Curated OER

Valentine's Day Vocabulary

For Students K - 6th
Positively Autism has produced another resource for building sight word recognition, content specific vocabulary, and an understanding of holiday events. Special-needs learners will see the word and an associated image of items common to...
Curated OER

Travis The Train Goes on an Easter Egg Hunt

For Students K - 6th
Many people have Easter Egg Hunts as a way to celebrate spring time. This social story allows your special-needs child to know what to expect before they head out with a basket in hand. You can print this book or show it on the computer,...
Curated OER

Things That are Orange

For Students K - 6th
What can you think of that is orange? Bring this word recognition activity to your special education class. Learners can view this resource as many times as necessary to learn about items that are the color orange. They can also build...

Tone of Voice and Volume Control

For Teachers K - 12th Standards
What level of voice is most appropriate for the classroom? Develop volume control in your learners with ASD with an activity that lets them know when they are using appropriate and inappropriate voice level.

Relationship Target

For Students Pre-K - 12th
A graphic organizer focuses on relationship dynamics. Users fill in the various rings that indicate how close their relationships are.

Social and Emotions Picture Cards

For Students K - 12th
Social and emotional skills are a difficult task for people with autism to master. Help them become more aware of day-to-day emotions as well as how to express them with this massive set of picture cards.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Special Education Plan

For Teachers 4th - 5th
Special needs students practice completing everyday tasks such as organizing a day plan, reading a clock and completing simple math problems. They define the proper learning techniques for their disorder and utilize props in learning...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Imitating a Peer

For Teachers 1st - 6th
Imitation of a peer is what your autistic learners will focus on today. You'll prompt them to imitate a selected peer, either their actions, emotions, or facial expressions. This is done through repetitive trails and positive...
Curated OER

Travis the Train Visits the City in the Spring

For Students K - 7th
Being in a large city may be a lot for a special needs or Autistic student to handle. Prepare them with community integration skills.  This social story tells what Travis the Train sees on his visit to the city. Discuss what your pupil...
Curated OER

A Christmas Song Read Along

For Students 1st - 6th
Singing, holiday music, family get togethers are all part of typical American Christmas celebrations. Prepare your autistic or special needs class for social engagement through a group sing along. They can build reading skills, rhythm,...

Responding to Questions

For Teachers K - 12th
Why is it important to answer a question? Assist learners with their growing communication skills with an information sheet that explains how questions are meant to gather information.
Curated OER

Worry Cards

For Teachers K - 6th
Help learners on the autism spectrum build awareness of their feelings of anxiety through a hands-on learning activity. Using a set of cards with examples of the different types of anxiety someone might face, learners discuss ideas of...
Positively Autism

Travis the Train Delivers Shapes

For Teachers Pre-K - 3rd
Triangle, circle, square, rectangle, oval, star, diamond, heart. Travis the Train delivers eight shapes for learners with autism to identify. Part of a learning unit on shapes.
Positively Autism

Halloween Vocabulary

For Teachers Pre-K - 3rd
Pumpkins, ghosts, and skeletons. Introduce learners with autism to words associated with Halloween. There are no tricks in this treat.
Social Skills Central

Photo Cartoons: Peer Pressure

For Students 6th - 12th
What's the best way to handle someone pressuring you to do something you don't want to do? Learners discuss two photo cartoons illustrating a suggested right and wrong way to respond to peer pressure.
Social Skills Central

Ready, Set, Respond!

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
When faced with a difficult situation, do you respond selfishly, face it head on, or ignore the problem? This game encourages learners to evaluate the wide range of reactions we can have to problematic situations, and how our responses...
Curated OER

Train Phonics - /an/ Words

For Students K - 6th
Follow the phonics train and get your special needs class on the reading track. To promote the /an/ sound and phonemic awareness, each page contains an image of a train, and each car contains an item. The word representing that item is...
Curated OER

Birthday Verbs

For Students K - 6th
Use this vocabulary development resource as flash cards or with an iPad. Autistic or special needs pupils can review birthday related vocabulary words. Each word is a verb and each associated image shows that verb as it is occurring at a...


For Teachers Pre-K - 12th
Waiting can be hard for everyone, but for individuals with autism or other special needs, it can be confusing and frustrating. Lead a discussion in which students brainstorm times in their lives when they would need to wait, and help...
Curated OER

Phonics Train: /at/ words

For Students K - 6th
A well-scaffolded phonics resource awaits you and your autistic learners. Phase one in this multi-page document asks, "What is on the train?" The answer is an /at/ word, such as cat, mat, bat, or hat. In Phase two, the train is shown...
Lesson Plan
Autism Inspiration

Why We Use Our Words

For Teachers K - 6th
Here is a instructional activity designed for children with autism which is aimed at helping them understand that using their words to express what they need is an important social skill. They are charged with using their words to...
Curated OER

Fix the Problem!

For Teachers K - 6th
People won't let me finish talking!...I hate the lunch room...Leave my name alone! Explore a variety of problems learners can face on a daily basis, and use this game to have pupils determine the best ways to answer those situations.
Positively Autism

Activities for "Decreasing Supermarket Tantrums"

For Teachers Pre-K - 3rd
Priming and shaping, two teaching strategies used to prepare kids for upcoming activities, are detailed in this resource that models how to prepare kids for a trip to the supermarket. Activities include creating a shopping list, matching...
Positively Autism

Behavior Traffic Light

For Teachers Pre-K - 3rd
The behavior traffic light, a reward system designed to motivate children to control their own behavior, focuses on rewarding kids for behaving appropriately. Behaviors "in the green" earn rewards and privileges, while behaviors "in the...

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