Lesson Plan
University of Colorado

Are All Asteroids' Surfaces the Same Age?

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Did you know scientists can tell the age of an asteroid by looking closely at its craters? This final lesson of a six-part series focuses on two asteroids, Gaspra and Ida, in order to demonstrate the concept of dating asteroids. Scholars...
Teach Engineering

Microbes Know How to Work!

For Teachers 7th - 10th Standards
Scholars harness the power of microbes with an engaging activity that uses yeast to break down sugar in water. Multiple setups of the same experiment lets learners determine which temperature results in the fastest rate of sugar...
Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

Valleys Deep and Mountains High

For Teachers 8th - Higher Ed
Sometimes the best view is from the farthest distance. Satellite imaging makes it possible to create altitude maps from far above the earth. A three-part activity has your young scientists play the role of the satellite and then use...
Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

Oceans on the Rise

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Temperature rises and land disappears! Through a lab exploration, learners understand the effect of temperature increase on water similar to the effect of global warming on our oceans. As they heat the water in a flask, they measure the...
Lesson Plan
Cornell University

Diffraction Demystified

For Students 9th - 12th
Study diffraction patterns using CDs and DVDs! Scholars measure the diffraction patterns of a light wave as it hits a CD or DVD. Using the information, they can measure the distance between the tracks. 
Lesson Plan
Beyond Benign

Product Test

For Students 6th - 8th
It's the moment of truth. Previous lessons in the 24-part series had scholars design and develop shampoo formulas using chemical concepts. The 18th lesson asks them to test the function of their shampoos. To do this, they calculate the...
Lesson Plan

Developing an Investigation

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Watch as your class makes the transition from pupils to researchers! A well-designed lesson has scholars pick a solar wind characteristic to research. They then collect and analyze official data from the LANL website. This is the third...
Lesson Plan
Kenan Fellows

Introduction to a Flight Computer

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Keep your hands on the wheel—at all times! Scholars learn why pilots use a flight computer through a high-flying demonstration. Making calculations for speed, distance, or time is automatic if you know how to use a flight computer. 
Lesson Plan
Mascil Project

Parachute Food Drop

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Drop a perfect project into your lesson plans. Groups use different building materials to create models of parachutes for food drops. After testing out their prototypes, they make improvements to their designs.
Discovery Education

Wind Power

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How do engineers turn something that is readily available, like wind, into energy? Scholars create a prototype of a wind turbine and attach it to a motor. They test out their prototypes and decide on their effectiveness. They also...
Lesson Plan
Purdue University

Design of a Door Alarm

For Teachers 4th
How does electricity work? Budding scientists explore the concepts of electrical currents and open and closed circuits with class discussion and a hands-on activity using a battery to turn on a light bulb. Learners also make predictions...
Lesson Plan
Purdue University

Design of an Earthen Dam for a Lafayette Neighborhood

For Teachers 3rd
How do dams support bodies of water? Scholars engage in a hands-on STEM activity where they design, build, and test dams to learn about bodies of water and how humans use natural resources. They learn how criteria and constraints affect...
Discovery Education


For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
What do lab tests reveal about a patient's health? Scholars perform a simulated urinalysis on two different patients by testing color, pH, glucose levels, and protein levels. Then, they compare their findings to what they know passes...
Unit Plan
Purdue University

The Represented World: Recreational STEM

For Teachers 3rd Standards
How are forces and motion important to a swing set? Scholars explore the concepts of force and motion using swing sets. In preparation for their own STEM design project, individuals take surveys and data from peers, complete labs on...
Lesson Plan
National Woman's History Museum

Getting with the Program

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
A seven-step lesson introduces the emergence of computer sciences and the contributions women made to the profession after World War II. Several science experiments offer pupils a hands-on learning experience that showcases parabolas,...
Lesson Plan
Workforce Solutions

Egg-streme Sports

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Here's a new twist in the egg drop competition. Using only six inches of tape, four straws, and 2 pieces of newspaper, teams build a structure that keeps an egg from breaking when dropped. What's different about this project is that the...
Lesson Plan

Surface Area and Volume

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
You and your class will like this lesson on using visual models to relate the volume and surface area of solid shapes. Learners construct three-dimensional forms using nets. They calculate the surface area and volume for each and then...
Lesson Plan
Alabama Learning Exchange

It's Around There Somewhere! Perimeter, and Circumference

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Explore the concept of building equations for perimeter and circumference. Learners use rulers to measure the perimeter of half a sheet of paper.  Then fold the sheet of paper numerous times, each time measuring perimeter.  Learners use...

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