Lesson Plan
West Virginia Department of Education

Harpers Ferry Letters

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Scholars write letters as if they were someone who heard the story of John Brown's raid. The resource, a standalone, covers information from primary sources that is important to West Virginian history: the Harpers Ferry Letters.
Midwest Clinic

Latin Rhythms: Mystery Unraveled

For Students 6th - 12th
There is an indescrible energy to Latin American music—but if you know your music theory, it's not so indescrible after all. A thorough packet provides definitions for terms like bolero, charanga, shekere, and tumbao before listing...
Unit Plan
Annenberg Foundation

America's History in the Making: Classroom Applications Four

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
The final installment of a 22-part American history series examines the many faces that make up the country's story. From Henry Ford to Tulio Serrano, scholars use biographical evidence and Internet research to uncover the people behind...
Unit Plan
Annenberg Foundation

America's History in the Making: Using Digital Technologies

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
How can digital technology of today link us to the events of the past? Scholars use technology to uncover the vast number of historical resources available in lesson 12 of a 22-part America's History in the Making series. Using databases...
Unit Plan
Annenberg Foundation

America's History in the Making: Classroom Applications One

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Someone finds a time capsule 100 years from now, and it includes your family photo album. What would the photos tell that person about you and your place in history? Scholars investigate how artifacts tell stories. Using photos, maps,...
Lesson Plan
West Virginia Department of Education

Editorials: The Guiding Voice of Authority?

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
How much can opinion influence a news story? A standalone resource discusses the importance of John Brown's Raid through the lens of journalism. Learners analyze two different texts, one from the perspective of the North and the other of...
Mr. Nussbaum

Fort Sumter Reading Comprehension

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
The Battle of Fort Sumter was both the first and the least deadly battle of the American Civil War, with no soldiers lost during the lengthy bombardment. Learn more about the first shots of the Civil War with a short reading passage and...
Lesson Plan
West Virginia Department of Education

The Debate - John Brown: Martyr or Madman?

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Did he die for a cause, or was he crazy? Although the resource discusses John Brown and West Virginia history, many historical figures have the same reputation. Teach learners about different perspectives and highlight the importance of...
US Department of Veterans Affairs

Sample Flexibility Plan for Beginners

For Students 6th - 12th
Boost flexibility with a set of stretches designed for beginners. Pictures and descriptions guide readers through a variety of stretches while standing, sitting, and lying on the floor. 
Lesson Plan
Biz Kids

Understanding Business Ethics

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
After screening an episode by BizKids, scholars show what they know about business vocabulary, then take part in grand conversations about role models and ethical dilemmas.
Macmillan Education


For Students 5th - 8th Standards
A four-part worksheet challenges scholars' knowledge of American, Australian, and British slang. Learners use context clues to decide which country a slang word is from, complete sentences, decipher a conversation, and answer questions. 
Lesson Plan
Lee & Low Books

First Come the Zebra Teacher’s Guide

For Teachers 1st - 5th Standards
Accompany a reading of First Come the Zebra written and illustrated by Lynne Barasch with a teacher's guide equipped with before reading, vocabulary, and after reading activities. Additional social studies, science, music, art, math, and...
Smithsonian Institution

American Sabor: Word Search #1

For Students 2nd - 8th
Find la guitarra and el charango with a short and straightforward word search focused on Latin American music. Learners check through a list of popular instruments and dances before delving into the puzzle.
Birmingham City Schools

Stick to the Point: Getting It Right with Constructed Responses

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
Practice writing constructed responses with a 26-slide presentation. Developed to guide scholars through the appropriate steps, the resource assists them in providing a well-considered answer.
Lesson Plan

Step One: We've Got Issues

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
What is the most pressing issue in your community? The resource helps you and your middle schoolers begin the process of doing something about it! Learners compare and contrast two pressing issues in their local counties by reading two...
Lesson Plan

Step Four: Working with Websites

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Almost every profession today relates to websites in some way! The resource tasks the class to fill out three individual graphic organizers to help them analyze each website they visit.
Lesson Plan
Smithsonian Institution

Comparing Confederate and Union Soldiers

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
The Civil War, a war that divided a nation. Comparing and contrasting the Confederate and Union soldiers is not always an easy task, but the eighth of 15 resources makes it easy to teach the concepts. Exercises include watching videos in...
Lesson Plan
Federal Reserve Bank

Once Upon a Dime: Middle School Lesson Plan

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Once Upon a Dime ... a group of middle schoolers wanted to learn about economics! Teach them complex economic concepts like supply and demand through a resource that effectively simplifies the explanations. Pupils work through various...
Peter Bunzl

Cogheart and Moonlocket

For Students 6th - 10th Standards
Peter Bunzi takes readers to the Victorian era with two stories, Coghaert and Moonlocket. Accompany the literary time warp with a companion packet that offers a plethora of exercises. Learning opportunities include activities for before,...
Lesson Plan

Step Three: Who You Gonna Call?

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Problem solving is an essential skill everyone must master. The resource instructs pupils how to analyze different scenarios and decide the best way to solve many different problems that take place in communities. Scholars read, discuss,...
Florida Institute of Technology

Who Owns the Zebra?

For Students 6th - 8th
Five women of different ethnicities and living in differently colored houses own different pets, drink different beverages, and work in different professions. Who is who? Solve a logic puzzle that provides 14 clues about connections...
Smithsonian Institution

American Sabor Crossword

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
How much do you know about Latin American music? A crossword puzzle challenges learners to answer 24 questions about the history, genres, performers, and instruments of Latin American music.
Lesson Plan
Johnson County Community College

Treasured Stories by Eric Carle

For Teachers Pre-K - 2nd Standards
Explore the works of Eric Carle with a set of four lessons focused around the stories, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Papa, Please Get the Moon For Me, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Young readers develop a storyboard,...
Rock A Lingua

La Tierra (The Earth)

For Students K - 8th
¡Es importante cuidar la tierra! Encourage beginning Spanish speakers to protect their planet and practice their vocabulary with a series of worksheets. Learners fill in the blanks, match animal vocabulary with pictures, and complete...