Noyce Foundation

Pizza Crusts

For Teachers 6th Standards
Enough stuffed crust to go around. Pupils calculate the area and perimeter of a variety of pizza shapes, including rectangular and circular. Individuals design rectangular pizzas with a given area to maximize the amount of crust and do...
Inside Mathematics


For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Population density, it is not all that it is plotted to be. Pupils analyze a scatter plot of population versus area for some of the states in the US. The class members respond to eight questions about the graph, specific points and...
Inside Mathematics

House Prices

For Teachers 8th Standards
Mortgages, payments, and wages correlate with each other. The short assessment presents scatter plots for young mathematicians to interpret. Class members interpret the scatter plots of price versus payment and wage versus payment for...
Inside Mathematics


For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Strive to think outside of the quadrilateral parallelogram. Worksheet includes two problems applying prior knowledge of area and perimeter to parallelograms and trapezoids. The focus is on finding and utilizing the proper formula and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Delivery Trucks

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Written to assess students' knowledge of interpreting expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its context, this machine-scored task also allows for a good discussion about units guiding the problem solving and solution.
Ohio Literacy Resource Center

Converting Units of Measure

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
Follow six steps to implement this series of metric worksheets. Here, mathematicians exhibit their knowledge of problem solving, while converting units of measurement and label their answers with the applicable unit name.
Lesson Plan
University of Nottingham

Modeling Conditional Probabilities: 2

For Teachers 10th - 12th Standards
Bring the concept of conditional probability alive by allowing your classes to explore different probability scenarios. Many tasks have multiple solutions that encourage students to continue exploring their problems even after a solution...
California Education Partners


For Students 7th Standards
Why do all sizes of pictures not show the same thing? Class members analyze aspect ratios of various sizes of photos. They determine which sizes have equivalent ratios and figure out why some pictures need to be cropped to fit particular...
California Education Partners

Speedy Texting

For Students 7th Standards
Model the effects of practice on texting speed. Pupils develop a linear equation that models the change in texting speed based on the amount of practice. The sixth performance task in an eight-part series requires learners to solve and...
California Education Partners

Colorful Data

For Students 3rd Standards
Scale up your lessons with a performance task. Young data analysts work through an assessment task on scaled bar graphs. They answer questions about a given scaled bar graph on favorite colors, analyze a bar graph to see if it matches...
Lesson Plan
Maine Content Literacy Project

Introduction to Ernest Hemingway

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
What is a white elephant, and what does it have to do with Ernest Hemingway? Study "Hills Like White Elephants" in-depth by following the procedures outlined in this lesson, the fifth in a series of fourteen. Learners start the day with...
Unit Plan
National Security Agency

Line Graphs: Gone Graphing

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Practice graphing and interpreting data on line graphs with 36 pages of math activities. With rationale, worksheets, and assessment suggestions, the resource is a great addition to any graphing unit.
Lesson Plan
Media Smarts

Making Media for Democratic Citizenship

For Teachers 11th - 12th
Pupils analyze global issues. In this video podcasting lesson plan, pupils research Internet and print sources regarding selected global development issues. Pupils plan and create video podcasts that feature their research findings.

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