Lesson Plan

What Occupation Interests Me?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Is the secret to success turning an interest into a career? Eleventh graders explore the occupation-interest connection in a career education activity. Individuals first take an interest inventory and then create a presentation about a specific occupation that matches their personality.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Have pupils create a colorful poster about their occupations in lieu of the PowerPoint presentation
  • Circulate during group discussions and ask for the specific personality traits needed for certain occupations
Classroom Considerations
  • Part of a series of six career exploration lessons
  • Total lesson time varies based upon the number and length of student presentations
  • Pupils require devices with internet access and presentation software
  • Requires copies of multiple handouts
  • Multiple assessments make providing feedback easy
  • The teacher's guide contains rubrics, pacing, and extension activities
  • Includes handouts that provide pupils with specific directions on how to set up their accounts
  • None