Lesson Plan

Sequencing Rotations

For Students 8th Standards
Discover the result of a sequence of rotations about different centers. Pupils perform rotations to examine the patterns. They also describe the sequence of rotations that performed to reach a desired result in the ninth installment in a...
Lesson Plan

Building Background: A Short History of Human Rights

For Teachers 5th Standards
Before continuing to read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, learners need to understand why and how this document was written. First, show and discuss a video from UNICEF to demonstrate the need for such a document. Then have...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit 2 Assessment: Analyzing a New Narrative about a Natural Disaster, Part I

For Teachers 5th Standards
Scholars complete a mid-unit assessment by analyzing a narrative text, In the Middle of the Storm. Learners determine the gist of the text, identify synonyms, make inferences, and answer text-dependent questions to demonstrate...
Lesson Plan

Scale Drawings

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Are you searching for a purpose for geometric constructions? Use an engaging approach to explore dilations. Scholars create dilations using a construction method of their choice. As they build their constructed dilation, they strengthen...
Lesson Plan

Getting a Handle on New Transformations 2

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
Use 2x2 matrices to move along a line. The second day of a two-day lesson is the 28th installment in a 32-part unit. Pupils work together to create and solve systems of equations that will map a transformation to a given point. The...
Lesson Plan

Systems of Equations Leading to Pythagorean Triples

For Teachers 8th Standards
Find Pythagorean Triples like the ancient Babylonians. The resource presents the concept of Pythagorean Triples. It provides the system of equations the Babylonians used to calculate Pythagorean Triples more than 4,000 years ago. Pupils...
Lesson Plan
J. Paul Getty Trust

Expressing Emotions through Art Lesson 1—Everyone Shows They Care

For Teachers K - 2nd Standards
In a instructional activity that explores art and emotions, scholars analyze a piece of art and discuss which emotions it portrays. They go on to reflect on their own emotions and how they are similar to the feelings expressed...
Lesson Plan

Rotations, Reflections, and Symmetry

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Lead your high school class on a journey through the world of symmetry and reflections as you discuss geometric principles. Pupils differentiate between reflections and rotations, explore rotational symmetry, and investigate how to...
Lesson Plan

The Graph of the Equation y = f(x)

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Math language? Set notation is used in mathematics to communicate a process and that the same process can be represented as computer code. The concept to the loop in computer code models the approach pupils take when creating a solution...
Lesson Plan

A Fraction as a Percent

For Teachers 6th Standards
It is all about being equivalent. Class members convert between fractions, decimals, and percents. By using visual models, scholars verify their conversions in the 25th portion of a 29-part series.
Lesson Plan

When Can We Reverse a Transformation? 1

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
Wait, let's start over — teach your class how to return to the beginning. The first lesson looking at inverse matrices introduces the concept of being able to undo a matrix transformation. Learners work with matrices with a determinant...
Lesson Plan

Modeling with Inverse Trigonometric Functions 1

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
Where should I stand to get the best view? Pupils use inverse trigonometric functions to determine the horizontal distance from an object to get the best view. They round out the instructional activity by interpreting their answers...
Lesson Plan
J. Paul Getty Trust

Expressing Emotions through Art Lesson 3—Everybody Works Together

For Teachers K - 2nd
See how art can communicate the idea of working together with your class. They will view art and describe space, color, shape, and lines in art. Then they will overlap in their art to show a sense of space. In the end, they will be able...
Lesson Plan
J. Paul Getty Trust

O Greek Shape! O Fair Pose!

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Everything old is new again. The Los Angeles J. Paul Getty Museum presents a lesson on how Greek black-figure painting influenced eighteenth century Neoclassical artists. After looking at a series of examples, class members create their...
Lesson Plan

The Scaling Principle for Area

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
As they investigate scaling figures and calculate the resulting areas, groups determine the area of similar figures. They continue to investigate the results when the vertical and horizontal scales are not equal. 
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Art and Science of Impressionist Color

For Teachers 1st - 4th
Discover Impressionist painting as students investigate the 19th century combinations of colors characteristically used. Students experiment with their own paintings, utilizing primary and secondary colors.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Looking at Portraits: Literary Monuments

For Teachers 10th - Higher Ed
Examine artwork, research literature, and create art pieces for a monument to a literary figure. Young scholars analyze the sculpture Model for a Monument to Alexandre Dumas père and compare it to other well-known monuments. They...
Lesson Plan


For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Searching for a detailed lesson to assist in describing rotations while keeping the class attentive? Individuals manipulate rotations in this application-based lesson depending on each parameter. They construct models depending on the...

Tired Weight

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
You don't need a scale to determine weight. This activity provides a way to use the concepts of air pressure and surface area to determine the weight of a vehicle by calculating the amount of weight each tire supports.

Vocal Visualizer

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Make sound visible with an activity that provides directions for how to build a vocal visualizer meant to create light patterns. Making noise into the visualizer causes a mirror to vibrate, reflecting a laser beam, and creating the...
Lesson Plan

The Definition of a Parabola

For Students 10th - 12th Standards
Put together the pieces and model a parabola. Learners work through several examples to develop an understanding of a parabola graphically and algebraically. 
Lesson Plan

Events and Venn Diagrams

For Students 10th - 12th Standards
Time for statistics and learning to overlap! Learners examine Venn Diagrams as a means to organize data. They then use the diagrams to calculate simple and compound probabilities.
Lesson Plan

Linear Transformations of Lines

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
Discover the extension of parametric equations to model linear transformations. Scholars first write parametric equations to model lines through two points. They then find the parametric equations that represent a linear transformation.
Lesson Plan

The Graph of a Function

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Mathematics set notation can be represented through a computer program loop. Making the connection to a computer program loop helps pupils see the process that set notation describes. The activity allows for different types domain and...