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Lesson Planet is to me the best on the world wide web. It has helped me in every way as a teacher.

Max C.
Brooklyn, NY
Lesson Planet helps me find some wonderful lessons and units that help me to develop cross curriculum activities.

Flora J.
Bassfield, MS
Lesson Planet has been a great resource! It has saved me hours of prep time without affecting the quality of my instruction.

Scott D.
Farmington, MO
I have enjoyed perusing through the lesson plans and worksheets. There are so many to look at. Some even have keys to them, which is a nice time saver.

Brian R.
Richmond, VA
As an ESL teacher, I find a lot of great ideas and useful materials from this site. I can probably spend hours just going over lesson plans and materials.

Ana H.
Lesson Planet inspires my creativity.

Erin P.
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Lesson Planet helps me find good materials to support our books.

Matt D.
Plattsburgh, NY
I have used lesson planet while I student teach to help me create standards based lessons.

Alexa D.
Ewa Beach, HI
Lesson Planet helps me to organize my thoughts, as well as find new idea's and exciting lessons!

Maggie H.
Chicago, IL
So far the web site has been very helpful!!

Lindsay C.
Oswego, NY
Lesson Planet has been a wonderful tool.

Earl N.
Arnold, MO
Lesson Planet has helped provide the necessary resources needed for my classes.

Ariel B.
Ridgeland, MS
Lesson Planet helps me find great resources so I'm not re-inventing the wheel. It's like collaborating with a large group of peers.

Carolyn D.
Dayton, OH
I can find great ideas that help me teach music in a different way with my students.

Anita H.
Rockford, MI
Lesson Planet has helped me plan out my lessons by giving me ideas and I have found some great new ideas.

Cheryl K.
Myersville, MD
Lesson Planet has helped me come up with interesting lessons that keep the students engaged and interested in learning.

Darlene W.
Grafton, MA
I am just a "newbie" in the Lesson Planet club. However, having access to information in a moments notice is awesome because I know that regardless of what I am teaching for that day and I need something quick to add to the lesson, or if I am designing a long term unit and need ideas to stimulate and challenge my students, I know that Lesson Planet will be there with many useful suggestions...I love being a member!

Kitty W.
Warsaw, KY
Lesson Planet is an excellent resource!

Susan S.
Hiram, GA
Lesson Planet is an excellent use of standards and objectives.

Jacki R.
Paramus, NJ
The very first time I used it last week was extremely helpful as it supports my project on amazing animals. The resources i found were brilliant.

Ruth T.
New York
I like lesson planet better than a few of the others because it directs you to more information.

Brenda C.
Baton Rouge, LA
Lesson Planet has expanded my resources for the different subjects that I have had to teach over the years.

Mike B.
Mount Vernon, NY
Lesson Planet has helped me to get more organized.

Peter D.
Santa Monica, CA
Lesson Planet has helped us by giving us new ideas to share with our students.

Susan C.
Jackson, MS
I'm a Special Education teacher that collaborates with science most of the day. I've found lots of hands on and wonderful ideas for teaching science that I can use incorporating all of our students. There are so many that I was able to use all year long last year and still finding more this year. Love this site...

Diane W.
Lexington, KY
i love this website! it helps me find the best lessons and ideas :)

Juliya M.
Lesson Planet helps me greatly! Especially with finding those lessons I've had to cover without prior knowledge of the subject area, or just a new way to teach a topic.

Amelia C.
I love the fact that I do not have the re-create the wheel! I can log in to lesson planet and find supplemental materials for virtually everything I teach.

Rene M.
Rutland, VT
Lesson Planet saves me time on doing up lesson plans and provides ideas I would never had considered.

Janine S.
Lesson Planet has been a great tool for me to enhance my direct instruction. It also keeps me fresh with new ideas. I love it!!

Andrenese M.
Indianapolis, IN

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