More Testimonials

Even after teaching for more than 45 years, I always feel I can learn something new. Lesson Planet shows that this is true. Also, I remember working weekends just compiling, writing and making xerox masters for the next week. With technology and Lesson Planet, I can have my weekends back and still be ready for the next week. Thanks.

Margarett M.
Alachua, FL
It's great.

Brooke H.
Naples, FL
I am finding some amazing lessons.

Elisa K.
Bakersfield, CA
With Lesson Planet I can get quick classroom activities for my students at different levels so no one is bored and everyone is challenged!

Pennock K.
Riverdale, MD
I am a student teacher and Lesson Planet has helped me a LOT with preparing biology lessons!

Amanda F.
I am currently earning my Master of Secondary Ed with a credential. I plan to teach Science in grades 7-12. I have found many great lessons for a number of my assignments. I have been very happy with Lesson Planet.

Christina G.
Los Osos, CA
Lesson planet has helped me a lot. I am a gifted and talented teacher, who was given a group of students but no curriculum. This site has helped me find many great ideas to challenge my high achieving students and design learning activities that meet their needs.

Ashley Y.
Sandusky, OH
As a first year teacher, Lesson Planet is a precious lifeline! I am able to gather ideas and build on the ideas of veteran teachers. Lesson Planet is a huge time saver, especially for a first year teacher who is trying very diligently not to become overwhelmed!

Kristen D.
Houston, TX
After 28 years of teaching English, I signed up to teach grade nine art. My school only has 15 teachers and the students were losing out on opportunities to explore their creativity. Having access to the lessons on Lesson Planet has helped me to cover the curriculum while having fun with all the different ways of teaching the subject. To say this site is a blessing is an understatement!

Donna S.
I am a student teacher. Lesson Planet has been an invaluable resource for creative lesson plans and implementation of standards. Thanks, Lesson Planet!

Valerie T.
Belvidere, NJ
I'm a student and Lesson Planet has helped me a ton.

Christopher D.
Phoenix, AZ
Lesson Planet has reduced the amount of time that it takes to create a daily lesson plan. I can now use the time to differentiate instruction. In addition, I have found new and innovative ways to present the subject matter to my students.

Barbara H.
Windsor Mill, MD
I was struggling to find the perfect thing to teach my students, and Lesson Planet made it so much easier for me. Now I can even be suffering from tiredness and still feel as if I'm putting 100% in.

Kylie L.
Lesson Planet has helped me find great ideas for lessons and activities that I can do with my students. Practice sheets and lab activities have given my students extra opportunities to grasp certain concepts. I love how there are practice sheets and activities for different grade levels. If my students are having trouble grasping DNA, then I can get an activity for 8th or 9th grade instead of 10th-12th.

Samantha B.
Fayetteville, NC
Lesson Planet helped me secure a job.

Jacqueline L.
Woodbridge, VA
I have been able to find excellent practice or review work for my students to use as homework.

Brooke L.
Beaumont, TX
I love Lesson Planet! It has so many good worksheets and ideas, all in one place! It really saves time, and I always find something that is useful.

Darlene F.
New Ulm, MN
Using Lesson Planet, I am able to find new and innovative ideas to use immediately in my classroom.

Julie U.
Mishawaka, IN
Lesson Planet helps me find relevant homework and lab assignments.

Mindy T.
High Point, NC
Lesson Planet helps me fill in the gaps in our curriculum and add lessons that we need more work on.

Christy G.
Canton, GA
With Lesson Planet, I can easily find resources for topics I am teaching right at my fingertips!

Kim M.
Wilmington, NC
Through Lesson Planet, I have been able to find and implement many learning activities that are highly fun and interesting for students. Lesson Planet is a great time saver!

Carolyn M.
Hampton, VA
Lesson Planet allows me to have fresh ideas in planning lessons as well as great worksheets for me to use with my students.

April H.
Jacksonville, AR
I love having access to so many unique worksheets and lesson plan help. I also love the ease of use - I can find anything I need with just a few clicks of the mouse!!! I love this site!!!

Margaret S.
Woodbridge, VA
Lesson Planet helps me in finding ideas for lessons, worksheets on every level to help me meet the needs of my special education students. I love it!!

Kimberly R.
Dobbs Ferry, NY
As a home-schooling parent, I cannot emphasis just how great Lesson Planet is! The lessons cater to everyone from my youngest child to my high-schoolers. I get plenty of great ideas and inspiration here - no excuse to have a mental block concerning what to teach or how to teach it ever again!

Sarah W.
Atascadero, CA
Lesson Planet has helped me greatly this year. I was put in a class without any materials and told to teach it. Using Lesson Planet has given me ideas that have helped to make my class more interesting for students.

Laurie K.
Cedar Springs, MI
On Lesson Planet, I find many valuable resources aligned with state standards as well as my curriculum.

Jeffrey R.
Bronx, NY
I am able to collect many different ideas on how to teach a subject or idea outside of what's in the book. My kids love that they can get away from the usual book - book - test routine when I grab a lesson off here.

Rachel P.
Hayes Center, NE
Fast and easy.

Kenna E.
San Antonio, TX

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