Lesson Plan

Let Us Start The Lettuce Club (Or Not): Writing A Thesis Statement

For Teachers 9th Standards
Let us be frank! Writers learn that crafting a thesis statement is not that difficult if one peals back the layers. After watching several videos about the elements of a thesis, class members read the article "Lettuce Club helps students...
Lesson Plan

Writing An Argumentative Paragraph: Argumentative Writing

For Teachers 7th - 9th Standards
Learning how to craft a cogent argument based on a solid claim, supported with evidence and solid reasoning, is an important life skill. Teach middle schoolers about argumentative writing with a lesson asking them to analyze the claims,...
Lesson Plan

Taking a Bite! Exploring Cultural Identity Through Food

For Teachers 9th - 11th Standards
High schoolers are asked to consider the connections between food, culture, and identity. They read articles and share what they learned in a jigsaw activity, read a short story, and make a claim about the story's theme, backing up their...
Unit Plan
C3 Teachers

Black Genius: How Did Black Genius Help Build American Democracy?

For Teachers 8th
"How did the slavery system undermine the United States' democratic principles?" This question launches a study of how the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, and Article IV,...
Unit Plan
Odell Education

Building Evidence-Based Arguments: “Doping can be that last 2 percent.”

For Teachers 7th Standards
Even the most thrilling sports career can end in an asterisk if the player uses performance-enhancing drugs. Focused on the topic of doping in sports, a seventh grade unit breaks down the arguments for and against steroids in five...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 11

For Teachers 9th Standards
Who is to blame for Bernie Madoff's crime? Class members look for evidence Diana B. Henriques uses in The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust to support her claims that we share the responsibility with Madoff.
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 1

For Teachers 9th Standards
"True-crime stories, murder mysteries, up-to-the-minute online news reports, and (as always) rumor and innuendo grab our attention faster than any call for justice, human rights, or ceasefires." Or so says Walter Mosley in his Newsweek...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 3, Unit 3, Lesson 1

For Teachers 9th Standards
The opening exercise in this instructional unit introduces class members to the writing process they will follow to craft an informative, expository research paper that addresses their research question. To begin, writers are asked to...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 4, Unit 1, Lesson 19

For Teachers 9th Standards
Building on the previous discussion of the supplemental reading article "Where Sweatshops Are a Dream," class members use the provided Evaluating Argument and Evidence Tool to identify the claims and evidence Nicholas Kristof uses to...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 4, Unit 1, Lesson 22

For Teachers 9th Standards
Class members read "Satyagraha," the concluding section of Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos' Sugar Changed the World: A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom, and Science, and analyze how the authors support their claim that terrible...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 2: Unit 1, Lesson 9

For Teachers 10th Standards
How did Martin Luther King Jr. establish tone in his writing? Scholars analyze King's tone and discuss how he changes and refines his claim in "Letter from Birmingham Jail." They also define new vocabulary words, respond to a writing...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 2: Unit 3, Lesson 3

For Teachers 10th Standards
What is in a word? Scholars look closely at the words from a speech by Eleanor Roosevelt. They analyze how she supports a claim without debate and without rejecting others. Learners use jigsaw discussion, guided questions, and respond to...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 2: Unit 3, Lesson 6

For Teachers 10th Standards
Let children be children. Scholars read in a speech by Malala Yousafzai how childhood is absent as children are forced to work and get married at a young age. Learners analyze part of the speech and discuss it in groups. After sharing...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 3: Unit 1, Lesson 13

For Teachers 10th Standards
Don't argue for the sake of argument. Scholars begin their work in lesson plan 13 and continue into lesson plan 14 as they analyze The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Working in groups, learners work toward collecting text evidence and...
Lesson Plan

Analyzing the Model Essay: Studying Argument (Chapter 27 Plus Synthesis of Scenes in Previous Chapters)

For Teachers 8th Standards
Scholars partner up to review a model essay and talk through the process leading up to writing their essays. During a second reading of the essay, learners locate and underline the claim given, reasons, and counterclaim. They then...
Lesson Plan

Evaluating an Argument: The Polyface Local Sustainable

For Teachers 8th Standards
Who has the better argument? Class members work in small groups to compare the arguments on the Example of Strong and Flawed Arguments sheet. They then analyze Michael Pollan’s argument on pages 161–166 of The Omnivore’s Dilemma and...
Lesson Plan

Reading Closely: Introducing Chávez’s Commonwealth Club Address and Considering the Plight of the Farmworker

For Teachers 7th Standards
How can a persuasive speech help inspire social change? Scholars read along as they listen to the first half of César Chávez's 1984 speech, "Commonwealth Club Address." Next, pupils use graphic organizers to analyze one of Chávez's...
Lesson Plan

Logic and Argument: Evaluating the Argument in “Beyond the Brain”

For Teachers 7th Standards
The brain is not the mind. Scholars explore the claim by reading an informational article about neuroscience research, "Beyond the Brain." As they read, they answer text-dependent questions and complete an anchor chart to evaluate...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit Assessment, Part 1: Tracing and Evaluating Arguments

For Teachers 7th Standards
It's test time! As part one of the mid-unit assessment, scholars complete a Tracing an Argument note-catcher for both a text and a video about the Internet's effect on the brain. Pupils demonstrate learning by evaluating the argument and...
Lesson Plan

Alienstock: Analyzing Information, Media, And Validity

For Teachers 7th - 8th Standards
One only has to watch MSMBC and FOX News to realize that media can present the same story in very different ways. Middle schoolers have an opportunity to test their ability to determine the validity and trustworthiness of information by...
Lesson Plan

Arguing With Evidence: Deconstructing Arguments Part 1

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
In the first lesson plan in a two-part series, high schoolers pick a social issue important to them and examine an article about the topic, the arguments and evidence used to support the writer's stance, and craft two counter-arguments...
Lesson Plan

Who Are They Really?: Characterization In The Outsiders

For Teachers 8th Standards
Ponyboy, Johnny, Winston, and Darry come alive in a lesson that focuses on the details S. E. Hinton uses to characterize the Greasers and the Socials. The class first observes the actors' words; the thoughts revealed their effect on...
Lesson Plan

Writing Is Elementary, My Dear Watson: Writing Paragraphs With Evidence And Reasoning

For Teachers 9th Standards
Did Smitty do it, or is he a victim? Sleuths apply their observation and reasoning skills to build a case for an argumentative paragraph. Class members closely observe a cartoon, make a claim, cite evidence from the image, and support...
Lesson Plan

It's All About Balance! Parallel Structure

For Teachers 9th Standards
I came, I saw, I conquered! Parallel structure, employed by writers even before Julius Caesar, is the focus of a lesson that teaches young writers the power of this rhetorical device. Class members analyze speeches by Dr. Martin Luther...

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