Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Physical/Chemical Properties of a Burning Candle

For Teachers 9th - 12th
High schoolers investigate the physical and chemical properties of a candle before and after it is lit. They conduct a burning candle experiment, and complete a KWL chart and worksheet, recording the results of the investigation.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Physical Changes of Water

For Teachers 2nd - 4th
Students observe changes in water. In this instructional activity about water and its forms, students perform an experiment to determine how water changes. Students analyze what causes water to be solid, liquid, or gas. Students record...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

States of Water

For Teachers 1st - 2nd
Students investigate the 3 states of matter. In this physical science "matter" lesson, students observe and participate in a number of demonstrations involving melting and freezing water. Students observe the effect heat has on changing...
Curated OER


For Students 9th - 12th
In this properties learning exercise, students classify each of the properties given as either extensive or intensive and as either physical or chemical. This learning exercise has 1 graphic organizer and 8 fill in the blank questions.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Absorption of Solar Energy

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Two sequential parts to this lesson introduce your class to the electromagnetic spectrum, the ability to absorb radiant energy, and the pigments in leaves that are responsible for collecting sunlight to be used in the photosynthetic...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Project Geode

For Teachers 7th - 8th
Young geologists attempt to predict the appearnace of a geode's internal structure based on how it looks from the outside, its mass, and its physical characteristics. In this geologly lesson, learners use scientific equipment to collect...
Lesson Plan
American Chemical Society


For Teachers 3rd - 8th
It's time to break the ice! If you are doing all of the lessons in the unit, children have already seen that increasing heat increases the rate of evaporation, but is the opposite true? Does decreasing temperature cause more condensation...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Supernova Chemistry

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Using spectroscopes, high school astronomy, physics, or chemistry learners observe emission spectra from several different sources. This stellar NASA-produced lesson plan provides terrific teacher's notes and a student handout. Make sure...
Lesson Plan
Mascil Project

Sports Physiology and Statistics

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
If I want to build up my heart, where should I start? Science scholars use statistics in a sports physiology setting during an insightful experiment. Groups measure resting and active heart rates and develop a scatter plot that shows the...
CK-12 Foundation

Stow Lake

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Does the depth of a pond matter to the waves created when rain is falling? Many people assume the answer is no, but interestingly, it does matter. Pupils explore this concept and other variables related to wave behavior through a...
Urbana School District


For Students 11th - Higher Ed
You matter, unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light ... then you energy. Presentation covers the behavior of light as both a wave and a particle, light versus sound, space travel, why objects have colors, depth perception,...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

A Hilly Ride

For Teachers 5th
Different types of energy are the focus of this science resource. Learners identify situations in which kinetic and potential energy are exchanged. They conduct an in-class inquiry which leads them to discover that there is a limit to...
CK-12 Foundation

Doppler Ducks

For Students 9th - 12th
The study of waves is not a quacking matter! Watch as a duck manipulates the behavior of its waves through its motion. Graphs show the frequency and wavelength of the waves. 
Lesson Plan
Science Friday

Make a Speaker

For Students 6th - 8th
Make science come in loud and clear. Pupils learn about how a speaker works by building one. The scholars first learn about electromagnetic fields by building an electromagnet. Using that knowledge, they build a crude speaker using a...
Curated OER


For Teachers 4th - 8th
Wow! Colorful and simple, these 160 slides introduce the various forms of energy, along with a relevant image. Some of the images are animations, which help beginning physical scientists to visualize the flow of electrons or energy! This...
Curated OER


For Teachers 8th - 12th
An incredibly colorful PowerPoint presents all the facts and definitions about waves that you could need for beginning physical scientists. There are several useful links to online animations of wave action. This may have been produced...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education


For Teachers 9th - 12th
Add a little music to your next physics class. Pupils discuss how frequency determines pitch and take part in several activities designed to teach them more about sound, melody, resonance, and vibrations. They use materials to construct...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Science: Solids

For Teachers 2nd
Second graders investigate the properties of solids and discover how to classify them. Using rulers, they measure various solids on display. In groups, they play an identification game where one students names a location, such as the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Force and Motion

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
Students experiment with force and motion. For this force and motion lesson, students test gravity using a variety of objects. Students rotate through a series of stations which use force, motion, friction, and inclines. Students predict...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Heat Energy

For Teachers 1st - 4th
Learners study how matter changes from solids to liquids or liquids to solids. In this physical science instructional activity, students discuss heat energy and experiment with heat by changing a candle into a liquid using a hot plate.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Change It

For Teachers 4th
Fourth graders expand their knowledge about how the physical properties of a substances can be changed. They are given multiple opportunities, using first-hand experiences and familiar objects in different contexts, to identify...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Chemical or Physical?

For Teachers 4th
Fourth graders make observations of the reactions that happens between calcium carbonate and various liquids. During the experiment the students determine if there is a chemical change, a physical reaction, or no reaction when they mix...
Curated OER


For Teachers 4th - 7th
This is a brief survey of the states and properties of matter directed toward upper elementary physical scientists. Solids and liquids are compared. Density and buoyancy are related. Use this presentation just prior to demonstrating...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Food & Science - How Healthy is Your Diet?

For Teachers 4th - 5th
Learners experiment with various foods to determine fat and starch content. They rub jam, peanut butter, bananas, and other foods in a small circle on a piece of paper, and observe the results. If there is a high fat content in the...

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