Lesson Plan
Channel Islands Film

The Legendary King

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
After viewing two documentaries about the history of the Channel islands, individuals craft an essay in which they compare the lives of Juana Maria, the Lone Woman San Nicolar Island, to Lester Holt and his family featured in the...
Lesson Plan
Channel Islands Film

Once Upon a Time (Sa Hi Pa Ca): Lesson Plan 3

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
What was the most significant tool used by the Chumash? How did the environment make the tool possible? What group behaviors allowed the Chumash be be successful for thousands of years? After watching West of the West's documentary Once...
Lesson Plan
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation

Moving to the Poems of Angel Island

For Teachers 3rd - 6th Standards
A poem carved on Angel Island's walls is the guiding text of a lesson that challenges scholars to put movement into a written piece of art. After warm up-activities, learners play a game of "Pass the Clap" and "Pass the Line," in which...
Lesson Plan
Channel Islands Film

Telling Your Own Story

For Students 4th - 6th Standards
After watching and discussing a video on the Voyage of Cabrillo, individuals craft their own origin story and design and build an artifact they feel best represents their history.
Lesson Plan
Channel Islands Film

First Contact: Lesson Plan 4 - Grades 5-6

For Students 5th - 6th Standards
After watching Treasure in the Sea, a documentary about Channel Islands National Park and the video First Contact, about the voyage of Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo to the Channel islands, groups research and then compare the experiences of...
Lesson Plan
Channel Islands Film

Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island: Lesson Plan 2

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
After watching West of the West's documentary The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island, class members imagine how Juana Maria/Karana may have felt about living alone on the island for 18 years and craft a blackout poem or a narrative in her...
Lesson Plan
Channel Islands Film

Arlington Springs Man: Lesson Plan 4

For Teachers 5th - 12th Standards
West of the West's documentary Arlington Springs Man introduces viewers to the remarkable finds on Santa Rosa Island. Archaeologist have discovered on this small island that is part of the Channel island chain, human and pygmy mammoth...
Lesson Plan
Channel Islands Film

Magic Isle: Lesson Plan 1

For Teachers 4th - 8th Standards
What are the factors that limit growth and expansion? As part of their study of Catalina Island, class members view the West of the West's documentary Magic Isle and research William Wrigley and the Santa Catalina Island Company. After...
Lesson Plan

Extranjeros and Expansion

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
A three-part lesson gives light to the Unites States expansion from the view of Texans, New Mexicans, and Californians. Through videos and written activities, scholars work collaboratively to research specific individuals and their...
Lesson Plan
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation

The Chinese Exclusion Act

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
As part of a study of Angel Island Immigration Station, young historians examine the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the first restriction on the United States immigration based on race and nationality. They complete a matrix identifying...
Lesson Plan
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation

Conditions in China: Why Might One Leave Home Forever?

For Teachers 4th - 8th Standards
Primary source texts provide scholars with the background information they need to understand why Chinese peasant farmers were driven to emigrate. After underlining keywords, phrases, and/or lines in the texts, individuals craft a...
Lesson Plan
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation

Film Screening: Carved in Silence

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Director Felicia Lowe's film Carved in Silence splices together re-enactments, interviews, and actual film footage to tell Angel Island Immigration Station's story. Viewers use a film matrix to record new information they learned from...
Lesson Plan
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation

Interrogation of Immigrant

For Teachers 4th - 12th Standards
Imagine being interrogated by someone you don't know about minute details of your life. Imagine that the interrogator is matching your responses to the answers of other family members. Imagine how you would feel knowing that the...
Lesson Plan
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation

How Do Pictures Tell the Story of Angel Island?

For Teachers 3rd - 12th Standards
Young historians learn more about the history of Angel Island Immigration Station through their analysis of primary source images. Guided by a list of inferential questions, scholars learn how to make and record observations on a...
Lesson Plan
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation

Making Your Mark: Free Verse Poetry

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Using the insight they have gained into the experiences of detainees at the Angel Island Immigration Station, young poets create their own free verse poems that they feel captures what it may have felt like to be an immigrant interned on...
Lesson Plan
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation

Culminating Writing Project - Reporting on Angel Island

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
The unit study of Angel Island Immigration Station concludes with scholars using information from the previous lessons to craft a news story about the Angel Island program.
Unit Plan
Santa Ana Unified School District

Lord of the Flies Unit

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
How does a society influence and shape individuals? Class members ponder this essential question as they read Lord of the Flies, as well as primary source materials about the historical background of the novel. As a final assessment,...
Lesson Plan
Advocates for Human Rights

Nativism and Myths about Immigrants

For Students 8th - Higher Ed Standards
Where do anti-immigrants myths come from, and how can they be refuted? Learners critically analyze media reports and how to identify reliable sources. After studying a timeline that details the history of US nativism, groups research the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Grapes of Wrath: Problematic Situation

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
To prepare for a reading of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, kids must prioritize a list of items to take with them on a journey to Texas.
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Earthquakes: Second Grade Lesson Plans and Activities

For Teachers 2nd Standards
What causes earthquakes? Second graders learn about stresses from plate movement with a set of hands-on activities. After tracing fault lines on a map with yarn, class members create a paper plate model of Earth to show its layers and...
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

Recipe for an Inaugural Address

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
An inaugural address represents the first moments of a new beginning. Using John F. Kennedy's speech as a model for guided practice, groups examine the ingredients of an inaugural address. Individuals then repeat the analysis process...
Lesson Plan
West Contra Costa Unified School District

Talking About Distance, Rate and Time

For Teachers 7th - 10th
Connect the tortoise and the hare fable to mathematics. Learners first identify key terms related to distance, rate, and time. They then solve distance/rate/time problems using different representations.
Lesson Plan
West Contra Costa Unified School District

Multiplying Binomials and Factoring Trinomials

For Teachers 8th - 10th
Two lessons for the price of one! Learners use algebra tiles to multiply binomials in the first lesson, Next, they use their knowledge from the first lesson to factor trinomials into two binomials.
Lesson Plan
West Contra Costa Unified School District

Simplifying Radicals – Day 1

For Teachers 8th - 10th
It doesn't get simpler than this. Scholars first learn to simplify radicals by determining the prime factors of the radicand. The lesson progresses to simplifying radicals involving algebraic expressions in the radicand.

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