Practical Money Skills
About Credit
It's tempting to stay away from credit cards entirely, and it can also be tempting to charge large purchases on credit cards with the intention to pay them off later. But as a three-part lesson on credit and debt shows your high...
Practical Money Skills
Saving and Investing
You have to have money to make money, especially in the world of banking and investments. High schoolers learn about interest rates, saving and investment options, and ways to stay aware of their money's security and earning ability with...
Practical Money Skills
Buying a Home
Guide high schoolers through the process of buying a house with a simulation lesson. As pupils learn about mortgages, renting versus buying, and home inspections, they discuss ways to make informed financial decisions and sound...
Practical Money Skills
Making Money
Prepare your class for a life of financial literacy and stability with a unit about making money. Three lessons guides learners through the process of preparing a resume, interviewing for a job, and reading a pay stub.
Practical Money Skills
Living on Your Own
Every teen dreams of living independently, but often without thinking about the details and costs involved with moving out. Three lessons in a unit about living on your own focus on moving costs, fixed and flexible costs associated...
Practical Money Skills
Student Loans
If your learners are college bound, they'll need a lesson about student loans and personal finance before they step into their dorm room. A four-day lesson guides high schoolers through the process of budgeting for college, as well as...
Practical Money Skills
Making Decisions
Money represents decisions: spending decisions, saving decisions, and investing decisions. Encourage young adults to think about the decisions they make with their money in a three-day unit about personal finance, consumer spending, and...
Practical Money Skills
Saving and Investing
Learn the difference between saving money and investing money, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. Kids review banking and personal finance terms before studying the different ways that people can reach their financial...
Practical Money Skills
Protecting Your Money
How can you tell if a commercial or salesperson is being misleading? Encourage your learners to protect themselves and their money with a instructional activity about consumer rights. They review laws that keep consumers safe from faulty...
Practical Money Skills
Cars and Loans
Most teenagers want to buy a car, but do they know how much it really costs? Calculate the cost of purchasing a car, securing auto insurance, and maintaining the new investment with a thorough and engaging personal finance...
Practical Money Skills
Understanding Credit
Help your young consumers learn about credit and the importance of credit history. With a thorough lesson about the ins and outs of credit, as well as the potential pitfalls of having a line of credit, kids will be well-equipped to...
Practical Money Skills
Using Banking Services
Using a bank is a privilege and a responsibility for young consumers. Teach them the important terms and details about creating accounts, using an ATM, and maintaining a credit card.
Practical Money Skills
Living on Your Own
Independent living can be fun, but also overwhelming if you don't know how to budget your income and expenses. Go over the ways that kids can manage their money as they take a huge step into adulthood with a project-based lesson about...
Practical Money Skills
Shopping Wisely
Work on making good shopping choices with a fun economics project. Kids analyze the differences between brand names and generic products, bigger and smaller units for purchase, and different places they can shop for different items.
Practical Money Skills
Budgeting Your Money
How do you make sure that your income doesn't disappear before you have a chance to save it? Use a creative budgeting activity to teach learners in both special education and mainstream classes how to keep track of their expenditures and...
Practical Money Skills
Making Money
The first step in managing your money is making money! Learn about ways to find and interview for a job with a thorough lesson on personal finances. Kids learn about the ways to earn a paycheck and then manage the funds they receive.
Practical Money Skills
Making Decisions
A set of quizzes and assessments would make a great companion to your lesson on making decisions and opportunity risks. Learners watch a PowerPoint before answering multiple choice questions about interest rates, saving money, and the...
Practical Money Skills
Visa: Practical Money Skills for Life: Financial Football
Football-themed game tests your consumer-finance aptitude regarding interest, banking, credit, budgeting, saving, and spending.
Practical Money Skills
Visa: Practical Money Skills for Life
Visa provides a resource that teachers, parents, and students will all enjoy using. There are lesson plans here for all ages, as well as information about spending decisions, budgeting, and money management. Print your own play money,...
Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills: Countdown to Retirement
Discover whether your budgeting skills will leave you wealthy or land you in the poor house in this engaging interactive game. This game teaches practical life skills for developing sound budgeting practices and making good financial...
Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills: Lessons: Special Needs
Ten customizable financial lessons designed for special needs students.
Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills: Financial Football
Make personal finance fun with Visa's fast-paced interactive NFL-themed video game that engages students while teaching them personal finance skills.
Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills: Financial Calculators
Explore your own financial information in greater detail by using these powerful tools for forecasting and assessing your financial choices. During the process, you might discover expenses you can eliminate or more effective ways to...
Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills: Lessons: College
Ten financial literacy lesson plans allow college students to build on their skills and cover topics such as budgeting, living on your own, managing credit cards, cars and loans, and saving and investing.