Lesson Plan
Maryland Department of Education

The Concept of Identity Lesson 7: Logical Fallacies

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
What are the effects of competition in an academic environment? The competition between the main characters in A Separate Peace motivates a series of activities that asks readers to take a stance on competition, and then to develop a...
Lesson Plan
Maryland Department of Education

The Concept of Identity Lesson 8: Propaganda in Visual Media

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Visual and print propaganda are featured in a lesson that asks readers of A Separate Peace to examine the techniques used in propaganda from World War I, World War II, presidential elections, and in the novel.
Lesson Plan
Maryland Department of Education

The Concept of Identity Lesson 3: The Archetypal Approach to Literary Criticism

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
As class members continue their study of approaches to literary criticism, readers examine the symbolism and archetypal patterns in John Knowles' A Separate Peace, and how these parallels are used to develop a theme in the story.
Lesson Plan
Maryland Department of Education

The Concept of Identity Lesson 4: The Psychological Approach

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Readers apply Sigmund Freud's theories of the unconscious mind and the psychological approach to literary criticism to analyze and evaluate the relationship between two characters in A Separate Peace.
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Volcanoes: Second Grade Lesson Plans and Activities

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Young geologists explore volcanoes with a series of engaging geology activities. First, they learn the difference between magma and lava before coloring and labeling the parts of a volcano. During the lab, individuals watch a...
Lesson Plan
Maryland Department of Education

The Concept of Diversity in World Literature Lesson 7: Cultural Commentary

For Teachers 10th - 11th Standards
As part of their study of Things Fall Apart, class groups develop a multimedia presentation in response to the question, "In what ways does Achebe use literature as a means to express and comment on culture and history?"
Lesson Plan
Maryland Department of Education

The Concept of Diversity in World Literature Lesson 4: Proverbs

For Teachers 10th - 11th Standards
"Eneke the bird says since men have learnt to shoot without missing, he has learnt to fly without perching." As part of their study of Things Fall Apart, class members read Paul Hernadi and Francis Steen's essay, "The Tropical Landscapes...
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Plate Tectonics: Third Grade Lesson Plans and Activities

For Teachers 3rd Standards
Third graders examine plate movements and boundaries with a lab that demonstrates how volcanoes and earthquakes are formed. It presents different types of stresses an object can withstand through a hands-on experiment with clay to...
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society

Molecules Matter

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Did you know that jumping spiders sometimes wear water droplets as hats? A seventh grade science lesson introduces the concept of what makes up water: tiny molecules that are attracted to each other. Starting with a chemistry discussion,...

The Chemical Context of Life

For Teachers 9th - 12th
An educational presentation includes atoms, molecules, the four major elements, as well as neutrons and protons. Additionally, slides focus on atomic number, mass number, atomic weight, polar and nonpolar covalent bonding, ionic bonds,...

Wildwood Dancing: Questions using Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking Process

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Readers respond to a series of questions focused onJuliet Marillier's young adult novel Wildwood Dancing, and crafted to reflect the levels in Bloom's Taxonomy.
Lesson Plan
West Contra Costa Unified School District

Graphing Piecewise Functions

For Teachers 8th - 10th Standards
Step up to learn about step functions. The lesson, designed for high schoolers, first covers piecewise functions and how to draw their graphs. It then introduces step functions, including the greatest integer (floor) and ceiling functions.
Lesson Plan
Teach Engineering

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

For Teachers 7th - 9th
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is one of several garbage patches around the world where garbage accumulates naturally. As part of a GIS unit that combines oceanography, environmental science, and life science, class members investigate...
Urbana School District


For Students 11th - Higher Ed
You matter, unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light ... then you energy. Presentation covers the behavior of light as both a wave and a particle, light versus sound, space travel, why objects have colors, depth perception,...
Lesson Plan
Newspaper in Education

The Iliad: A Young Reader Adventure

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Is The Iliad part of your curriculum? Check out a resource that offers something for those new to teaching the classic and those with lots of experience using Homer's epic. Plot summaries, discussion questions, activities abound in this...
Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

Sedimentary Rocks

For Teachers 6th Standards
Turn your class discussion of rock formation from ho-hum to holy hornfels! Junior geologists gain experience in identifying rock types and rock origins, with an emphasis in hypothesizing the environment needed to form certain rocks. The...
Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

What’s Up with Matter?

For Teachers 6th Standards
Take a "conservative" approach to planning your next unit on mass and matter! What better way to answer "But where did the gas go?" than with a lab designed to promote good report writing, research skills, and detailed observation. The...
Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

It's the Heat and the Pressure?

For Teachers 6th Standards
Ready for a change? Give a comprehensive collection of metamorphic materials a try! With the assortment of printables and lab activities, you won't be under pressure to keep things lively. The unit culminates by having pupils complete an...
Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

What is Up Th-air? — Atmosphere

For Teachers 7th Standards
Air, air, everywhere, but what's in it, and what makes Earth's air so unique and special? Journey through the layers above us to uncover our atmosphere's composition and how it works to make life possible below. Pupils conduct research...
Lesson Plan
Cornell University

Bridge Building

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Bridge the gaps in your knowledge of bridges. Individuals learn about bridge types by building models. The activity introduces beam bridges, arch bridges, truss bridges, and suspension bridges.
Vanier College

Analyzing Short Stories/Novels

For Students 9th - 12th
Good questions can help focus readers' attention on the elements writers use to add depth to their stories. The questions on this worksheet do just that and encourage readers to think critically about a story and author's purpose.

Broadway and The American Dream

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Considering a unit study of American Musical Theatre? What better way to start than at the very beginning. Eight pairs of cards provide class members with background information about the genre from 1893 through 2004. The cards are...
Lesson Plan
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education


For Teachers 9th - 12th
Lettuce talk for a moment about your culinary scholars; do they have what it takes to create a great salad? Show them the finer points of salad preparation with a career and technology lesson that combines direct instruction, creativity,...
Kansas Music Educators Association

Games for the Elementary Music Classroom

For Teachers K - 6th
Perfect for music specialists, classroom teachers, and substitutes, a packet of 18 games includes complete lessons as well as short activities for when you have some extra time at the end of class.

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