Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

Totally Tides

For Teachers 7th Standards
Surf's up, big kahunas! How do surfers know when the big waves will appear? They use science! Over the course of five days, dive in to the inner workings of tidal waves and learn to predict sea levels with the moon as your guide.
Lesson Plan
Cornell University

The Science of Snowflakes

For Students 6th - 8th
Who can grow the best crystals? Challenge class members to develop strategies for enhancing growth in the crystals. Through a lab investigation, learners study the properties of crystals and test the effectiveness of different growth...
Fluence Learning

Writing About Literature Shakespeare and Plutarch

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
The Oscar for the Best Adapted Screenplay acknowledges a writer's excellence in adapting material found in another source. What do your class members know about adapted resources? Find out with an assessment that asks readers to compare...
Fluence Learning

Writing Informative Text: Did Shakespeare Write Shakespeare?

For Students 7th Standards
William Shakespeare penned some of the richest and most fascinating works of literature—or did he? Middle schoolers read three brief informative passages and conduct additional research to evaluate the claim that Shakespeare did not...
Fluence Learning

Writing About Informational Text: The Dred Scott Decision

For Students 11th - 12th Standards
Looking for a performance assessment that asks individuals to demonstrate their competency in writing about informational text? Use Frederick Douglass' essay "On the Dred Scott Decision," and an excerpt from Abraham Lincoln's 1857 speech...
Fluence Learning

Writing an Argument: Free Speech

For Students 11th - 12th Standards
How do you assess whether pupils have mastered certain concepts and skills? Designing a performance task that asks learners to demonstrate their skills and providing writers with a rubric that identifies these skills and provides...

Rubber Band Rovers

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Get your learners interested in space exploration. Groups design space rovers using design software and then build prototypes of their designs. The farther the rovers can travel, the better. The catch? The rovers must be powered by...
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

The Yin and Yang of Photosynthesis: Day vs. Night

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Floating fragments of elodea can grow even without roots. Young scientists use eldoea plants to observe the oxygen production from photosynthesis. They study the difference between having access to high amounts of light and low amounts...
Fluence Learning

Writing an Opinion Requiring Voting

For Students 5th Standards
Challenge writers to compose an essay detailing their stance on, and the history of, voting. Three assignments, each broken down into three parts, requires fifth graders to take notes, read and complete charts, write paragraphs, compare...
Lesson Plan
US Institute of Peace

Responding to Conflict: Negotiation Role-Play

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
After a instructional activity like this one, your class won't hesitate to negotiate! Pupils pair up and negotiate opposing sides of a conflict during the ninth installment in a 15-part series. Once they determine their wants and needs,...
Fluence Learning

Writing About Informational Text: Everybody Can Bike

For Students 4th Standards
A three-part assessment challenges scholars to read informational texts in order to complete three tasks. Following a brief reading, class members take part in grand conversations, complete charts, and work in small groups to research...
Fluence Learning

Writing an Opinion: Student Council

For Students 4th Standards
A three-part assessment challenges scholars to write opinion essays covering the topic of the student council. After reading three passages, writers complete a chart, work with peers to complete a mini-research project, answer...
Fluence Learning

Writing About Literature: Comparing and Contrasting Characters in Heidi

For Students 5th Standards
Scholars read excerpts from the story, Heidi, in a three-part assessment that focuses on comparing and contrasting characters. Each part contains three tasks that challenge learners to discuss, answer comprehension questions,...
Unit Plan
Newspaper Association of America

A Good Read

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Teach your readers strategies for breaking down informational texts. Pupils develop and implement the tools they'll need to decode texts for the rest of their lives with an informational resource that focuses on the structure and...
Lesson Plan
Tune Into English

America – West Side Story

For Teachers 8th - 12th
Anita's iconic rooftop ode to American life in West Side Story is the focus of a lesson on immigration. As class members listen to "America," they follow along with printed lyrics, and discuss whether they agree with Anita's assessment...
Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

Meet Our Home: Earth

For Students 1st - 6th
Earth is a complex structure. Learners explore their home, the earth, using a fun hands-on activity. They create tactile models of the earth using ordinary household materials that represent some common features: land, polar caps,...
Lesson Plan
Space Awareness

Meet Our Neighbors: Moon

For Students 1st - 6th
Since a field trip to the moon isn't possible, bring the moon to young astronomers! Participants use everyday materials to create models of the moon and represent the features on its surface. The materials serve as a tactile as well as a...
Lesson Plan

Getting the Gist and Tracing an Argument: “Public Fear” Excerpt from “The Exterminator”

For Teachers 6th Standards
Only fear fear itself. Scholars read Public Fear from The Exterminator. Triads work together to annotate and determine the gist of the text. They then complete a Tracing an Argument graphic organizer to identify arguments, claims, and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Cat on the Mat Guided Reading Lesson

For Teachers K - 1st
Young learners participate in a guided reading lesson. They will read the book Cat on the Mat by Brian Wildsmith. The teacher helps provide the group with reading strategies, and provides more one-on-one support during independent...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Lesson Plan 3: Great Book, Gross Book

For Teachers 6th - 9th
It's time for your scholars to become book reviewers! Start with a fun review of foods: are they good or gross? Learners apply these evaluation techniques to books, recording their thoughts on large pieces of butcher paper. Simply have...
Lesson Plan


For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
There is nothing more frustrating than discussing theme in literature, and now the Common Core requires that your learners determine two or more, and discuss the development of it throughout the text. This is crazy, but manageable with...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Usage and Interpretation of Graphs

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Cooperative groups are formed for this graphing activity. Each group must construct a graph that represents how many eyelets (the holes for laces in shoes), are present in their group. A whole-class bar graph is eventually constructed...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Anticipation Guide Heart of Darkness

For Teachers 7th - 12th
The whys and wherefores of anticipation guides are detailed in a resource that models how to craft statements for this reading strategy.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Problem Solving and the Sports Page

For Teachers 4th
The use of box scores from baseball games is the foundation of this math lesson. Organize your class into groups of four, and give identical box scores from a baseball game that was just played. Have them create word problems from the...

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