National Research Center for Career and Technical Education
Finance: Depreciation (Double Declining)
Of particular interest to a group of business and finance pupils, this lesson explores depreciation of automobile values by comparing the double declining balance to the straight line method. Mostly this is done through a slide...
Curated OER
Strict Parents
Are your parents or guardians strict? That's an interesting question many of your pupils are probably interested in discussing. How do you design a study directed at your high schooler to gain insight into that question? How do you...
Do Placebos Kill Minotaurs?
But it's just a game! Learners play a game to learn basic concepts of statistical hypothesis testing. After using the digital-game module, pupils develop their own statistical hypotheses and test them.
American Statistical Association
Choosing a Study Design for the Polio Vaccine
Be on the right side of history. Scholars first learn about polio and the meetings of the 1954 Salk polio vaccine study. In groups, they select roles, such as parents, government officials, and statisticians, and decide on the best...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Animal Research and Vaccines
Animals save lives. In small groups pupils research the role of animals in the development of vaccines. Each team investigates one disease to find out how the vaccine was developed and how animals played a role n the research. Groups...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Learning From Animals
Is all research on animals bad? Learners use a video to understand how animal research benefits humans. Pupils read about a drug modification turned deadly and the result of the 1938 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Scholars use a...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
The Innate Immune System
My body is my castle. Pupils learn about the innate immune system in the second lesson plan of a three-part unit on the immune system by comparing the innate immune system to a castle and moat. Groups conduct a simulation where they try...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Discovery and Development of Vaccines
Stop the spread. Pupils work through two activities to gain an understanding of vaccines and immunity. Learners research different types of vaccines and how they are made and explore the advantages and disadvantages of them. Using a...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Development of Disease and Infection
It's all in the cards. Using cards to simulate a disease's attack on the immune system, pupils develop an understanding of how the immune system and pathogens react to each other and why at times the pathogen wins. Groups play a game to...
US Department of Commerce
Educational Attainment and Marriage Age - Testing a Correlation Coefficient's Significance
Do women with college degrees get married later? Using a provided scatter plot of the percentage of women who earn bachelor's degrees and the median age at which women first get married over time, pupils conduct a linear regression...
Koshland Science Museum
Infectious Disease: Evolving Challenges to Human Health High School Virtual Field Trip
Understanding the science of the spread of infectious diseases is the first step in controlling them. Learners begin by researching the factors that affect the contraction and spread of these diseases and the challenges communities face...
National Academy of Sciences
Infectious Diseases: Bird Flu Today
Understanding how viruses spread has never been more important. A well-designed WebQuest lesson has young scientists research viruses, how they spread, and how they are treated. They also consider the trends in common viruses in the world.
Radford University
Statistical Study
Put your knowledge of sample surveys to good use. Pupils begin by conducting a survey of class members. They identify an appropriate topic and sampling technique; collect and organize their data; compute and analyze statistical measures;...
Radford University
PHamily PHeud: An Exploration in Surveys
Get to know the class much better. Scholars brainstorm a topic of interest and then design and conduct a class survey. Using the top responses, they create a game similar to Family Feud and take part in a class competition.
Radford University
Analyzing Data from Peer Survey
We all want to know what we're thinking. Scholars analyze and report data collected in a previous survey on peer attitudes toward current events. They calculate the mean, median, range, and standard deviation before creating histograms...
Radford University
The Next Big Thing
Make sure the next product is a hit. An engaging task has scholars design an item to sell at a sports event and then conduct a marketing survey. They decide whether to use random sampling, stratified sampling, or cluster sampling, and...
Radford University
Survey Activity
It's time to take a survey. After looking at an example of a survey on lunch preferences, groups design their own surveys. They consider the sample size and sampling technique, then conduct the surveys. As a final activity, they create...
Radford University
Data Analysis Activity
What do classmates think? In groups, learners design surveys to investigate chosen topics. They conduct the survey, then analyze the results. As part of the activity, they must calculate the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard...
Radford University
Marketing Mayhem: Advertising for Adolescents
You'll be sold on using the resource. Future consumers first conduct a sample survey on marketing strategies. They then consider how mass media influences their age groups and create presentations to display their findings.
Radford University
Understanding Local Economic Issues Using Statistics
A good understanding of local economics requires a lot of data. Scholars design and conduct an experimental survey to collect information about economic issues affecting their regions. They analyze their findings and prepare a...
Radford University
Are Kitchen Cabinets at the Correct Height? Lesson 6
Don't hit your head on the kitchen cabinet. Using previously collected female height data, scholars apply confidence intervals and tests of significance to perform a data analysis. They connect the data to the height
of kitchen cabinets...
Rice University
Introductory Statistics
Statistically speaking, the content covers several grades. Featuring all of the statistics typically covered in a college-level Statistics course, the expansive content spans from sixth grade on up to high school. Material...
Literacy Design Collaborative
Student-Determined Data Analysis
You can't argue with the numbers. Scholars complete activities to prepare for writing a data analysis report. Writers select a research topic and complete a data analysis tool. They share their questions based on the data with peers and...
College Board
2011 AP® Statistics Free-Response Questions
Familiarize yourself with the AP® exam by looking at past tests. A PDF file provides the 2011 AP® Statistics free-response questions. The questions include topics such as mean, standard deviation, conditional probability, sampling...