Chemistry with a Conscience
Ann V.
Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
Green chemistry and sustainability are the focus of a unit module that asks young scientists to use the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry to assess how green a product’s chemicals, reactions, or processes are. Class members engage in lab activities, conduct experiments, and collect data to evaluate the environmental impacts of products.
24 Items
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Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
absorption, acids, acids and bases, balancing chemical equations, bases, bias, chemical formulas, chemical properties, chemical reactions, chemicals, compounds, concentration, conductivity, consumer awareness, consumerism, critical thinking, density, elements, environmental hazards, environmental science, ethics, human impact on the environment, hypotheses, life cycles, media bias, mixtures, neutralization, percents, physical properties, product development, renewable resources, solubility, solutions, surface tension, sustainability, sustainable development, the scientific method, waste management, water pollution, non-renewable resources, ph, additives, exothermic reactions, global environment, parts per million, solvents, toxic chemicals, toxicity, water supplies, fractions, decimals, guided inquiry, the green movement
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