Lesson Plan
Peace Corps

Introducing Culture

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Growing up within a culture leaves a lot of ideas and values unspoken. Take a closer look at the cultures in which your learners live with a discussion activity that addresses cultural identity and traits of those living within the...
Lesson Plan
Channel Islands Film

Natural Resources, and Human Uses of Plants and Animals

For Teachers 4th - 8th Standards
As part of their study of the restoration projects on Santa Cruz Island, class members demonstrate their understanding of the connections among plant life, animals, and the actions of humans by crafting a model that reveals these...
Teaching Tolerance

Oral History Project

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
Get up-close-and-personal with history using guidance for an oral history project. An engaging resource takes pupils through brainstorming through feedback for a project to interview and collect oral histories from members of their...
Lesson Plan
Advocates for Youth

What Are My Personal, Family and Community Values

For Students 7th - 12th
What are your values? Where did you learn them? How are they reflected in your everyday life? Middle and high schoolers reflect on their personal and community values with a variety of group activities.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Real-Life History: Looking at Our Community

For Teachers 4th - 5th
Spend several days with your class exploring local history. Learners brainstorm and categorize sources of historical information as primary or secondary; collect and present artifacts from family/community; construct a definition of...
Curated OER

Being Involved in My Community

For Teachers 2nd
Discuss community jobs with this handy resource. While just a simple exploration of jobs people do in the community, this presentation could be used as a way to talk about a variety of issues. Learners can make a list of jobs, discuss...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Putting It All Together: The Personal Plan of Study (Part 3)

For Teachers 8th
Eighth graders discuss the culminating activity to a unit in which they determine how they will present their "Design for My Future" and "My Personal Plan of Study." They pull together all of their work from the unit before writing a...
Unit Plan
University of Kansas

Newspaper in the Classroom

For Teachers 1st - 12th
Newspapers aren't only for reading—they're for learning skills, too! A journalism unit provides three lessons each for primary, intermediate, and secondary grades. Lessons include objectives, materials, vocabulary, and procedure, and...
Lesson Plan
Dream of a Nation

Creating Awareness through Action Oriented Writing and Research

For Teachers 8th Standards
Middle schoolers aren't too young to feel strongly about politics, social issues, consumer rights, or environmental problems. Demonstrate the first steps toward social change with a project about action-oriented writing. Eighth graders...
Lesson Plan
Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary

Benjamin Franklin’s Community Contributions

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Young scholars research Benjamin Franklin's community contributions. In this social studies lesson plan, students create a collage showing things they can do to improve their communities.
Lesson Plan
Indian Land Tenure Foundation

A Leadership Chart

For Teachers K - 2nd
It's important for children to understand how they fit into their local or social community. They discuss leadership and who exemplifies a leader in their family, community, and school. Each child will create a quilt square by...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Exploration of Career Options in Community, and International-Development Work

For Teachers 11th - 12th
View the video "Global Citizens: Canadians Reaching out to the World" with high schoolers. They will use the internet to locate stories about activism (link provided) and write a summary of each. Additionally they will research careers...
Lesson Plan
Stanford University

Voices of the Struggle: The Continual Struggle for Equality

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
As part of a study of the Civil Rights Movement from 1868 to the present, class members examine first person narratives, the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education, and other significant events in civil rights history. They then...
Lesson Plan
Facing History and Ourselves

Protesting Discrimination in Bristol

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Using the Bristol Bus Boycott as a case study, class members examine the strategies and levels of power protesters used to effect change. The two-day instructional activity concludes with individuals reflecting on the actions they might...
Lesson Plan

Students, Engage!

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Discuss as a class some problems that you would like to see changed in your school or community, and then take action! After your young citizens determine the appropriate steps they should take to accomplish their objectives, they will...
Giraffe Heroes Project

It’s Up to Us

For Teachers 6th - 12th
The Giraffe Heroes Program is designed for teens willing to stick their necks out to make a difference, and to create community service projects that tackle real world problems. The resource guides teens to choose an issue, design a...
Lesson Plan
Learning to Give

Create a Volunteer Spirit

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
Motivate young citizens to make a positive difference through volunteering. Scholars examine the local and school community to discover ways the class, as a whole, can volunteer their time to help one or the other, then reflect on their...
Lesson Plan
Learning for Justice

Change Agents in Our Own Lives

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
Everyone has the power to change their own lives. Young historians learn how they can become agents for change in their own lives and the community. The lesson focuses on positive role models and what motivates individuals to promote...
Teaching Tolerance

Picture Books

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Aspiring artists and budding writers combine their skills in an interactive lesson. Young scholars become authors when they create their own picture books focused on social justice. The resource guides learners through the writing and...
Lesson Plan

Step One: We've Got Issues

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
What is the most pressing issue in your community? The resource helps you and your middle schoolers begin the process of doing something about it! Learners compare and contrast two pressing issues in their local counties by reading two...
Lesson Plan
Facing History and Ourselves

Responding to Difference

For Teachers 6th - 12th
James Berry's poem, "What Do We Do With a Difference?" launches a lesson that asks class members to consider the ways people respond when they encounter someone different from themselves. After analyzing the poem and discussing how they...
Teaching Tolerance

Persuasive Letters

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
Sharpen persuasive writing skills while trying to solve a community problem. Learners choose a burning topic and then write letters to persuade others to come around to their views. The provided procedures walk through how to guide the...
Unit Plan
Open Society Institute - Baltimore

Restorative Practices Lesson Plan Guide

For Teachers K - 12th
Looking for resources that use restorative practices to build a positive school community? Then check out this 92-page lesson plan guide that provides background information on restorative practices, suggestions for how to implement a...
Lesson Plan
Facing History and Ourselves

Reflection and Action for Civic Participation

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Slacktivist or activist? Bystander or upstander? Positive social change requires involvement and commitment. After reading a series of articles about young people who chose to get involved, scholars examine a framework that helps peers...

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