Instructional Video

On This Day: March For Our Lives Rally

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting which took the lives of 17 innocent victims inspired more young activists to take up a cause. Academics learn how the March For Our Lives agenda was formed from this tragic event and how they can participate. The engaging resource shares a speech from the founder and his efforts to prevent further tragedies in schools. 

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Instructional Ideas
  • Compare the March For Our Lives Rally to other political movements 
  • Have pupils write short essays on ways they can help to prevent school shootings 
Classroom Considerations
  • A free C-SPAN Classroom account is required to access the material, or use the following login credentials: Username: students, Password: C-SPANCLASSROOM
  • The topic of mass shooting may be sensitive for some learners 
  • Content is relevant to high school learners 
  • Provides an opportunity to discuss the Second Amendment and gun violence 
  • None