Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Measuring Bullying Victimization, Perpetration, and Bystander Experiences: A Compendium of Assessment Tools
Designed to provide tools to assess a range of bullying experiences, from perpetrators, to victims, to bystanders, the assessment tools in this packet asks pupils to rate themselves as bullies, victims, and/or bystanders. There are also...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Poisoned Picnic
A group of teachers attended a picnic; ten became sick and another four died. Young scholars must solve the mystery of what happened. They research the river, waste water treatment plant, each food that was served, and environmental...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Teach Mrs. Jones' Class about Microbes
During a biology lesson, scholars research microbes, design a lesson plan using an outline, and present the lesson to the class.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Solve the Outbreak
Pretend to be an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Detectives deal with data and make decisions to determine the dawn of the disease!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Electronic Cigarettes: What's the Bottom Line?
A five-page infographic unveils the ins and outs of e-cigarettes. Numerous bullet points and pictures detail what e-cigarettes are, the ingredients found inside, and the health effects of using them.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Statewide Smokefree Laws
Does your state allow smoking in public workplaces? What about in bars or restaurants? Take a look at an informative map of the United States to see what states do not allow smoking indoors, what states do not have indoor air laws on the...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Equality in Smoking and Disease—Nobody Wins!
Fifty years ago, women were much less likely to die from smoking-related ailments than men. But thanks to targeted advertisements for and a wider availability of tobacco products, men and women are now equally susceptible to...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Some Groups Have Higher Exposure to Secondhand Smoke and Its Harmful Effects
What age group among non-smoking Americans has the highest exposure to secondhand smoke? What racial group? What economic group? Statistics from the National Health and Nutrition council from 1999 to 2012 may just surprise you.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Youth and Tobacco Use
There are a number of social, emotional, and physiological reasons why teenagers start smoking, and why they continue smoking into adulthood. Help class members understand why smoking begins in youth—and how to protect themselves from...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Going SmokeFree Matters: Casinos
Everyone has the right to a smokefree workplace, but those who work in casinos are exposed to so much secondhand smoke that they can suffer the same ailments as heavy smokers themselves. Learn more about the effects of secondhand smoke,...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Going SmokeFree Matters: Bars and Restaurants
Your students may not have ever had to decide between a smoking and nonsmoking area in a restaurant, but they still need to understand the health ramifications of secondhand smoke. A comprehensive infographic includes several...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Going SmokeFree Matters: Multiunit Housing
If you smoke cigarettes in an apartment or condominium complex, the secondhand smoke can travel through walls, ventilation systems, and plumbing to your neighbors' homes. Learn more about the ways smoking can affect those living in...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Going SmokeFree Matters: In Your Home
Is secondhand smoke avoidable if you live with a smoker? Pupils look over an infographic to learn more about how secondhand smoke can travel throughout several rooms, who is more likely to be affected by smoke, and what health conditions...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Youths Are Exposed to E-Cigarette Advertisements from Multiple Sources
The use of tobacco and alcohol use among young people is increasing. Vaping in particular, is gaining popularity with middle and high school students. A colorful infographic details the top four sources of advertising accessed by young...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Youth Exposure to Advertising and E-Cigarette Use
Vaping is increasingly popular with young people. Small wonder given the marketing strategies used by the companies that produce E-cigarettes and vaping flavors like menthol, chocolate, and candy. Check out an infographic that identifies...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure Is High in Multiunit Housing
Much has been written recently about the danger of secondhand smoke. Laws have been passed to limit that exposure in offices, transportation centers, and public areas. But what about apartment buildings, condos, public housing, and other...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
What You Need to Know about Marijuana Use and Driving
Research indicates that marijuana can negatively affect coordination and judgment, making it dangerous to drive while under the influence. But does it increase the risk of car crashes? An informative fact sheet describes the ways...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
What You Need to Know about Marijuana Use and Pregnancy
Some people believe that using marijuana during pregnancy is safer than smoking tobacco, but studies show several negative impacts on babies whose mothers used marijuana while they were pregnant. Use a fact sheet to educate learners...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
What Parents Need to Know About Marijuana Use and Teens
The teenage years find adolescents yearning for independence—and often isolating their parents from their everyday lives. Educate parents on the warning signs of marijuana use, including its effects on the brain and the likelihood of...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Major Disparities in Adult Cigarette Smoking Exist Among and Within Racial and Ethnic Groups
Data indicates that some racial groups smoke more than others, and that with that racial group, there are smaller groups whose smoking habits vary as well. Secondary learners read a graph that details the differences between the Asian...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults Infographic
Adult cigarette smoking has decreased in recent years, but it is still the number one cause of preventable disease and death in America. An infographic breaks cigarette smoking down by education level, geographical region, gender, race,...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Risks from Smoking
Discover what smoking does to one's body with a detailed reference page that points out the types of cancers and chronic diseases that can occur when using tobacco products.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hand Washing Experiment
An engaging experiment allows scholars to understand why the recommendation is to wash for 20 seconds with soap and water — while making them aware of their own habits!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Learning about Giardia and Giardiasis - Research and Role Play
Young biologists begin researching giardia and completing an epidemiologic triangle. They then portray either a parent of a sick child or a physician in a fun role play activity.