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Lesson Planet
This Nonverbal Communication lesson plan also includes:
- Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators: High School Edition (English version)
- Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators: High School Edition (Spanish version)
- Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators: High School Edition (French version)
- Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators (High School Edition) and the Common Core Standards
- Introduction
- Section Two: Conflict Can Be Prevented
- Activity
- Worksheet
- Graphic Organizer
- Join to access all included materials
What is your body saying that maybe your words aren't? Scholars explore the vast world of the subtle, and not-so-subtle, nonverbal communication cues through group and individual work. Lesson seven in a series of peacebuilding exercises illustrates the gestures and postures that convey our emotions.
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Instructional Ideas
- Ask classmates from other countries to share nonverbal expressions from their areas
- Have pupils research gestures that have different meanings from one country to the next
Classroom Considerations
- If possible, create groups for the role play with learners that don't often partner with one another to make the scenarios more lifelike
- The story of the peacekeeper in Bulgaria is interesting and a perfect tool to convey the content
- Role-play scenarios keep the atmosphere fun while teaching the importance of nonverbal communication skills
- None
Common Core
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