Lesson Plan

Pilgrim and Wampanoag Daily Life

For Teachers Pre-K - 2nd Standards
A lesson looks at the Pilgrims and Wampanoag tribe during the first Thanksgiving. Scholars compare and contrast information presented by an online activity then discuss their findings. Learners examine the two group's daily routines and...
Lesson Plan
Channel Islands Film

Once Upon A Time (Saxipak’a): Lesson Plan 1

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
As part of a study of the history of the Chumash on California's Channel Island chain, class members view the documentary Once Upon a Time, respond to discussion questions, and create a timeline for the different waves of migration.

Unions Today

For Teachers 6th - 10th Standards
Three scenarios that examine the role of unions in the fast-food industry and pro sports are used to launch a discussion of present-day union influence.
Lesson Plan
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Case Study: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic – Factors Beyond the Biological that Influence the Spread of Disease

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
A very timely lesson looks at the social and political factors that affect the spread of disease. Using the 1918 Influenza Pandemic as a case study, pupils research factors that influenced the spread of the disease, including the role of...

Study Jams! Changes in Ecosystems

For Students 5th - 9th Standards
Our scholarly friends head to the lake to go fishing and are unpleasantly surprised by the algae filling the water. They talk about primary and secondary succession as different ways that ecosystems are changed. Show the short video,...

Study Jams! The Universe

For Students 4th - 8th
Take your kids on a trip through the universe as they explore galaxies, solar systems, stars, and more. Watch the short video, then have learners show their knowledge with the included quiz. Supplement the video by having teams build a...
Lesson Plan
Carolina K-12

Comparing Slave Trades: A Study of the Transatlantic and Trans-Saharan Slave Trades

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
While most people are familiar with the transatlantic slave trade, there is less knowledge of another major external African slave trade in world history: the trans-Saharan slave trade. Pupils work in groups to read informational texts...
Study Guide
Curated OER

Study Guide for Where the Red Fern Grows

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
One of the best fourth grade books of all time is Where the Red Fern Grows. Provide your class with interesting background on the book and the author as well as worksheets for every five chapters of the novel. The first part of the guide...
Lesson Plan
Maryland Department of Education

The Concept of Diversity in World Literature Lesson 3: Igbo Culture

For Teachers 10th - 11th Standards
What cultural concepts must readers understand in order to connect to Things Fall Apart? As part of their study of Chinua Achebe’s novel, class members research Nigeria and the Igbo culture to create a collaborative, web-based, annotated...
Lesson Plan
Museum of Tolerance

Why is This True?

For Teachers 7th Standards
Are wages based on race? On gender? Class members research wages for workers according to race and gender, create graphs and charts of their data, and compute differences by percentages. They then share their findings with adults and...
Unit Plan
Kenan Fellows

Unit 1: Introduction to Pharmacology

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Learn about the study of medications, including those found in nature and those made synthetically. The first of four lessons in a series on pharmacology includes lectures, hands-on experiments, research, and more.
Lesson Plan
Museum of Tolerance

Citizenship Then and Now: Comparing Ancient Rome and Contemporary American Society

For Teachers 6th Standards
Class members research citizenship in Ancient Rome and in the United States and use the provided graphic organizers to compare the rights and responsibilities of citizens in these two democracies.
Lesson Plan
Speak Truth to Power

Elie Wiesel: Speaking Truth to Genocide to Power

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Invite your learners to discover the efforts of Night author Elie Wiesel to promote awareness of genocide in the world. After watching and reading an interview of Elie Wiesel, high schoolers work to create a living Holocaust museum by...
Lesson Plan
Museum of Tolerance

The Role of Citizens in a Participatory Democracy

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Groups research participatory democracies and compare the role and rights of citizens in ancient history with those in recent U.S. history. Guided by a series of questions, individuals compose a persuasive essay in which they discuss the...
Lesson Plan
Texas Education Agency (TEA)

Business Project

For Teachers 12th Standards
Where's the data? After choosing from a list of business topics, scholars embark on a research project. They develop a strong thesis statement, follow MLA formatting requirements, select sources, and write a five-paragraph research essay. 
Lesson Plan
Library of Congress

Investigating the Building Blocks of Our Community’s Past, Present, and Future

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
As Ken Jennings said, "There's just something hypnotic about maps." Certainly, the longer you look at them the more you can learn. In this project-based learning lesson, individuals study both historic and present-day maps of their area...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 3, Unit 3, Lesson 1

For Teachers 9th Standards
The opening exercise in this instructional unit introduces class members to the writing process they will follow to craft an informative, expository research paper that addresses their research question. To begin, writers are asked to...
Lesson Plan
University of California

The Civil War: Effects of the Civil War

For Students 7th Standards
Imagine being on the front line of the Civil War —from the front porch of your own house. Scholars use visual evidence from primary and secondary sources to analyze the impact of the Civil War on all Americans. They examine the research...
Lesson Plan

Presidential Debate Analysis

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
The modern presidency is defined by the development of television—including the use of televised debates in the campaign. Using debates going back to the first one between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, young scholars evaluate...
Lesson Plan
Advocates for Human Rights

Civic Engagement and U.S. Immigration Policy

For Students 8th - Higher Ed Standards
To conclude their study of immigration and human rights, class members create a civic engagement project centered on an issue of immigration and designed to influence US immigration policy. They examine examples of attempts to influence...
Lesson Plan
Encyclopedia Britannica

Electoral College Philosophical Chairs Debate

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Because of the Electoral College, it is possible to win the popular vote in a US Presidential election and still lose the election. After researching the pros and cons of the Electoral College, class members engage in a structured debate...
Lesson Plan

Persuasive Essay: Environmental Issues

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Young environmentalists learn how to craft a persuasive essay about an environmental issue they consider important. After studying the components of a persuasive essay and examining a student model, writers brainstorm possible topics and...
Lesson Plan
American Heart Association

Meet the Calorie

For Teachers 6th - 10th Standards
What is a calorie and how does it work? How many calories do we consume in a typical day, and how many do our cells need to function well? Your learners will answer these questions and more using a worksheet, which includes informational...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 3, Unit 1, Lesson 5

For Teachers 9th Standards
Ninth graders study the study of animals in an informational text lesson plan that focuses on analyzing text structure. As learners continue reading the first chapter of Temple Grandin's Animals in Translation, they form inquiries and...

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