Unit Plan
Mathematics Vision Project

Module 1: Functions and Their Inverses

For Students 10th - 12th Standards
Undo a function to create a new one. The inverse of a function does just that. An inquiry-based lesson examines the result of reversing the variables of a function, beginning with linear patterns and advancing to quadratic and...
Lesson Plan

UV, Mutations, and DNA Repair

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How effective are cells at repairing UV damage? An inquiry-based lesson has learners experiment with organism by exposing them to various levels of UV light and then examining their DNA after a period of time. Pupils test different...
Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

Investigating the Atmosphere - Air Takes Up Space

For Students 1st - 5th
How do you know there is air? Can you see it, smell it, feel it? To begin the investigation, learners watch a video and discuss what they know about air and the atmosphere. Then, they participate in five different hands-on, inquiry-based...
Lesson Plan
Purdue University

Global Design for the Seasons

For Teachers 5th
People don't all get the same amount of sun at the same time of the year. Collaborative groups explore how the motion of Earth contributes to the idea in an inquiry-based STEM lesson. Learners first investigate how the rotation of Earth...
Lesson Plan
Longwood University

How Can We Help Maintain Our Water Supply? Conserving Water

For Teachers 6th
Make young citizens aware of their environmental impact early. An inquiry-based lesson helps learners analyze their own water usage patterns and understand the effects of their habits. Individuals look at data to spot trends and see how...
Unit Plan
Purdue University

Ashes to Ashes: We All Grow Up

For Teachers K - 5th
Ecosystems are constantly changing whether people notice or not. An inquiry-based lesson examines types of ecosystem changes and how they relate to wildlife conservation. Learners classify changes as succession and disturbance using a...
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

The Periodic Table and Transuranium Elements

For Teachers 9th - 12th
The periodic table has so much more to it than meets the uninformed eye. An inquiry-based lesson leads learners through the history of the discovery of several transuranium elements. They then use informational resources to build a...
American Chemical Society

Diapers: The Inside Story

For Students K - 5th
There shouldn't be any accidents with this activity! An inquiry-based lesson has learners explore the absorption properties of the gel compound in diapers. After testing its properties, they learn the science of the molecules that make...

Cloud Clues

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
It's cloudy with a good chance of learning! An inquiry-based lesson begins with an exploration of transparent, translucent, and opaque materials. Young scientists then connect their learning to the different cloud types as they take the...

No Slip Grip

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
The force will be with you during an inquiry-based lesson focused on friction. Young scientists explore the effect of different surfaces on friction. They use rubber bands to measure the amount of force needed to move an object on the...

Print Hints

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
It would be a crime not to give the lesson a chance! An inquiry-based lesson has pupils assume the role of crime scene investigators as they make observations about shoe prints. They look for patterns in the prints such as distance and...

Make a Planetary Exploration Balloon

For Teachers 3rd - 12th Standards
Balloons aren't just for parties! An inquiry-based lesson explores the idea of using balloons for space exploration. Learners become engineers as they attempt to control the ascent and descent of a helium balloon using different masses.

Measuring Solar Energy During an Eclipse

For Teachers 4th - 7th Standards
Don't leave your classes in the dark! An inquiry-based lesson has young researchers analyze the light intensity before, during, and after a solar eclipse. They use their data to make inferences about the solar energy available during...
GLOBE Program

Observing Visibility and Sky Color

For Teachers K - 12th
What does a beautiful sunset have to do with the atmosphere? An inquiry-based lesson has learners make observations about the visibility and color of the sky during different time periods. They then relate their observations to...
Unit Plan
C3 Teachers

Call for Change: What Did It Take for Women to Be Considered “Equal” to Men in New York?

For Teachers 4th Standards
An inquiry-based lesson challenges fourth graders to examine who had voting rights in New York when it was founded, women's roles, and how they entered politics. Scholars participate in thoughtful discussions and show what they know...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

What Do Maps Show?

For Teachers 6th - 8th
This teaching packet is for grades five through eight, and it is organized around geographic themes: location, place, relationships, movement, and regions. There are four full lessons that are complete with posters, weblinks, and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Habitat Basics

For Teachers 1st
First graders get out and explore two different habitats to examine how each one meets the needs of the plants and animals that dwell there. They discuss what they've learned about animal habitats as they explore the outdoor environment....
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Scientific Methods and Inquiry Skills

For Teachers 5th
Fifth graders conduct a mystery bag experiment and use the scientific method and inquiry skills to solve the mystery. They discuss how to make scientific "guesses," and in small groups use their five senses to try and figure out what...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

View: Visual Inquiry/Experience in Writing

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students discuss the importance of having good observational skills. Using artifacts, they discuss what can and cannot be told about previous cultures. They use their observations to write a paper about the culture and use the internet...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Archaeological Inquiry

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Young scholars describe what they see as they observe an "artifact". They draw conclusions based on the information gathered to identify what the artifact might be used for and determine how old it might be.
Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

History of the Universe

For Students 3rd - 5th
Your pupils may believe that you and their parents are the oldest things in the universe, but surprise! There are elements of the universe that are even older. Elementary scientists create a class timeline to demonstrate the expansive...
US National Archives

Eastern Europe 1939-45 — Ukraine

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Was Joseph Stalin desperate or exaggerating the USSR's need for assistance on the Eastern Front in 1942? History students examine two differing opinions on Stalin's position and the reality of the Eastern Front just three years before...
US National Archives

WWII: Asia 1939-45 – Burma

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Because World War II encompassed most of the globe in one way or another, many pivotal battles and events are not as visible in the history books, leaving veterans of these conflicts feeling overlooked by more famous skirmishes. High...
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Matter Is Made of Tiny Particles

For Students 5th
Believe in the invisible and convince the class that tiny particles exist even if they can't see them! A thorough lesson investigates all phases of matter and provides pupils hands-on experiences that demonstrate that all matter is made...

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