Instructional Video

The Director

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This The Director instructional video also includes:

Who's the most important person on a film set? The legendary actor? The influential producer? The head electrician? Or the person who needs to understand the roles of all three? A Crash Course video on film production focuses on the responsibility of the director, as well as how a film's success or failure can rest on his or her shoulders.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Have class members begin a research project, about the director of their favorite movie, and studying that director's trademark techniques throughout his or her career
  • Assign the video for homework in a film class; prompt learners to take notes on the responsibilities of a director before returning to class for discussion
  • Screen a film with a critically acclaimed director, as well as a film with a critically panned director, such as Ed Wood or Tommy Wiseau, and engage class members in a discussion about critical success versus personal taste
Classroom Considerations
  • Part of a longer playlist on film history, film production, and film criticism
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Explains nuanced terms, such as actionable and non-actionable direction
  • Enlightening for filmmakers and film enthusiasts alike
  • Moves at a more natural pace than previous videos in the playlist, making it easier for learners to understand
  • None
Common Core