Lesson Plan

Surviving Assimilation: American Indian Boarding Schools

For Teachers 9th
The boarding school era is "a history that all of us need to know about," says Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland. Here's a lesson that examines that history. High schoolers examine video interviews of Native Americans who detail...
Lesson Plan

Native American Education - Past, Present, and Future: Assimilation

For Teachers 9th - 11th Standards
To understand the history of Native American education, high schoolers examine the record of young scholars who attended the Carlisle Indian School from 1879-1918. They also examine sources that contain information about indigenous...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles

Problem Solving in School

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Scholars learn how to be part of the solution to problems high schoolers face. After identifying problems at their school, participants list cues that indicate each problem, note campus resources available to help solve the problem, and...
Lesson Plan
Smithsonian Institution

Re-Segregation of American Schools: Re-Segregation

For Teachers 8th - 11th Standards
Examine the re-segregation of public schools in a thought-provoking resource. Young scholars read articles and primary sources, complete worksheets, and watch a video to explore the idea that desegregation made schools more segregated....
Lesson Plan
Smithsonian Institution

Resistance to School Desegregation: The Boston Busing Crisis

For Teachers 8th - 11th Standards
Despite how it sounds, Boston's busing crisis wasn't a transportation problem. Academics address the problems faced by African Americans following school desegregation and the struggle to receive equal educational opportunities. Scholars...
Lesson Plan
Smithsonian Institution

Separate is Not Equal: Fight for Desegregation

For Teachers 8th - 11th Standards
Separate is not equal! An eye-opening lesson delves into the past to understand the fight for desegregation and how it impacted African American communities. Academics complete two one-hour lessons using documents, photographs, and...
Lesson Plan
Smithsonian Institution

Borders within the United States: Indian Boarding Schools and Assimilation

For Teachers 8th - 11th Standards
Native American Nations ... sovereign entities or removable tribes? A thought-provoking lesson plan explores the relationship between Native American tribes and the United States, including forced assimilation and removal from their...

The School Lunch Program and the Federal Government

For Teachers 6th - 12th
The school lunch program is rooted in the struggles of the Great Depression and is still assisting families today. Academics research documents and images relating to the creation of the school lunch program. Scholars use a worksheet to...
Yale University

inspireED Innovator's Guide

For Students K - Higher Ed
Educators and scholars come together to build a team of go-getters striving for positive change in their school and community. Become an insipreED team with this handy guide designed to get you started. Sixty pages outline the who, what,...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

STAR Deputies

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Scholars become STAR deputies in a lesson that encourages them to be problem-solvers. Small groups gather to complete a worksheet by answering questions. A discussion presents a scenario in which a problem occurs on the playground. Small...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

STAR Deputies, Unite!

For Teachers 2nd Standards
STAR deputies unite! Scholars gather in small groups to solve problems using the STAR method. Pupils read a card that describes a situation that requires problem-solving. They role-play the scenario in front of their peers.
Committee for Children

Class Meeting: Empathy Helps Stop Bullying

For Teachers 1st - 3rd Standards
A lesson instills the importance of how empathy has the ability to aid in stopping bullying behavior. Scholars discuss, in-depth, a series of three questions. Using class input, an anchor chart is made then displayed for reference.
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Other Changes (Life-Changing Events Outside of the Family)

For Teachers K Standards
Change is inevitable. Kindergarteners discuss coping skills to properly manage changes that can occur outside the family.  Scholars reflect on their life changes after starting kindergarten. They discuss their feelings and draw a...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Fly Your Kite

For Teachers 3rd Standards
Encourage scholars to become a productive community member with a kite-themed lesson. Following a review and discussion, learners complete a Venn diagram that displays the connection between character traits needed to make a home and...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

The Many Roles I Play in My Community

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Small groups brainstorm their roles in the community. Then, individually, complete a community roles web worksheet. Peers share their completed product and extend the conversation to include the feelings and character traits that go...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Character Clovers

For Teachers 1st Standards
Build a classroom community with a lesson that uses character clovers to examine scholars' roles. Following a whole-class discussion, participants list four roles they play and accompany it with the character traits that go along with it. 
Radford University

Getting Around Millbrook

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
When is the distance formula not accurate? Referencing a map of the school, pairs determine the walking distance between two locations. Creating coordinates for each location, pupils determine the distance between the two points and...
Lesson Plan

Connecting with Ruby Bridges

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
When Ruby Bridges entered an all-white school in New Orleans in 1960, she also entered history. Scholars consider what the experience must have been like for the young girl using two books that document her experience as well as a double...
Lesson Plan
Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media

Fred Seibel, the Times-Dispatch, and Massive Resistance

For Teachers 4th Standards
A lesson challenges scholars to analyze editorial cartoons created by Fred Seibel, illustrator for the Times-Dispatch, during the Massive Resistance. A class discussion looking at today's editorial pages and Jim Crow Laws leads the way...
Lesson Plan
Alabama Department of Archives and History

The Effect of the Great Depression on Children and Education

For Teachers 4th - 6th
What was it like to be a kid growing up during the Great Depression? Academics study primary sources to analyze the effect of school closures on children during the Great Depression. They then participate in group discussions and writing...
Lesson Plan
Stanford University

Ruby Bridges

For Teachers K - 2nd Standards
A two-part lesson features Civil Rights hero, Ruby Bridges. Part one focuses on the heroic actions of Ruby Bridges then challenges scholars to complete a Venn diagram in order to compare themselves to her. Part two begins with a...
Lesson Plan
California Department of Education

Transitioning to High School

For Teachers 8th Standards
How do scholars prepare to take their next big step? The second in a series of six career and college readiness activities focuses on making a smooth transition from middle to high school. Groups research the resources available at their...
Lesson Plan
California Department of Education

What’s the Plan?

For Teachers 9th Standards
What classes should pupils take to achieve their college and career goals? Explore the options through a lesson designed with the future in mind. Fifth in a series of six college and career readiness lesson plans, the activity challenges...
Fluence Learning

Writing Informative Text: School Days

For Students 5th Standards
A three-part writing assessment challenges scholars to think critically about schools of the past and present. Learners read informative texts, answer questions to prepare for a discussion, research in small groups, complete a Venn...