More Testimonials

After changing grade levels and not having as many resources, Lesson Planet has helped me be able to supplement my curriculum.

Tracey W.
Amelia, OH
Lesson Planet has helped me expand on the projects that I use in my classroom.

Noel P.
Lesson Planet has helped me find math lessons that are easily incorporated into my classes and are real life based.

Diane B.
Wheatland, WY
Lesson Planet has help me by providing current materials for my students to use.

Marsha T.
Clarksville, TN
Lesson Planet helps me find easy to understand info to support more advanced material.

John S.
Lexington, KY
Lesson Planet has allowed me to be more creative.

Monica D.
Manhattan Beach, CA
The lessons I find are a good addition to the lessons I have.

Elisabeth C.
New Bedford, MA
I am constantly needing worksheets because I teach a variety of age groups and can't always be creative. Lesson Planet has consistently been my savior when I need last minute activities, worksheets, lesson plans, etc.

Remy R.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
I have been able to find lessons and worksheets to help with my life skills students learning subject matter for the State test they have to take.

Kara O.
Columbia, MD
I always enjoy being able to access new material and contribute where possible.

Cindy L.
Sault Ste Marie, ON, Canada
Lesson Planet has helped me a lot!

Chiara V.
Lesson Planet has helped me find a variety of alternative lessons.

Christina V.
Hattiesburg, MS
Lesson Planet has opened up exciting lessons!

Diane K.
Greensboro, NC
Lesson Planet helps me bring new ideas into the classroom.

Gus K.
I am student teaching right now and like most of my classmates, I feel as if my lack of resources is one of my biggest problems! has given me ideas has provided me many activities. As I am learning how to manage every aspect of a classroom, it is wonderful to have the help of all of the teachers on lessonplanet! I hope to be able to contribute as well one day very soon!

Stephenae A.
Stockdale, TX
Lesson Planet has helped me find alternative and creative lesson plans for re-teaching and remediation, as well as worksheets to provide guided practice. I love the brief lesson descriptions, they really save me time when scanning the options.

Sandra A.
Portsmouth, VA
I have been using Lesson Planet on a daily basis. It helps me find some great activities.

Rosie J.
Pompano Beach, FL
In the short time since I have joined I have found many wonderful teaching resources without the headache of surfing the internet for ideas.

Stacy F.
Tullahoma, TN
I teach special education and Lesson Planet helps me to find assignments at my students instructional level.

Jaclyn B.
Chicago, IL
I love the ease with which I can find lessons. I am a special education teacher, so it is great to be able to search for specific topics and find them at any level, for all of my students.

Marilyn L.
Winnebago, IL
Lesson Planet has helped me find many ideas for my own class, I have been able to modify many of the lessons to meet the needs of my students.

Lindsay C.
Lesson Planet helps me develop new ideas that I may not otherwise think of on my own.

Mike C.
Mokena, IL
The lesson plans I have found have been extremely helpful and have saved me so much time. I have already used two or three of the Language Arts lessons and have been impressed by the organization and worksheet availability.

Martha M.
Lubbock, TX
We home school and this resource adds that exciting spice we all need in a learning environment. Lesson Planet is the marshmallow on top the hot chocolate! We purchased memberships to three such sites as Lesson Planet.. Lesson Planet is the only one we will be renewing! Save your money and time... just sign on here and you will love it. Easy to use and track history. Variety and high interest pages.

Barbara R.
Columbus, IN
Lesson Planet has been one of the most valuable resources I've had within my classroom! It has helped me to find additional information and practice work for reteaching skills and being able to present it in various ways.

Angel S.
Louisville, MS
Lesson Planet has given me ideas to use with my students or has served as a springboard for creating my own plans and activities

Kent W.
Box Elder, SD
With several subjects to teach, I don't always have time to plan every single moment of my lesson. Lesson Planet helps me insert variety into my lessons and gives me a chance to check for understanding in multiple ways!

Kate M.
La Mesa, CA
I like that I don't have to 'reinvent the wheel' every time I am working on a new lesson.

Karen G.
Pipersville, PA
Lesson Planet has been nothing short of amazing! Lesson Planet is a part of my weekly lesson planning regimen. I teach my children the importance of collaboration and I think Lesson Planet is an excellent example of how collaboration can help improve ones learning.

Sophie B.
West Palm Beach, FL
Lesson Planet saves me time and helps me find great ideas for differentiation. It has allowed me to keep my lessons fresh and new from year to year. I've shared this website with many fellow teachers!

Diane F.
Batavia, IL

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