Curated OER

Sentence Completion: Correct Usage of Verbs and Prepositions

For Students 4th - 6th
In this sentence completion with verbs and prepositions worksheet, students use context clues to complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Sentence Completion: Personal Information

For Teachers 3rd - 4th
In this sentence completion worksheet, students choose a word from a word bank to fill in the blank. There are ten different questions for students to answer.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

What Is Sentence?

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
In this recognizing complete sentences worksheet, students read a definition and examples of a complete and incomplete sentence and use the information to identify a list of sentences as complete or incomplete and create complete...
Curated OER

Compound Sentences

For Students 3rd - 5th Standards
Do your pupils need a little variety in their writing? Help them build compound and complex sentences with sentence frames. They first combine two independent clauses to form a compound sentence, then add a third clause to make a complex...

Sentence Fragments

For Students 3rd - 5th Standards
Reinforce writing and language skills with a grammar instructional activity that focuses on determining whether a sentence is complete or a fragment.  
Curated OER

Making a Number Sentence

For Students K - 1st
Youngsters can use these worksheets to practice writing equations and using math symbols. They draw a picture in each box to correctly complete the number sentence then write numbers under each picture to make number sentences. There are...
K12 Reader

Expand it! Writing Complex Sentences

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Instruct your pupils to make those simple sentences complex! For this exercise, learners are given eight pairs of complete sentences and subordinating conjunctions. It's their job to transform each sentence by using the subordinating...
Curated OER

Choosing the Right Word for the Sentence

For Students 1st - 3rd
Learners select the best word (from four choices) to complete eight sentences. They read a complete sentence and choose the best word to complete subsequent sentences using context as their guide. Theme of the sheet is making things,...
Curated OER

The Complex Sentence: Correcting Fragments

For Students 9th - 12th
After defining and offering cogent examples of fragments and complex sentences, this worksheet presents pupils with two passages. One they must revise. For the second, an excerpt from an E.B. White essay, they must identify the fragments...
Curated OER

Review of Compound and Complex Sentences

For Students 3rd - 5th
An excellent language arts worksheet. Learners read seven sentences and determine if each is simple, compound, or complex. In order to practice sentence combining, young writers join 10 sets of sentences to form compound sentences, and...
Curated OER

Sentence Problems

For Students 8th - 10th
Writing is tough to perfect. Help your class improve their writing skills by studying different sentence problems. This reference guide covers sentence fragments, run-ons, and misplaced modifiers, but that's just to start! There's a...
Curated OER

Basic English Sentence Patterns

For Students 5th - 7th Standards
A simple set of practice sheets deals with sentence structure and patterns. The 117-page packet includes 10 units of skills, varying from identifying parts of speech in a sentence to writing the correct part to make a sentence complete....

Plural Sentence Building (Getting Ready to Go!)

For Students 1st - 3rd Standards
In this plural noun worksheet, scholars are given a plural noun to create a complete sentence using that word. 
Curated OER

Run-On Sentences

For Students 4th - 6th
As kids develop writing skills, run-on sentences are bound to happen. Review what a run-on sentence is with the first part of this learning exercise, and then let them try to correct the 10 run-on sentences provided. Since there are a...
Curated OER

Sentence Search

For Students 3rd - 5th
The instructions for this exercise say learners should connect words on an 8x7 grid (which doesn't fit neatly on a single sheet) using vertical and horizontal lines. I think the words could be cut out and moved around on a desk or table...
Curated OER

Kinds of Sentences

For Students 6th - 9th
What is a declarative sentence? Interrogative sentence? If your middle schoolers are asking these questions, it's time to learn them once and for all! Start by reading through the information provided at the top of the page, and then...
Collaborative Learning Project

Simple to Complex Sentences

For Students 4th - 9th
Such a creative game idea, this activity might actually make grammar fun! Learners play a modified game of connect-four by identifying the grammatical name for different words and phrases and then working them into simple sentences to...
Curated OER

The Compound Sentence: Correcting Run-ons and Comma Splices

For Students 9th - 10th
Do some of your writers need an extra lesson on correcting run-ons and comma splices? This worksheet clearly defines the terms, provides models of run-on sentences, comma splice errors, and how to correct them. The second page of the...
San José State University

Independent Clauses in Compound Sentences

For Students 9th - 12th
Does your class dread using semicolons? Use this resource to join two independent clauses using either a comma, semicolon, or colon. Several examples and six practice sentences are available at the bottom for learners to choose the...
K12 Reader

Adverb Clauses in Sentences

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
If you'd like your class to write in varied sentence patterns, use a activity focused on adverb clauses to enhance their writing. After reading a short explanation and example of adverb clauses, young grammarians underline the part of...
Mama's Learning Corner

Is This Sentence Correct? (capitalization and punctuation)

For Students 2nd - 5th Standards
Turn your youngsters into little editors with an exercise that focuses on some of the most basic and important writing conventions: capitalization and punctuation. Learners fix five sentences and then rewrite a sentence using correct...
Curated OER

Collective Nouns Sentence Maze

For Students 3rd - 6th
Amaze your class with this worksheet! A maze is made up of lines as well as words. Class members connect the words in each sentence to find their way through the maze. Learners must employ correct usage of collective nouns and have...
Curated OER

Configuration Station

For Students 2nd - 5th
Learners participate in completing a variety of activities involving the eight parts of speech while answering around thirty questions.
Curated OER

Sentence Fragments

For Students 4th - 5th Standards
Looking to provide your fourth and fifth graders with a quick assessment on complete sentences? This six-question quiz is the perfect fast assessment. There are four sentences listed for each question, and the test-taker must decide...

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