Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Take this Job and Love It!

For Teachers 10th - 12th
High schoolers need to be prepared to enter the job market during or after high school. Here are six preparational activities geared at getting those kids ready to enter the job market. They conduct research on various jobs, learn about...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Excel, Word, and Basketball

For Teachers 5th
Wow, this lesson packs a punch. Pupils interview basketball players, write about a game, and use Excel to organize statistics related to the players and the points scored. Afterward, they create posters, presentations, and much more.
Lesson Plan

The K20 Chronicle, Lesson 3: Crafting the Article

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Picture your class members as photojournalists! Using their interview with a senior as a starting point, would-be photojournalists begin developing an outline for their article by examining their notes from the interview, gathering...
Lesson Plan

The K20 Chronicle, Lesson 2: How To Conduct An Interview

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Young journalists learn how to prepare for an interview, conduct an interview, and craft good interview questions with follow-up questions. After they watch and analyze several interviews, class members select a senior to interview,...
Lesson Plan

The Million Dollar Question: Informative Writing

For Teachers 9th Standards
Introduce high school freshmen to the characteristics of informative writing with a 5-day lesson that distinguishes informative writing from other modes. Scholars learn how to search for and cite reliable resources, then research and...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles

Writing Reports

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Following a review of how to research and take notes, scholars define the term paraphrase and identify ways to organize information and finish reports. To put their newfound knowledge to the test, learners interview a peer, take notes,...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles

Gathering Information

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Before making important decisions, gathering as much information as possible is best. That's the take-away from the second lesson plan in the Decision-Making module of the Overcoming Obstacles course. Middle schoolers engage in a series...
Lesson Plan
Nebraska Department of Education

Mock Interviews

For Teachers 9th
Completing a job application and sitting for an interview are essential parts of the job search process. High schoolers receive guidance as they fill out a job application and participate in mock interviews to prepare. They also access a...
Lesson Plan
Nebraska Department of Education

Work: Love It or Hate It?

For Teachers 9th
Future job seekers interview adults who love their work and ones that dislike their work. After reflecting on what they learned in a whole-class discussion, participants create a mission statement that details what they want and don't...
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum

What Does It Mean to be a Good Citizen?

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Civics scholars are challenged to determine what it means to be a good citizen. Class members select three adults in their lives and interview them to discover what the term "good citizen" means to each of these people. The class then...
Lesson Plan
British Council

How Green Are You?

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Go green! Scholars survey their classmates to determine how green they are and then write a report to summarize their findings. Finally, pupils agree on five changes they can make in their lives to help the environment. 
Lesson Plan
British Council


For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Let's take a trip to the future. Scholars imagine their future wealthy selves by completing a worksheet based on the year 2025. Then, acting as journalists, they conduct interviews with their classmates to prepare to write an article for...
Lesson Plan

The Speed of News: Where Do We Get the News?

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
Times are changing. One change is the way people get and share the news. Class members pair up and interview one another to find out how their peers get news. After compiling their findings, young reporters interview an adult, compile...
Lesson Plan
California Department of Education

In the Interview Hot Seat

For Teachers 12th Standards
After watching a short introductory video, high school seniors prepare for the interview process by first examining commonly used questions and effective responses. Class members then engage in a series of Speed Interviews to gain...
Lesson Plan
Workforce Solutions

The Negotiations of Interviewing

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Sometimes the interview process includes negotiating for what you want. Here's an activity that guides job seekers to achieve The Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA). Participants take on the role of job seekers and...
Lesson Plan
Workforce Solutions

Speed Interviewing

For Teachers 9th - 12th
An important part of the job search process is the personal interview. Help pupils prepare with speed interviewing activity—teams of three-act as a job seeker, interviewer, and observer. Every three minutes, participants rotate roles and...
American Museum of Natural History

Being an Astronomer: Neil deGrasse Tyson

For Students 6th - 12th
An interview delves deep into the life of famous astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson. 
American Museum of Natural History

One-on-One With The Sun

For Students 6th - 12th
Follow along as Stella Stardust interviews the sun. A fun and informative interview provides scholars with information about the sun. 
Lesson Plan
Texas Education Agency (TEA)

Dress for Success

For Teachers 7th - 8th
Dress to impress! Scholars view a PowerPoint, take notes, and complete a KWL chart to learn about appropriate attire for a job interview. Next, pupils design posters featuring a five-day wardrobe for an individual within a chosen career...
American Museum of Natural History

The Pre-History Proudly Presents: Face-To-Fossil

For Students 6th - 12th
An engaging interview allows scholars to get to know Proto Andy, a protoceratops fossil. Following along with the transcript, learners delve into six questions, including how he became a fossil, what he was like when he was alive, and...
American Museum of Natural History

Being a Paleontologist: Mark Norell

For Students 6th - 12th
Get to know paleontologist Mark Norell with a 19 question interview. Written questions, answers, and photographs with descriptions sit among bright and cheery graphics
Lesson Plan
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation

Interview a Family or Community Member: Taking Oral Histories

For Teachers 3rd - 12th
Young scholars gain insight into how historians record events by engaging in an oral history project. In preparation, class members brainstorm open-ended interview questions and take part in and debrief a mock interview simulation....
Lesson Plan

Interviewing Meg Lowman: What Does it Mean to be a Responsible Scientist? (Pages 37–39)

For Teachers 5th Standards
Can I ask you something? Scholars read about the night walk on pages 37-39 of The Most Beautiful Roof in the World. After discussing the text with their group, they work together to create interview questions they would ask Meg Lowman....
Lesson Plan
Texas Education Agency (TEA)

The Job Interview

For Teachers 7th - 8th
What makes for a successful job interview? Learners explore the topic by viewing a PowerPoint presentation, completing a KWL chart, and answering interview questions with a partner. Then, scholars participate in a mock job interview with...