Lesson Plan
Historical Thinking Matters

Social Security: 5 Day Lesson

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Did the New Deal fundamentally shift the role of the American government in the economy? Your class members will examine the interpretations of various historians in answering this question, and use a variety of primary and secondary...
Lesson Plan

Documenting Research: Sorting and Recording Information About the Wheelwright

For Teachers 4th Standards
Fourth graders practice using a graphic organizer to record their notes and answer text-dependent questions while supplying evidence of how they found their answer. They focus on a machine called the wheelright, which was commonly used...

Analyzing a Letter About Ford Pardoning Nixon

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Out of the mouth of babes ... often times comes gems. The activity uses a letter written by a third-grader in 1974 regarding President Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon. Scholars analyze the letter, complete a worksheet, and participate in...
Azusa Pacific University

Historical Landmark Project

For Teachers 4th - 8th
Close a unit or the year with a five-step research project. Class members choose a US landmark, research the landmark, compose a report about it, build a model of it, and present their model and findings to the class. Each step is...
New York State Education Department

US History and Government Examination: January 2012

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
What led to the United States Civil War? Interested historians consider a variety of political, social, and economic factors using primary sources and an essay prompt in an authentic high-stakes test. Primary sources include political...

Prequel to Independence

For Teachers 5th - 8th
It's about time! Young historians use primary sources to create a timeline of events leading to American Independence. The fast-paced activity is designed to be used at the end of a unit on the Revolutionary War or as an assessment tool....
American Battlefield Trust

Middle School Assessment for the Civil War Curriculum

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
The bravery of African American troops on the frontlines directly impacted the lives of the newly freed enslaved people. Using documents, including letters from African American troops and an excerpt of the Emancipation Proclamation,...

Analyzing Evidence of the Pearl Harbor Attack

For Teachers 8th - 12th
Don some detective caps and delve into the past to explore the evidence left behind after the attack on Pearl Harbor. An interesting activity uses primary sources to explore how the United States Navy was caught off guard and how the...
Polk Bros Foundation

I Can Draw Conclusions: History Analysis

For Teachers 4th - 9th Standards
This worksheet outlines the very basic first steps to analyzing a historical topic and determining its significance. The resource prompts learners to identify important persons in history, list major events, and evaluate cause and effect.
Lesson Plan
Historical Thinking Matters

Spanish-American War: 3 Day Lesson

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Why did the United States choose to invade Cuba in 1898? As part of a 3-day lesson, your young historians will first develop working hypotheses to answer this question, then work with a variety of historical primary source documents that...
Polk County Public Schools

The Blame Game for the Loss at Pearl Harbor

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Known as the day that will live in infamy, the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 was a shock to all. But why was the United States unprepared on that December morning? Study a series of primary sources in a document-based question that...
Unit Plan
Annenberg Foundation

America's History in the Making: Using Digital Technologies

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
How can digital technology of today link us to the events of the past? Scholars use technology to uncover the vast number of historical resources available in lesson 12 of a 22-part America's History in the Making series. Using databases...

Alfred Sinker and the Writ of Habeas Corpus in 1861

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Scholars learn how the judicial system treated under-age Civil War soldiers using historical analysis. The resource uses court documents to help historians understand why Habeas Corpus was used in the case of Alfred Sinker and why he was...

The SS Quanza and European War Refugees

For Teachers 8th - 12th
World War II not only resulted in major loss of life, but it also displaced thousands of people. An eye-opening activity uses primary documents to explore the refugee crisis during World War II. Scholars compare the event to modern-day...

Letter to Truman about the Manhattan Project

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Delve into the past to understand the opposition to the Manhattan Project. An interesting activity is designed to be completed in pairs, groups, or individually. Scholars analyze historical documents, complete an online worksheet, and...

Exploring America's Diversity: Gertrud Danneberg (Beginner)

For Teachers 4th - 10th
Everyone is an immigrant in their own way. Young scholars read historic documents to understand one woman's journey from Germany to the United States. The activity uses a mixture of text, discussion, and written prompts to help...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Historical Population Changes in the US

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students conduct research on historical population changes in the U.S. They conduct Internet research on the Historical Census Data Browser, create a bar graph and data table using a spreadsheet program, and display and interpret their...
Lesson Plan

Evaluating Historical Presidential Campaign Ads

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Political ads flood the airwaves each election cycle. An activity including more than a dozen political ads from iconic presidential campaigns helps learners unpack how the sausage gets made during election "silly season." Using the...
Lesson Plan
Stanford University

Annexation of Hawaii

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Once an independent nation, Hawaii became part of the United States only after a business-sponsored coup of its queen. After examining newspapers from the 1890s, learners consider whether native Hawaiians wished to become Americans at...
Library of Congress

Women's Suffrage Movement Across America

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
An engaging resource provides many primary source materials to inform a study of the Women's Suffrage Movement. Suggestions include building a timeline of the fight, using the documents as the basis of a DBQ, and/or using a Venn diagram...
Austin Independent School District

History Mapping

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
This is a great activity to have on hand to help your young historians summarize major historical events. Learners identify key players and contextual information, major episodes of the event, and any resolutions or lasting impressions. 
Oklahoma State Department of Education

Narrative Prompt

For Students 8th Standards
Reading about history is nothing like experiencing it firsthand. Encourage your eighth graders to do the next best thing with a historical narrative prompt, in which they describe the experience of a first-time traveler on the...
Lesson Plan
Global Oneness Project

Documenting Architectural Heritage

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Imagine going from being one of the richest, most important cities in the world to one of the poorest. Imagine the history captured in the architecture of such a city. Imagine these same now abandoned buildings being destroyed. How would...
Lesson Plan

Taking Notes Using a Graphic Organizer: Inferring About the Importance of Religion in Colonial America

For Teachers 4th Standards
Improve class understanding of colonial times by reading an informational text and filling out the accompanying graphic organizer. Class members work with a partner to read, take notes, make inferences, and synthesize information.The...