National Wildlife Federation
Green Green Revolution
School budgets don't have a lot of extra money, so when young scholars propose saving the district money, everyone jumps on board. The first lesson in the series of 21 introduces the concept of an energy audit. Scholars form an...
Department of Education (Ireland)
On My Own Two Feet School Handbook
The "On My Own Two Feet" School Handbook describes a carefully scaffolded, richly detailed substance abuse program designed for middle and high schools. Chapters look at approaches to prevention, suggestions for organizing and...
Nebraska Department of Education
Where I'm From
We are a tapestry woven of the threads of our family and its history, our environment, our ethnicity, and our culture. High school freshmen reflect on how these threads influence their goals for the future. After reading George Ella...
Health Smart Virginia
Caring School Environment Performance Task
In a school scenario, pupils stay home to keep from the teasing and bullying on campus. To combat unkind behavior, small groups survey learners in other grade levels, discuss and summarize their findings, then work together to create a...
Health Smart Virginia
Mental and Emotional Health
The first lesson in a social and emotional health unit is designed to help seventh graders develop the skills they need to cope with disappointment and manage stress. Groups practice stress reduction techniques and share ideas for how to...
Smithsonian Institution
Re-Segregation of American Schools: Re-Segregation
Examine the re-segregation of public schools in a thought-provoking resource. Young scholars read articles and primary sources, complete worksheets, and watch a video to explore the idea that desegregation made schools more segregated....
Smithsonian Institution
Resistance to School Desegregation: The Boston Busing Crisis
Despite how it sounds, Boston's busing crisis wasn't a transportation problem. Academics address the problems faced by African Americans following school desegregation and the struggle to receive equal educational opportunities. Scholars...
Smithsonian Institution
Separate is Not Equal: Fight for Desegregation
Separate is not equal! An eye-opening instructional activity delves into the past to understand the fight for desegregation and how it impacted African American communities. Academics complete two one-hour lessons using documents,...
Nemours KidsHealth
School Lunch: Grades 6-8
School lunches are the focus of two learning activities. Activity one challenges small groups to create a lunch menu for an imaginary cafe. Activity two sheds light on one's afternoon eating habits. Asking scholars to record what they...
The School Lunch Program and the Federal Government
The school lunch program is rooted in the struggles of the Great Depression and is still assisting families today. Academics research documents and images relating to the creation of the school lunch program. Scholars use a worksheet to...
Missouri Department of Elementary
STAR Deputies
Scholars become STAR deputies in a lesson that encourages them to be problem-solvers. Small groups gather to complete a worksheet by answering questions. A discussion presents a scenario in which a problem occurs on the playground. Small...
Missouri Department of Elementary
STAR Deputies, Unite!
STAR deputies unite! Scholars gather in small groups to solve problems using the STAR method. Pupils read a card that describes a situation that requires problem-solving. They role-play the scenario in front of their peers.
Committee for Children
Class Meeting: Empathy Helps Stop Bullying
A lesson instills the importance of how empathy has the ability to aid in stopping bullying behavior. Scholars discuss, in-depth, a series of three questions. Using class input, an anchor chart is made then displayed for reference.
Committee for Children
Create a Positive Classroom Climate and Help Stop Bullying
Encourage kindness and respect with an activity that challenges scholars to create a poster that details three ways to exhibit the desired character traits.
Missouri Department of Elementary
Other Changes (Life-Changing Events Outside of the Family)
Change is inevitable. Kindergarteners discuss coping skills to properly manage changes that can occur outside the family. Scholars reflect on their life changes after starting kindergarten. They discuss their feelings and draw a...
Missouri Department of Elementary
The Many Roles I Play in My Community
Small groups brainstorm their roles in the community. Then, individually, complete a community roles web worksheet. Peers share their completed product and extend the conversation to include the feelings and character traits that go...
Missouri Department of Elementary
Character Clovers
Build a classroom community with a instructional activity that uses character clovers to examine scholars' roles. Following a whole-class discussion, participants list four roles they play and accompany it with the character traits that...
Bully Free Systems
Bully Free Lesson Plans—Second Grade
Two lessons shed light on bullying in hopes to create a bully-free zone in your classroom. The first lesson plan defines bullying and allows scholars to reflect on their behavior. The second lesson plan focuses on choices and...
Bully Free Systems
Bully Free Lesson Plans—Kindergarten
Keep bullying away with the help of two lessons that focus on the golden rule and reporting hurtful behavior. Both lessons incorporate a classroom meeting that encourages an open dialogue about making good choices at school. Finger...
US Institute of Peace
Defining Conflict
Conflict is everywhere—but is it avoidable? The first activity in a series of 15 peacebuilding lessons examines the nature of conflict at home, school, and across the world. Learners develop a definition of conflict through group work...
Flag House
Play Well with Others…Be Active Against Bullying!
Bully-free is the way every school should be! How can you help create that kind of culture in your school? A well-written teacher's guide containing lessons for grades 6-8 may be just the ticket. Each unit, separated by grade level,...
Sports Museum
Boston vs Bullies: Facilitator's Guide
Score a big win for your school's environment with top-notch bullying prevention resources! The downloadable materials feature prominent sports figures from the Boston area talking about their experiences with bullying. Appropriate for...
Overcoming Obstacles
Getting Organized
If you've ever peeked inside a middle schooler's backpack, you know how valuable a instructional activity on organization can be. Help class members organize their binders, study habits, and schedules with a set of collaborative activities.
School Picture Cards
Make the classroom a familiar place with both community and vocabulary! A set of picture cards prompt pupils to identify items typically found in a school or classroom setting.