Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Desert Plant Adaptations in the Sonoran Desert

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students are able to identify adaptations that plants have developed to deal with harsh desert conditions, as well as explain how these adaptations help to protect these plants.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 6th
Sixth graders identify plant adaptations. In this adaptations lesson, 6th graders use digital cameras to photograph plants found on their campus. Students describe the adaptations for each plant.
Lesson Plan
Nuffield Foundation

Microscale Investigations of Catalase Activity in Plant Extracts

For Teachers 9th - Higher Ed
Use indirect measurements to monitor metabolic activity in plant cells. Scholars understand that cells with a higher metabolic rate have a higher concentration of catalase enzyme. They use this information to compare metabolic rates of...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

A Designed Organism

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How can you encourage pupils to demonstrate creativity while still meeting the objective of applying technical knowledge? This activity is your answer! Scientists will create an imaginary creature and prepare a graphic organizer with...
Lesson Plan
Science Matters

Seed Adaptations for Dispersal

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
After a grand conversation about seeds, adaptation, and dispersal, scholars work collaboratively to examine seeds and record their findings on a four-column chart.  Small groups share their observations and further discuss seed...
Lesson Plan
Chicago Botanic Garden

Migration, Adaptation, and Changing Climates

For Teachers 7th - 9th Standards
It is easy for humans to adapt to changing environments, but how do animals and plants do it? Classes discuss how plants and animals deal with environmental changes in the second of seven lessons. Through questions and discussions,...
Lesson Plan

Evolution and Adaptations

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Survival of the fittest isn't just for the movies! A five-part lesson plan explores several different species with known adaptations and analyzes them for their survival strategies. Using both video and research data, scholars draw...
Lesson Plan

Botany: The Plant Dissection Lab

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Study everything about plants! The 12-part series of lessons continues with an examination of many aspects of plants. Components of the laboratory activity address the growth and structure of plants by evaluating familiar plants. The...
Lesson Plan
Education Outside

Leaf Adaptations

For Teachers 3rd Standards
Long life or a fast life cycle? Class members each gather a leaf, observe its characteristics such as texture, surface, scent, design, shading, and size and then discuss the adaptations made for survival as well as what the leaf reveals...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 6th - 12th
Students sharpen their observation and inquiry skills. They participate in a guided observation process that helps them focus on plant characteristics as a way to enhance both their appreciation and their knowledge of plants, plant...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

Animal Phyla and Plant Divisions

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Searched hours for an activity that allows individuals the ability to use multiple resources to learn about both plant and animal kingdoms? This discussion and activity provide pupils with the ability to visualize each organism before...
Lesson Plan
Chicago Botanic Garden

Plant Phenology Data Analysis

For Students 5th - 6th
Studying data over time can paint a pretty interesting picture. Learners use data they collected in the previous lesson to compare to historical data in a similar region. They graph the data of the first bloom of a specific species over...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

Heat Loss from a Fur-Insulated Animal

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How do animals adapt to weather changes? Provide your class with the ability to understand adaptations and body temperature as they participate in this hands on experiment, using fake fur and hot water. Pupils collect data and analyze...
Lesson Plan
Science Matters

Blubber Gloves: It’s All About Insulation

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Instill the concept of adaptation with the help of Blubber Gloves—ziplock bags, shortening, and duct tape. Scholars discuss how animals and plants keep warm in polar regions, record their predictions, and try on their Blubber Gloves to...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Hummingbirds and Flowers: A Study of Co-Adaptive Relationships

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Hummingbirds and flowers need each other to survive! Pupils explore the co-adaptation of hummingbirds and the flowering plants. They explain how a flowering plant has adapted to be pollinated by a hummingbird and how the hummingbird has...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Desert Plant Detectives

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Learners examine and categorize plants in their own schoolyard desert garden and then observe other plant areas of their schoolyard.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Arizona Plant Booklet: An Introduction to Arizona Plants & Cacti

For Teachers 4th - 6th
Students explore variety of plants & cacti in their Arizona community by collecting samples and taking photographs. Can be adapted to other areas.
Lesson Plan
Chicago Botanic Garden

Meet the Naturalists

For Students 5th - 6th
Studying plants is a full-time job—for some. After learning the ins and outs of phenology in the first three lessons in the unit, pupils explore the history of the science. The instructional activity highlights five historical...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Yummy Plant Parts

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students examine plant parts. In this botany lesson, students examine various edible plants and how their adaptations help them to grow. They observe stems, leaves, roots and flowers of plants and discuss the relationship between the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Plant Lifecycles

For Teachers 1st - 6th
Students examine the life cycle of plants. In this plants lesson, students identify the various stages of plants and their parts. Students compare the life cycle of a plant with that of an animal. Activities suggested can be modified for...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Exploring Arizona's Biotic Communities Lesson 4: Which Team Are You On?

For Teachers 6th - 10th
Who is not drawn to trading cards? In this lesson, junior ecologists create a trading card of an animal or plant from one of Arizona's biotic communities. Gorgeous sample cards are provided in the lesson plan as well as a plethora of...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Prairie Adaptations

For Teachers 12th
Twelfth graders consider the survival of prairie plants. They examine how some tallgrass prairie species are adapted to the conditions of their ecosystem. They make a prediction of how a species might change given new conditions.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Marine Animal and Plant Adaptations

For Teachers 1st - 6th
Young scholars examine nature by creating their own animals. In this animal adaptation lesson plan, students define scientific vocabulary terms dealing with adaptation such as sea stars, sea cucumbers and exoskeleton. Young scholars...
Lesson Plan
Nuffield Foundation

Observing Water Moving Through Plants

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
We know plants assist in the water cycle, but how do plants get water from the ground into the air? Through a series of demonstrations or labs, scholars observe the movement of water through plants. They microscopically view the cells...