Social Skills Central

Ready, Set, Respond!

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
When faced with a difficult situation, do you respond selfishly, face it head on, or ignore the problem? This game encourages learners to evaluate the wide range of reactions we can have to problematic situations, and how our responses...
Sharp School

Causes of WWII Book Project

For Teachers 9th - 12th
To conclude their study of World War II, world history students are charged with creating a children's book, comic book, or graphic novel that depicts the causes of the war. Using images from the Internet or their own illustrations,...

Lego Structures

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Let your class become master builders. Scholars use Legos® or K'nex® pieces to create a structure that looks like an actual building in existence. The time limit is 12 minutes, so you better start building!

Zach’s Lie: Multi-Genre Writing Assignment

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
How do people solve problems in healthy ways? Writers explore a topic of interest in their multi-genre writing assignment exploring Zach's Lie. The final resource in a series of seven includes multiple scaffolds and organizers for...

Season Seeking

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
It's a time of change. A hands-on activity engages young scientists in a lesson highlighting the change of seasons. They brainstorm indicators of season changes in nature and then look for them. Next, they record observations in a field...

Cells as Molecular Factories

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Cells are both made of molecules and make molecules all at the same time! An exploratory lesson provides a means for scholars to research the components of cells made of molecules and also investigate the molecule-producing power of...
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

Number of the Day

For Teachers K - 2nd Standards
Daily routines not only help to manage classrooms, they can also provide students with rich opportunities for learning. This activity supports young learners in developing their number sense by counting up the school days on a class 100...
Teach Engineering

Earthquakes Living Lab: FAQs about P Waves, S Waves and More

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Let's talk about earthquakes .... Using the Internet, pupils research what causes earthquakes, how scientists measure them, their locations, and their effects. The resource is not only informative, but it also builds crucial research...
D-Day Normandy 1944

D-Day Normandy 1944

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
No study of World War II would be complete without an in-depth examination of the events of June 6, 1944. Pascal Vuong's D-Day Normandy:1944, is the perfect vehicle to convey the sheer magnitude of the events that have been called the...
Thoughtful Learning

Checking the Emotion Thermometer

For Students K - 5th
A hand-drawn thermometer provides a strong visual for how much of an emotion a child is feeling. Scholars color the thermometer's mercury to showcase whether what they are feeling is high or low at a certain moment. Questions allow...
Thoughtful Learning

Using 5-5-5 Breathing to Calm Down

For Students K - 12th
Scholars calm their minds and bodies with a 5-5-5 breathing exercise. Learners breathe in for five seconds, out for five seconds, then wait five seconds to start again. The exercise takes one minute to complete. 
Leicestershire County Council

Developing Handwriting Skills for Individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

For Teachers K - 12th
Here is a resource packed with strategies to help individuals with ASD improve their handwriting skills. Intended for the teacher or specialist, the resource provides background information on reasons learners with ASD have difficulty...

The Wednesday Wars: Calendar Timeline

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Here's a calendar that helps readers keep track of the major events in The Wednesday War.
Michigan State University

Create an Animal

For Teachers K - 6th Standards
Think beyond the animals and habitats we've already discovered and allow scholars to dream up their very own habitat and an animal that lives there. Class members present the new habitat and animal on a poster alongside an...
Lesson Plan
National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network

Is Measuring an Art or a Science?

For Teachers 9th - Higher Ed Standards
Not only do future engineers learn the difference between accuracy and precision, they also get some hands-on experience using different measuring tools. 

Build a Big Wheel

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Pasta is great for cooking—and for making Ferris wheels. Aspiring engineers use an assortment of pasta types to create a functioning Ferris wheel. They keep track of the design process to refine their designs, if necessary. Let's hope no...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Equations and Inequalities Projects

For Teachers 7th - 9th
Students compose equations and inequalities whose solutions are the integers 1-31 and utilize them to number one month of a calendar. They take notes on two ways to work backwards from a solution: by using the number and by setting x...

Win the White House

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Here is a unique and engaging approach to learning about the steps a presidential candidate must take during a campaign. Learners role play the part of a candidate in this online interactive, taking part in a presidential debate and then...
Bethel School District

Health Triangle Self Assessment

For Students 7th - 12th
Measure health as a triangle, with each side representing different aspects of health: physical, emotional/mental, and social. High schoolers complete a self-assessment of their health in all three areas before scoring their progress and...
Curated OER

We Can Work It Out

For Teachers 7th - 12th
In this activity, students will learn how to consider alternatives before reacting to a conflict.
Curated OER

Media in Research Multimedia Final Project

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students work cooperatively in groups to research a topic of their choice. They create a multimedia presentation of the information researched. Throughout the project they generate their own progress journals.

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