Vermont Student Assistance Corporation

College Admissions Toolkit: College Planning Tools and Resources

For Students 10th - 12th
Everything scholars need to know about the college search process is included in a 15-page College Admissions Toolkit. Scholars begin their search by considering the type of post-secondary program they want, what they want to learn, and...
Lesson Plan
Towson University

Looking Into Lactase: Guided Inquiry

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Milk does a body good ... unless, of course, someone is lactose intolerant. Pupils play the role of pharmaceutical scientists in a guided inquiry lab about lactase. Lab groups collaborate to learn more about lactose intolerance, how...
Lesson Plan
Towson University

Berries...With a Side of DNA? (High School)

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Is DNA still present after picking fruit or cooking vegetables? Biology scholars extract and collect DNA strands in an impactful lab. Working groups prepare their samples and compare their results to negative and positive standard...
Lesson Plan
Towson University

Mystery Disease

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
How did scientists determine the cause of illness before technology? Science scholars play the role of medical researcher in an engaging guided inquiry activity. Using observations, technical reading, and Punnett squares, learners...
Lesson Plan
Towson University

Mystery of the Crooked Cell

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Can your class solve the Mystery of the Crooked Cell? Junior geneticists collaborate to learn about sickle cell anemia in a fascinating lesson plan. The included materials help them to examine the genetic factors behind the disease...
Lesson Plan
Deliberating in a Democracy

Cyberbullying—Alternate Lesson Plan

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Should schools be permitted to punish young scholars for off-campus cyberbullying? After reading a passage that details statistics about cyberbullying and Supreme Court rulings about schools' ability to limit student speech,...
Conneticut Department of Education

Instructional Strategies That Facilitate Learning Across Content Areas

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Imagine 28 instructional strategies, appropriate for all subject areas and all grade levels. Directed Reading-Thinking Activities (DRTA), Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) activities, KWL charts, comparison matrixes, classification...
Lesson Plan
Street Law

The Challenge of Selecting an Ideal Supreme Court Nominee

For Students 10th - 12th Standards
Nearly every president has had the opportunity to name a nominee to the United States Supreme Court. But what makes someone an ideal candidate to become a Supreme Court justice? High schoolers test their prior knowledge about the...

2016 Electoral College Map

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
The electoral college can be confusing for citizens of any age. Clear up misconceptions with a handy printable map that details how many electoral votes are allotted to each state, as well as a history of modern elections, complete with...
Del Mar College

The Laws of Logs

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Two students were sitting on a log and decided they wanted to be awesome at math. Bring in the logarithm handout! The first page introduces the idea of a logarithm and the different operations and rules it entails. The second page...
Del Mar College

Solving Systems of Equations

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
Lets keep the system working and show learners the three ways to solve linear systems of equations. Each method includes step-by-step instructions to work their way through the problem. The same problem is used for each method to show...
Del Mar College

Exponential and Radical Rules

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
So many rules and so little time. Make it easy and provide all the exponent and radical rules in one place as an easy reference guide. All of the properties come with several examples to show how the rules apply to different problems. 
Del Mar College

Finding the Domain

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Domain to a math teacher makes perfect sense, but it can seem like gibberish to high schoolers. As it is laid out in clear terms, domain is introduced and explained among all types of functions throughout the handout. The first three...
Del Mar College

Quick Reference Card

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
A neat and organized formula handout makes the circle go round, doesn't it? Full of higher algebra topics, formulas and rules, graphs and definitions—there is a way to support everyone in Algebra II or Pre-Calculus. 
Del Mar College

All About Lines

For Students 7th - 10th Standards
This resource should be called "All About Lines, and Then Some!". Packed full of all the key components of linear functions, learners review how to set up different equations, find intercepts, and graph. All the main topics are included...
University of California

Student Workbook: Algebra and Functions

For Students 6th - 10th Standards
A smorgasbord of functions, this packet has the basics required for your learners to be successful in the land of early algebra. The packet includes solving equations, graphing, evaluating, simplifying and basically everything else...
University of California

Student Workbook: Algebra I

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
Need a helping hand in Algebra I? How about a giant, super-sized worksheet packet? Here is a resource that has worksheets for virtually every concept with some accompanying examples. 
Curated OER

Series Review Sheet

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Save an infinite amount of time and enjoy this pre-made series formula guide. Arithmetic and geometric formulas are all included as well as Pascal's Triangle and examples of how the Binomial Theorem expands. 
Curated OER

Finance Formulas Review Sheet

For Students 9th - 12th
Keep your finances straight—more like finance formulas straight—with a well-organized formula guide full of everything you need. Starting with simple interest and ending with future and present value, this sheet can be...
Mt. San Antonio Collage

Exponential Growth and Decay

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Start with the basics and move up the exponential ladder to master a variety of problem-solving and application problems. The problems are heavy on exponential growth and decay, compound interest, and natural log.  
Curated OER

Trigonometry Review Sheet

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Get the trig facts fast, and use the review sheet as a guide in the classroom. The worksheet also includes a document version if any changes are needed to the problems. The information includes a small degree/radian chart, a graph of all...
Curated OER

Pre-Calculus Review Sheet

For Students 10th - 12th Standards
Pre-Calculus has some detailed formulas involved and here is a great resource that lumps then all together for you. Broken up into rectangular, polar, and parametric sections, the conics all include formulas and graphs. 
Curated OER

Parent Functions Review Sheet

For Students 9th - Higher Ed Standards
No laundry or cooking dinner here: these parent functions are all about math. Every graph you could think of from basic linear functions to the hyperbolic arccotangent function are included. With 40 parent functions, the worksheet...
Mt. San Antonio Collage

Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Starting with the basics, learners discover the features of a parabola and the ways to accurately graph it. After pupils practice with graphing, the end of the worksheet focuses on application type problems.