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Homepage of the national magazine for peace and social justice, THE PROGRESSIVE. Read recent news regarding social justice here.
activism, capital punishment, civil disobedience, civil rights, feminism, folk music, foreign policy, human rights, humor, immigration, labor unions, militarism, nuclear war, nuclear weapons, peace, poetry, politics, poverty, protests, strikes, welfare, women's rights, workers, amnesty international
Additional Tags
arms trade, civil liberties, demonstrations, economic justice, environment, free speech, gay, health care, investigative reporting, left wing, leftist, lesbian, liberal, media criticism, pacifism, police brutality, prisons, progressive, sanctions, socialist, third parties, vietnam war, adrienne rich, anne-marie cusac, barbara ehrenreich, clinton, democrats, erwin knoll, fred mckissack, gore, greens, howard zinn, john kenneth galbraith, john nichols, june jordan, kate clinton, laura flanders, martin espada, matthew rothschild, molly ivins, noam chomsky, paul wellstone, protest, ralph nader, robert la follette, ruth conniff, u.s. intervention, viva vieques!, will durst, magazine, radical, national magazines
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 4 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
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