Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This Creating Dramatic Monologues from The Grapes of Wrath lesson plan also includes:
The characters in The Grapes of Wrath come to life through an activity that asks groups to craft a dramatic monologue for a character in John Steinbeck's National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize winning novel. Writers are challenged to create a monologue that seems true to that individual, that accurately represents the character's voice, and reveals some previously unknown facet of the character's life.
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Instructional Ideas
- Have groups select one member to dress up like and deliver their character's monologue
- Use Robert Browning;s "My Last Duchess" to review the characteristics of a dramatic monologue
Classroom Considerations
- Requires extra prep time to prepare and copy required materials
- Class members must have access to computers with Internet connection
- Presumes class members have previously studied the dramatic monologue format
- Class members use the Internet to access Web sites and primary sources from the Library of Congress collection, Voices from the Dust Bowl to get an authentic picture of the time period
- None
Common Core
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