Instructional Video

English "Alphabet Song" (ABCs Rock) - Rockin' English

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Rock out with the ABCs! Listen to a new take on the alphabet song with this rock 'n' roll version that will surely make the class want to dance. 

1 Collection 55 Views 21 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Encourage class members to sing loud and proud, and get up and move to the beat
  • Take a brain break with a song and dance to this alphabet song
  • Give the link to parents or guardians so they can play the song at home
Classroom Considerations
  • Listen to the song mutlipel time to familairize pupils with the new tempo  
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • The song is sung three times, each with a different beat
  • The letters are shown in both upper- and lowercase
  • Every letter and word is presented on the screen when the singer sings it 
  • None
Common Core