to the text itself. As the...
Lesson Plan
Beyond the Story

The Diary of a Young Girl Digital Edition

For Teachers 8th - 10th Standards
Access a wealth of rich, engaging activities that will allow learners to see through the eyes of Anne Frank and experience her emotional journey as they read her biography The Diary of a Young Girl.
Lesson Plan
Channel Islands Film

Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island: Lesson Plan 4

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
Imagine being stranded all alone on an island for 18 years. How would you survive? Class members are challenged to makes necessities out of natural materials that would likely be found on an island.
Lesson Plan
Anti-Defamation League

The Road to Brown

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
As part of the study of segregation in U.S. schools, scholars research and create a timeline of events that led to the historic Supreme Court case, Brown V. Board of Education. Groups research a topic or event that led to the decision,...
Lesson Plan
Captain Planet Foundation

Rotting Away

For Teachers 2nd
What happens at the end of a plant's life cycle? Show kids the natural way that plants show that they're decomposing, as well as the importance of compost, with a lesson about living organisms. After reading Log Cabin by Anne Schreiber,...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Backpacking - Lesson Plans

For Teachers 9th - 12th
A page of links lead to a number of lessons on backpacking. There are eight lessons, and within these lessons are links to other resources and to the entire unit.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Backpacking - Lesson 3 - How to Pack a Backpack

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Young backpackers practice putting their supplies into their backpack according to a prescripted sequence on how to properly place their equipment. It is essential to follow the guidelines to have the correcet balance and ease of access...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Backpacking - Lesson 4 - Planning a Menu

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Going on a backpacking trip? You need to plan your meals and your snacks for sustenance. Help guide your pupils in the planning of healthy foods to take, and to make sure there is just the right amount. Have high schoolers pair up to...
Lesson Plan
KOG Ranger Program

Match and Lighter Safety

For Teachers 3rd - 7th
Go over the basics of fire prevention with a lesson focused on safety with matches and lighters. With a series of dilemma cards that describe potential fire risks, learners choose the most responsible way to handle matches and lighters.
Lesson Plan
KOG Ranger Program

Leading Causes of Wildfires in Oregon

For Teachers 3rd - 7th
You've heard of "wildfire season," but what types of weather and conditions lead to increased wildfires? Young firefighters learn about common sources of wildfires, safe ways to clear debris near their homes, and the most effective ways...
Lesson Plan
PB Works

The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
There is more going on under the surface of Ernest Hemingway's work than one can glean in an initial reading. A literature resource compares the themes and structures of several of Hemingway's works before prompting class members to use...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Active Viewing: Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided

For Teachers 8th - 10th
Young historians consider the cause and effects of the Emancipation Proclamation. They use handouts, response sheets, and class discussion to build an opinion about the subject after viewing the PBS documentary Abraham and Mary Lincoln:...
Lesson Plan
Time Warp Trio

The Caveman Catastrophe

For Teachers 4th - 6th
Young archaeologists study the development of human history, and work in groups to create a timeline that traces the development of humans. Additionally, the groups utilize a very clever graphic organizer embedded in the plan in order to...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

My First Biography: Christopher Columbus Storia Teaching Guide | Scholastic.com

For Teachers K - 1st Standards
Sail with Christopher Columbus on a biographical reading adventure. Young explorers learn about the life of Sir Columbus as they hone their comprehension skills through guiding questions, shared reading, and fluency practice. Included in...
Lesson Plan
Forest Foundation

The Nature of Trees

For Teachers 5th - 7th
Young botanists examine the different parts of tress and then draw parallels between the functions of these parts and the function of parts of the human body. 
Lesson Plan
Global Oneness Project

Exploring Cultural Sustainability

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Small groups learn about a present-day nomadic culture in Mongolia and the threats to its existence by exploring a photo essay. The resource includes thoughtful discussion and writing prompts about cultural sustainability, the...

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