
Contrast and Evaluate Fact and Opinion

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Contrast and Evaluate Fact and Opinion worksheet also includes:

How can you tell when an author is expression an opinion or stating a fact? Use two short reading selections to emphasize the difference between a statement that you can prove and one that you can't. The first passage explains food chains and ecosystems in the American Midwest, while the next details the history of apartheid in South Africa.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Include in a reading assessment for informational text
  • Use the passages to open a unit about fact and opinion
  • Have your class conduct more research on Nelson Mandela and the history of South Africa
Classroom Considerations
  • Question pages have answer keys and teacher notes; you may want to remove these sections before distributing the handouts
  • Though the lesson is focused on the city of Chicago, it's applicable for classrooms around the country
  • Informational passages are engaging for learners of all reading levels
  • Comes with comprehension questions for each passage
  • None
Common Core