Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Survival of the Fittest - Variations in the Clam Species Clamys sweetus
It's not often that you come across a clever laboratory activity that is both imaginative and comprehensive! Using M&M's and Reese's peanut butter candies to represent two different clam species, young biologists test for "relative...
Lesson: Guilt-Free Chocolate
Experiment with chocolate coating on cookies! What a delightful way to learn about food processing and chemical engineering. Throughout this activity, groups collect measurements and make calculations. They conclude by writing...
American Statistical Association
A Tale of One City and Two Lead Measurements
Lead the way in learning about lead contamination. Pupils first read several articles about the Flint water crisis and the EPA's rules for lead concentration. They use provided data from 71 Flint water wells to compute the 90th...
Flipped Math
Unit 4 Review: One Variable Statistics
It's always nice to slow down and review. Scholars work on problems covering concepts on one-variable statistics. They create and interpret box plots and stem-and-leaf plots, determine the mean, median, mode, interquartile range, and...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Animal Research and Vaccines
Animals save lives. In small groups pupils research the role of animals in the development of vaccines. Each team investigates one disease to find out how the vaccine was developed and how animals played a role n the research. Groups...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Learning From Animals
Is all research on animals bad? Learners use a video to understand how animal research benefits humans. Pupils read about a drug modification turned deadly and the result of the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Scholars use a...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
The Innate Immune System
My body is my castle. Pupils learn about the innate immune system in the second lesson plan of a three-part unit on the immune system by comparing the innate immune system to a castle and moat. Groups conduct a simulation where they try...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Discovery and Development of Vaccines
Stop the spread. Pupils work through two activities to gain an understanding of vaccines and immunity. Learners research different types of vaccines and how they are made and explore the advantages and disadvantages of them. Using a...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Development of Disease and Infection
It's all in the cards. Using cards to simulate a disease's attack on the immune system, pupils develop an understanding of how the immune system and pathogens react to each other and why at times the pathogen wins. Groups play a game to...
US Department of Commerce
The New Normal
Don't be normal ... be exceptional in understanding statistics. Pupils analyze six different sets of census data using histograms or normal probability plots to determine whether each data set fits a normal distribution. They then get...
US Department of Commerce
Commuting to Work: Box Plots, Central Tendency, Outliers
Biking may be an outlier. Using data from 10 states on the number of people reporting they bike to work, pupils calculate the measures of center. Scholars determine the range and interquartile range and find which provides a better...
US Department of Commerce
Census in Counties - Describing and Comparing Histograms to Understand American Life
Use graphs to interpret life in 136 counties. Pupils analyze histograms and describe the shapes of the distributions of data collected from several counties on different aspects of life. Scholars make predictions on the difference in...
Radford University
Are We Normal?
Develop a sense of normal. Learners develop two questions to ask classmates to gather numerical data before creating a box and whisker plot and a histogram to display their data. Class members make inferences and investigate the data...
Radford University
What is My Standing Height Wise?
Given a scenario in which a class member wants to prove his height is not an outlier, pairs devise a plan and gather evidence to help support his claim. The small groups implement their plans and create graphical displays of their data...
Radford University
SAT and ACT – How Equitable Are They?
Test the test takers' knowledge of statistics about data from the SAT and ACT tests. Future collegians explore the idea of gender and racial bias in high-stakes college admissions exams. They analyze historical data on average scores by...
Radford University
Danger! – An Analysis of the Death Toll of Natural Disasters
Decipher the danger of natural disasters. Using researched data, scholars work in groups to create data displays on the number of deaths from different types of natural disasters. They share their graphical representations with the class...
Radford University
Are Kitchen Cabinets at the Correct Height? Lessons 1-5
Here's a not-so-normal unit on normal heights. Future statisticians anonymously collect class data on female heights, weights, and shoe sizes. They then analyze the data using normal distributions, z-scores, percentiles, and the...
Radford University
Big Future - How SAT Scores Play a Role in College Acceptance
Understanding the importance of SAT scores is as easy as ABC. A set of three statistics lessons teaches scholars about normal distributions, the Empirical Rule, and z-scores. They apply their newfound knowledge to investigate data...
Rice University
Introductory Statistics
Statistically speaking, the content covers several grades. Featuring all of the statistics typically covered in a college-level Statistics course, the expansive content spans from sixth grade on up to high school. Material...
College Board
2000 AP® Statistics Free-Response Questions
A little communication goes a long way. Free-response questions from the 2000 AP® Statistics exam require pupils to communicate their results—not just perform calculations. The questions ask individuals to explain, discuss, and interpret...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Beaks as Tools: Selective Advantage in Changing Environments
How does nature select some adaptations over others? Scholars experiment picking up seeds with two different types of tools simulating beaks. After practicing, they experience a drought where one type of seed suddenly isn't available....
CCSS Math Activities
Smarter Balanced Sample Items: High School Math – Target P
Learn how to show data in varied ways. A PowerPoint presentation provides six questions from the high school SBAC Claim 1 Target P item specifications. It covers creating data representations, interpreting and comparing data, and...
Mathematics Vision Project
Module 9: Modeling Data
How many different ways can you model data? Scholars learn several in the final module in a series of nine. Learners model data with dot plots, box plots, histograms, and scatter plots. They also analyze the data based on the data...
Statistics Education Web
Which Hand Rules?
Reaction rates vary between your dominant and nondominant hand ... or do they? Young scholars conduct an experiment collecting data to answer just that. After collecting data, they calculate the p-value to determine if the difference is...