Curated OER

Toothbrush Measuring

For Teachers Pre-K - 2nd Standards
Ever wonder how many marshmallows long your toothbrush is? Well, you're in luck! This hands-on measurement activity requires young mathematicians to determine the length of their toothbrush using Unifix® cubes, buttons, Cheerios, bear...
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

Measure Me!

For Teachers K - 2nd Standards
How many unifix cubes tall are you? If you're not sure, then perform this math activity with your class and find out. Working in pairs, young mathematicians make measuring sticks out of unifix cubes in order to determine the length of...
Curated OER

How Tall is the Gingerbread Man?

For Teachers Pre-K - 2nd Standards
The gingerbread man has finally been caught, now find out how tall he is with this measurement activity. Using Unifix® cubes, marshmallows, buttons, and Cheerios, young mathematicians measure and record the height of the gingerbread man...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Measuring Up

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
Students examine and discuss a variety of ways to measure length, capacity, and weight. They estimate and measure a pencil's length using Unifix cubes, estimate and fill a measuring cup with Unifix cubes, and weigh a calculator in a...
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

Growing Bean Plants

For Teachers K - 2nd Standards
Plant growth experiments offer rich, cross-curricular learning opportunities that can really excite and engage young learners. In this series, children work in pairs planting, measuring, and comparing the height of bean plants in order...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Look At Those Leaves!

For Teachers K - 3rd
Students observe and sort tree leaves. In this earth science activity, students observe the attributes of real leaves and measure leaves using Unifix cubes.
Lesson Plan
Illustrative Mathematics

How Long

For Teachers K - 2nd Standards
It won't take young mathematicians long to learn how to measure length with this fun, hands-on activity. Working in pairs, children use Unifix® or snap cubes to measure and record the lengths of different classroom objects. To extend the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Measurement Mania

For Teachers 1st
First graders measure 10 different objects found in the classroom, including their own hands and feet, then record their findings. This is a fun lesson for students to experience measurement using a ruler and unifix cubes.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

How Heavy

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st Standards
Break out the balances for this primary grade lesson on weight measurement. Using common elementary school manipulatives like unifix or snap cubes, young mathematicians determine the weight of four different classroom objects. A graphic...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Stuffed Animals Measuring

For Teachers Pre-K - K
Students measure stuffed animals with various materials such as dog biscuits, paper clips, and yarn. In this measurement lesson, students measure the stuffed animals, and understand the concept of long and short and big and little.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 1st
First graders examine measurement. In this measurement lesson plan, 1st graders practice using nonstandard units to help in measuring objects. Students listen to How Big is a Foot and complete an activity using unifix cubes to measure...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Measuring Up To Standards

For Teachers 4th
Fourth graders use Unifix cubes to estimate standard measurements of length, weight, and capacity. After practicing, 4th graders complete an individual assessment by the teacher where they are asked questions about measurement and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Measure Mania

For Teachers K
Students measure their own silhouette using Unifix cubes. They measure a drawing using non-standard measurement. They swap drawings and compare their measurements.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

New Ways to Measure

For Teachers Pre-K - K
Students recognize that measuring tools can come in many different shapes and sizes. In this early childhood math lesson, students develop creative-thinking, math, and social skills as they use nontraditional measuring tools.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Home Measurement

For Teachers 1st - 2nd
Students explore the differences between the heights of their family members as they measure, record, and compare the data gathered. Comparisons are made to discover who was the tallest and the shortest member.
Lesson Plan
AIMS Education Foundation

Classroom Olympics

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
As the Summer Olympics are approaching, incorporate Olympic-type games into the classroom. From straw javelin to cotton ball shot put, these games are sure to keep leaners engaged. The best part is that there is math involved! Pupils...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Length and Volume Exploration

For Teachers 1st - 2nd
Young scholars explore how to measure length and volume. They compare and order objects according to their measurable attributes and measure items using non-standard units. Students put 4 pencils in order from shortest to longest after...
Curated OER

Jelly Beans for Sale

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
Students connect literature (story Jelly Beans for Sale by Bruce McMillan) to math concepts. In these estimating and money lessons, students work with jelly beans, unifix cubes, pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, to estimate and make...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 2nd
Second graders create an ABAB pattern with their name. In this early elementary math lesson, 2nd graders first model their names in an ABAB pattern with unifix cubes. They then recreate the pattern using letter stamps on KidPix.
Lesson Plan

Arguing over Area

For Teachers 2nd - 3rd Standards
With the help of the Area Officers and Perimeter Patrol, you learners will develop a better understanding of area and its relationship to perimeter. First, they view a video clip from Cyberchase, and then they visit a website to test...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Roll Away Trees

For Teachers 1st
First graders participate in a simulation involving newspaper, food coloring, water, and more to observe the debarking process of producing wood. In this wood lesson plan, 1st graders also measure, and learn about reducing, reusing, and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

More! A Lesson on Comparing

For Teachers K
Students practice counting and comparing objects.  In this math lesson, students view a Count on It! episode. Students examine the value of what they are counting.  Students estimate number in groups of items.  Students determine which...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Planting Parts

For Teachers 2nd
Each student plants two lima beans in a plastic cup with a paper towel so they can be observed growing. The beans are misted with a spray bottle, and placed in a warm sunny area. Students view the beans each day for the next two weeks,...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Measuring Weight

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
Students use tables showing the ratios between ounces and pounds, grams and kilograms, and pounds and kilograms. They estimate whether an object should be weighed in ounces or pounds and whether an object should be weighed in grams or...