Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Distinguished Discoveries: Florida quarter reverse

For Teachers 4th - 5th
Florida's state quarter has an image of a space shuttle and a Spanish Galleon on its reverse side. Pupils will examine the state quarter and think about how the Spanish explorers and Space explorers are the same and different. The class...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

Heat and Thermal Energy Transfer

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How does radiation affect our daily lives? Answer that question and others with a lesson that discusses radiation and its use in thermal energy transfer through electromagnetic waves. Pupils investigate vaporization and evaporation while...
Lesson Plan
Austin Independent School District

Forearm Pass/Setting

For Teachers 6th - 10th Standards
Here is a beautifully designed volleyball lesson plan on the forearm pass/bump and overhead pass/set. It includes a detailed multimedia presentation and set of instructional guidelines, skill cues, and lists of strategies for...
AP Test Prep
College Board

2016 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions

For Students 10th - 12th
Using the common errors and test taker responses, it's easy for teachers to see where to pinpoint instruction throughout the AP Calculus course. Pupils, using the released items, develop an understanding of how future exams assess the...
Lesson Plan

Continued Close Reading of Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle: Text-Dependent Questions and Vivid Words and Phrases

For Teachers 3rd Standards
As 3rd graders continue reading Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle, they focus on the concepts of predator and prey in the fifth lesson plan of this unit. Scholars further develop their ability to answer questions using evidence from the text...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Square Counting Shortcut

For Teachers 2nd - 4th Standards
An excellent lesson that encourages learners to discover how complex figures can be broken into simpler shapes when measuring area. Working with block letters, learners are given the freedom to develop their own strategies for...
AP Test Prep15:40
Flipped Math

Calculus AB/BC - Derivative Rules: Constant, Sum, Difference, and ​Constant Multiple

For Students 10th - 12th
Use derivatives to find equations of lines. Pupils learn more rules to use as shortcuts to find derivatives. Using the rules, they find the equations of the tangent line and the normal line at a given point. Scholars then apply the new...
Lesson Plan

Summarizing and Synthesizing: Planning for Writing an Apprentice Wanted Ad

For Teachers 4th Standards
In instructional activity 13 of this unit on colonial trade, young researchers learn about apprentices as they prepare to write help-wanted ads for the specific trade they have been researching. To begin, the class listens closely as the...
Lesson Plan

Reading and Taking Notes on Colonial Trades

For Teachers 4th Standards
In the tenth instructional activity of this unit, young scholars learn to categorize information as they continue researching their colonial trade. During guided practice, the teacher models how to read informational text slowly while...
Lesson Plan

Science Talk: How do Bullfrogs Survive

For Teachers 3rd Standards
Following the reading of the book Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle, the ninth lesson in this unit involves emerging experts in a science talk about how bullfrogs survive. Looking back through the text, young scholars prepare for the...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit Assessment: Close Reading of Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle: Bullfrog Life Cycle

For Teachers 3rd Standards
The sixth lesson plan in this Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle unit assesses your third graders' ability to read and understand informational text. The included assessment asks learners to take notes about the main idea and supporting details...
Lesson Plan

Close Reading of Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle: Main Ideas about the Bullfrog

For Teachers 3rd Standards
As your class reaches the end of the book Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle, the seventh lesson in this literary unit helps third graders transition from reading narrative to expository writing. Scholars develop their note-taking skills as...
Lesson Plan

Close Reading of Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle: Text-Dependent Questions, Main Ideas, and Key Vocabulary about the Bullfrog

For Teachers 3rd Standards
As your 3rd grade class finishes reading Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle, the eighth lesson plan of this unit helps readers from an understanding of the very specific information on the final page of the book. As with the entire unit,...
Lesson Plan
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Using Our Senses to Observe

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Look around and explore. Little ones use their five senses with some day-to-day activities designed to guide observation and apply STEM strategies. Young scientists learn through comparing/contrasting and observing with magnifiers as...
Lesson Plan
For the Teachers

$1 Math

For Teachers 2nd - 7th Standards
Captivate your class by having them find the value of their names, different zoo animals, musical instruments, etc.,with a mental math lesson. Using the coding formula listed, children learn to fluently estimate and calculate simple sums.
Lesson Plan
Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Classroom Activities: Stem Cells and Diabetes

For Teachers 9th - Higher Ed
A multi-faceted lesson immerses AP biologists into the world of the stem cell. Using PowerPoint presentations, you introduce your class to diabetes and the possibility of finding cures through stem cell research. Online animations and...
Smithsonian Institution

Engaging Students with Primary Source

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
Young historians learn how to analyze various forms of primary source documents. The colorful packet is packed with all you need to engage kids in this essential skill.
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education


For Teachers 9th - 12th
Germs, parasites, and viruses, oh my! Facilitate a instructional activity on viruses as individuals explore functions of Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. They learn how viruses compare with other organisms in nature and how they...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

Freshwater Food Chains

For Teachers 9th - 12th
What's in the water? Encourage your class to further explore this question and learn about pond ecosystems, food chains, and food webs as they complete this hands-on activity. They view the environment from a new perspective after...
Unit Plan

Insects: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
What would the world be like with no insects? Ponder this question using a research-based STEM unit that encourages scholars to investigate insects from both a beneficial and hazardous perspective. They learn about insect behaviors,...
Lesson Plan

Discriminating Phonemes

For Teachers K - 2nd Standards
Develop the fluency of beginning readers one sound at a time with this phonemic awareness instructional activity. Through a series of whole-class instruction, independent practice, and collaborative learning activities, children practice...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Kids' Kompany

For Teachers K - 2nd
Students explore philanthropy. In this service learning instructional activity, students determine ways to earn money and consider how to use money for the common good.
Lesson Plan
Project Maths

Introduction to Calculus

For Teachers 10th - Higher Ed Standards
Don't let your class's heart rates rise as you introduce them to differentiation ... an inquiry-based lesson helps them keep it in check! The second lesson in a three-part series asks learners to analyze the rate of change of different...
Rice University

Calculus Volume 2

For Students 11th - Higher Ed
Delve into the middle of calculus. The resource is the second eBook of three that covers the complete calculus content. Seven chapters begin with integrals and different methods of integration before moving on to differential equations....

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