Balanced Assessment

Dog Tags

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Class members demonstrate a proficiency with conditional probabilities through this task. Individuals calculate probabilities using multiplication and addition. They also distinguish between repetition and non-repetition while...
Lesson Plan
Teaching Tolerance

Changing Demographics: What Can We Do to Promote Respect?

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
America has always been seen as a melting pot to the world. Scholars research the concept of blending cultures in the United States and how it is changing over time. The final lesson of a four-part series analyzes the changing...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Ohm's Law

For Teachers 9th - 12th
If your future physicists know how to construct simple circuits, include resistors, and use a multi-meter to measure voltage, then you might employ this lesson on Ohm's law. Each lab group investigates the relationships among voltage,...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Energy Efficiency Ambassadors

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Definitely for high schoolers, this lesson is an open-ended exploration of energy efficiency. Groups of two to three junior environmental engineers design an experiment to test for efficiency. They prepare a full lab report and poster...
Curated OER

Open-Ended; Joining (Addition), Part-Part-Whole

For Students 4th
Given a budget, a list of items to put in a treat bag, and how much each item costs might be a little difficult for your students at first. However, these are all going into a treat bag for Madeline's friends. What would your learners...
Physics Classroom

Ohm's Law: Voltage-Current-Resistance Relationship

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Join the resistance—Ohm! Scholars apply Ohm's Law to problems of increasing difficulty as part of a series on electric circuits. The lesson begins with simply doubling and tripling voltage or resistance. It ends with having pupils solve...
Lesson Plan

The Relationship of Multiplication and Division

For Teachers 6th Standards
Take any number, multiply it by five, and then divide by five. Did you end up with the original number? In the same vein as the previous lesson, pupils discover the relationship between multiplication and division. They develop the...
Lesson Plan

The Geometric Effect of Some Complex Arithmetic 1

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
Translating complex numbers is as simple as adding 1, 2, 3. In the ninth lesson in a 32-part series, the class takes a deeper look at the geometric effect of adding and subtracting complex numbers. The resource leads pupils into what it...
Balanced Assessment

Ostrich and Seahorse

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Examine the relationship between ratios and scale. Young math scholars compare ratios of two models. They use the ratios to make a comparison between the two models. Each image uses a different scale, which requires learners to think...
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

Voting for Three, Variation 1

For Teachers 5th - 7th Standards
This is an opportunity for young mathematicians to apply reasoning to solve real-world problems with ratios. Even though there are three candidates for class president, students will only consider two at a time, making the first problem...
Lesson Plan

Discrete Random Variables

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
You don't need to be discreet about using the resource on discrete variables. In the fifth installment of a 21-part module, scholars explore random variables and learn to distinguish between discrete and continuous random variables. They...
Lesson Plan

Why Stay with Whole Numbers?

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Domain can be a tricky topic, especially when you relate it to context, but here is a lesson that provides concrete examples of discrete situations and those that are continuous. It also addresses where the input values should begin and...
Lesson Plan

Describing Center, Variability, and Shape of a Data Distribution from a Graphical Representation

For Teachers 6th Standards
What is the typical length of a yellow perch? Pupils analyze a histogram of lengths for a sample of yellow perch from the Great Lakes. They determine which measures of center and variability are best to use based upon the shape of the...
Unit Plan
Next Generation Science Storylines

Why Don't Antibiotics Work Like They Used To?

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Bacteria get more resistant to antibiotics every year. Learn the reason for this pattern and how scientists are addressing the problem in a six-week unit. Learners analyze different types of bacteria and their adaptations.
101 Questions

Snow Day

For Students 8th - 12th Standards
Who doesn't like a snow day? Learners watch a snow accumulation over a span of 10 hours. They use that information to make a prediction of the total snow that fell during the 23-hour snowfall. Will it be enough to cancel school?
Curated OER

Solving Inequalities Self-Test

For Students 7th - 9th
In this inequalities worksheet, students answer 6 multiple choice problems. Students then solve and graph 13 inequalities. Students answer 1 open-ended word problem.
Curated OER

Introduction to Conics

For Teachers 9th - 11th Standards
Just exactly where does the name conic come from? This brief hands-on exploration explains it all. Have your class cut cones to create their own conics, then assess their understanding with a few identification problems. Consider making...
Curated OER

New York State Testing Program: Mathematics Book 3, Grade 4

For Students 4th
For this 4th grade math standardized test practice worksheet, students solve 6 multiple-step open-ended math problems based on New York academic standards.
Curated OER

New York State Testing Program: Mathematics Book 3, Grade 4

For Students 4th
In this 4th grade math standardized test practice learning exercise, students solve 6 multiple-step open-ended math problems based on New York academic standards.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Effects of Alcohol and other Teratogens: A model using Zebrafish

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students investigate the interference of various drugs on an embryo through experimentation. This is an open-ended lab to allow students to see effects of various chemicals humans choose to put in their bodies and create questions they...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 4th - 8th
Students identify the types of transformations in their lives. As a class, they determine the ones they have control over and which ones they do not. They practice solving problems in math and oral communication that they are faced with...
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

Quinoa Pasta 1

For Teachers 7th - 9th Standards
Here is a great opportunity to introduce your mathematicians to a food they may never have heard of, quinoa. It may help to show a short video on quinoa, or make some quinoa for the class to try. Once they get over how to say quinoa,...
Curated OER

Analog to Digital Conversion

For Students 10th - Higher Ed
In this electrical circuit activity, students answer a series of 18 open-ended questions about analog to digital converter circuits. They analyze schematics in order to answer the questions. Students design and build an analog to digital...
Curated OER

PN Junctions

For Students 10th - Higher Ed
In this electrical circuit worksheet, students design and build a circuit board to grasp the understanding PN junctions in circuit designs before answering a series of 19 open-ended questions with schematics. This worksheet is printable...

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