Lesson Plan

Finishing the End of Unit Assessment: Final Draft of Position Paper and Reflection on the Writing Process

For Teachers 7th Standards
Think about it. Writers think about their end of unit essays through reflection. They use the End of Unit 3 Assessment, Part 2: Reflection on the Writing Process handout to analyze the writing process they used to create their position...
Lesson Plan

Assessment Part 3: Advocating Persuasively in a Fishbowl

For Teachers 8th Standards
Class members complete the final part of the The Omnivore’s Dilemma end-of-unit assessment. The portion includes a fishbowl activity where learners demonstrate their persuasive advocacy abilities. As each pupil speaks, their peers assess...
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment: Revising and Publishing

For Teachers 6th Standards
Dictionaries, thesauruses, word walls, oh my! Pupils use several resources to revise their position papers to include appropriate vocabulary. Then, after peer editing, scholars write the final drafts of their essays and self-assess using...
Lesson Plan

Peer Critique and Revising: Formal English

For Teachers 6th Standards
Dear Sir or Madam: What's the difference between formal and informal language? Scholars focus on using formal English and transitions in their position papers. After revising their rough drafts, they engage in the peer editing process...
Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Unit 7: The United States Constitution

For Teachers 4th Standards
Fourth graders delve into the United States Constitution in a unit designed to boost reading comprehension, grammar, and writing. During each lesson, scholars read through and discuss a new chapter and work with prefixes and verbs....
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Putting it Together: Analyzing and Producing Persuasive Text

For Teachers 7th - 8th Standards
Young orators demonstrate what they have learned about persuasion and persuasive devices throughout the unit by analyzing a persuasive speech and then crafting their persuasive essays. Class members engage in a role-play exercise, use...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit Assessment: Drafting the Position Paper

For Teachers 7th Standards
Halftime! Scholars write the rough draft of their position papers to serve as the mid-unit assessment. At the end of the sessions, pupils turn in their rough draft essays and work on independent reading.
Unit Plan
Crabtree Publishing

State Your Case Series

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Four lessons make up a unit focused on writing persuasive essays. Each unit builds on the last, ultimately taking pupils through the writing process. Scholars make a claim, create an argument, debate both sides, then state their opinion....
Everett Public Schools

High School Writing: Student Guide

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Here's an amazing writing guide that deserves a place in your curriculum library. The 136-page packet provides focus lessons on the writing process, expository, persuasive, and timed writing, the Cornell system of note taking, and more....
Lesson Plan
Workforce Solutions

Workforce Solutions 4-5 Lessons

For Teachers 4th - 5th Standards
Four lessons focus on job opportunities in Texas. In the first lesson, scholars examine the geography of Texas in preparation for analyzing data that showcases the economy of different regions. Lesson three challenges pupils to research...
Unit Plan
Roald Dahl

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

For Teachers 3rd - 7th Standards
The Charlie and the Chocolate Factory unit is a golden ticket for teachers looking for nicely written plans. Elementary and middle schoolers draw their impressions of characters, design and market their own candy creations, and use...
Unit Plan
Jefferson County Schools

Teaching Persuasive Reading and Writing

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
With the increasing emphasis on persuasive and argumentative writing, the lessons and strategies in the sample unit are sure to prove valuable—whether you are new to or an experienced pro at teaching persuasive reading and writing.
Lesson Plan

Claim, Reasons, and Evidence: Planning the Body Paragraphs

For Teachers 6th Standards
Planning is the key to success. Scholars continue planning their essays by adding reasons to their Planning My Argument graphic organizers. Additionally, pupils analyze a body paragraph from a model position paper, identifying the...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Elaboration, Revision, and Proofreading

For Teachers 11th - 12th
Designed to help writers strengthen their elaboration, revision, and proofreading skills, this 48-page workbook is packed with information about and exercises in personal, narrative, persuasive, and report writing.
Fluence Learning

Writing an Argument: Innovation in America

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Are American young people prepared to become tomorrow's leaders in technological innovation, or does an obsession with being cool sidetrack essential skills? That is the question freshmen and sophomores must address in a performance task...
Lesson Plan

Grade 9 ELA Module 4, Unit 1, Lesson 26

For Teachers 9th Standards
The focus of the day's instructional activity is methods for creating a formal style and objective tone in an argument essay. After examining models, pairs engage in peer review of their essay drafts and continue to revise while...
Lesson Plan

Scaffolding for Position Paper: Peer Feedback and Citing Sources

For Teachers 7th Standards
Scholars partner up for peer feedback of their position papers. After reviewing peer feedback guidelines, pairs take turns presenting their papers and completing a Peer Feedback Form. The class then has a mini instructional activity on...
Lesson Plan

Scaffolding for Position Paper: Peer Feedback and Citing Sources

For Teachers 7th Standards
It's all a process. Scholars watch as the teacher models a peer feedback process. They then carry out the process on their own using the Sustainable Water Management Peer Feedback Form. As a bonus, individuals then participate in an MLA...
Lesson Plan
Judicial Branch of California

A “Commemorative” Bill of Rights

For Teachers 4th - 6th Standards
It's 1943, and Jewish people in Denmark are in hiding from the Nazis. What protection can the United States offer them? By examining the Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights, scholars consider the protections afforded to those...
Unit Plan
University of Texas

Understanding Migration

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Human migration—often the result of push and pull factors—sometimes has dramatic outcomes for both those leaving their homelands and the host countries. Using a variety of case studies, learners consider those issues. Then, by completing...
Lesson Plan
Museum of Tolerance

The Role of Citizens in a Participatory Democracy

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Groups research participatory democracies and compare the role and rights of citizens in ancient history with those in recent U.S. history. Guided by a series of questions, individuals compose a persuasive essay in which they discuss the...
Lesson Plan

Grade 11 ELA Module 2: Unit 1, Lesson 21

For Teachers 11th Standards
Is there power in persuasion? After reading paragraphs six and seven of Booker T. Washington's "Atlanta Compromise" speech, learners look at how Washington uses rhetoric and carefully planned word choice to add to the persuasiveness of...
Lesson Plan
Foreign Policy Association

U.S. and Europe Online Lesson Plan

For Teachers 8th - 11th Standards
Class groups investigate the economic and political implications of a country's policies on genetically modified foods, craft a position paper detailing that policy, and share their findings with the class. Armed with this information,...
Lesson Plan
Alabama Department of Archives and History

Strange Fruit: Lynching in America

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
To continue their study of the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the beginning of the civil rights movement, class members watch the YouTube video of Billie Holiday singing "Strange Fruit" as an introduction to an examination of lynching in...

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