Curated OER

Vertebrates: Part I, Fishes & Amphibians

For Teachers 9th - 12th
A simple set of slides shares the three classes of fish and the class amphibia. The first three slides cover fish characteristics and structure, while the last three cover amphibian characteristics and life cycle. Though somewhat...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Salmon in the Classroom

For Teachers 9th - 12th
High schoolers list the salmon life cycle stages in order. They draw a stream with the vegetation, animals, and water quality parameters that are necessary for salmon survival. Students explain the connection between animal morphology...
Curated OER

Glacier Bay Pacific Halibut

For Teachers 9th - Higher Ed
The National Park Service has produced a high-quality presentation on the halibut population of Glacier Bay, Alaska. It takes the viewpoint of the marine biologists or rather, ichthyologists, who have been studying the adaptations,...
Lesson Plan
Consortium for Ocean Science Exploration and Engagement (COSEE)

Life Cycle of Blue King Crabs

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
The blue king crab and the red king crab live in the same range but never in the same region. The third lesson plan in the series of five focuses on the blue king crab and the impact the changes in water temperature is having on its...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Alfalfa Butterfly/Caterpillar Lifecycle Investigation

For Teachers 9th - 12th
High schoolers collect and record data. They model specimens. Students identify sex of butterflies. They analyze data. High schoolers make conclusions based on collected data. They compare and contrast the different groups of insects...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Pond Water Survey

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students identify and describe various organisms living in a pond water environment. They describe the characteristics of living things. Students compare and contrast organisms created by asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction....
Curated OER


For Students 9th - 10th
In this amphibian instructional activity, students read about the frog life cycle to complete the Venn diagram. They also answer 16 fill in the blank questions about frogs.
K-State Research and Extensions


For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
How are maps like fish? They both have scales. The chapter includes six different activities at three different levels. Scholars complete activities using natural resources, learn how to read a map, see how to make a compass rosette,...
Curated OER


For Teachers 9th - 12th
Tomorrow's marine biologists journey through the world of phytoplankton when viewing this slide show. They are exposed to the shapes and life cycle of diatoms, and introduced to dinoflagellates, coccolithophorids, and silicoflagellates....
Curated OER

Caddis Life Cycle and Cases

For Students 6th - 12th
In this caddis fly activity, students review the life cycle of the fly and then identify the different cases created by the fly. This activity has 5 fill in the blank statements.
Curated OER

Getting to Know "Aquatic Fish Foods"

For Students 5th - 12th
In this fish worksheet, students access a website to learn more about the common insects eaten by fish. Then students draw and label three types of insect life cycles. This worksheet has 10 true or false questions and 3 drawings.
Curated OER


For Teachers 9th - 12th
Here is an unusual collection of slides. The first, which is upside down, is the phylogeny of fish. Next comes an article about invasive lampreys in the Great Lakes area. The third slide shows the life cycle of sea lampreys. A reptilian...
Lesson Plan
University of Southern California

Mastering Microbes

For Students 6th - 12th
Small but mighty! Learners explore the role of microbes in a healthy ecosystem. An engaging activity asks pupils to design an aquaponics system that demonstrates that healthy microbes are necessary to maintain the ecosystem.
Biology Junction


For Students 9th - 12th
In this cnidarian activity, learners study the biology of the different species of cnidarians and complete a series of questions.
Curated OER

Swimming With the Crabs!

For Students 6th - 9th
In this environmental science worksheet, students complete a graphic organizer (Frayer model) on blue crabs. They write an article using the given facts.
Biology Junction

Cnidarians and Ctenophorans

For Students 9th - 12th
Cnidaria is a broad phylum of 11,000 different species from jellyfish to coral. Most Cnidarians are marine species with a few freshwater examples. A lesson presentation explains the important characteristics of different species of both...
Biology Junction

Introduction to Animals

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Out of all animals, elephants alone lack the ability to jump. Scholars learn all about animals using a presentation full of fun examples. It describes different types of animals, the biological similarities and differences between...
Curated OER

Index of Organisms

For Students 6th - 10th
In this biology worksheet, students fill in the description of a plant or animal. They write answers to 8 blanks and draw the organism's life cycle diagram.
Lesson Plan


For Teachers 9th - 12th
Learn how ocean currents are vital to humans and marine life. The eighth installment of a 23-part NOAA Enrichment in Marine sciences and Oceanography (NEMO) program, focuses on ocean currents and how they affect global climate. The...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students create a water filter according to given criteria. I this chemistry lesson, students evaluate the importance of water in their lives. They develop a book or brochure on the water treatment process.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Salmon Run

For Teachers 9th - 12th
High schoolers examine the life cycle of the Pacific salmon and the impact of humans on salmon migration. They watch a Powerpoint presentation, trace migration routes on satellite imagery, and complete mock calculations of salmon energy...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Temperature Affects The Heart Rate

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students relate heart rate and development to environmental conditions through experiment. In cooperative groups, students record the heart rate in developing zebra fish. Groups create a standard curve to predict the temperature at...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Kure Waste Chase Game Lesson

For Teachers 6th - 10th
Students work together to identify marine debris. They explain the effect of the debris on various ecosystems. They draw different types of ocean currents as well.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Diurnal Cycling Experiments

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students carry out an experiment to monitor diurnal fluctuations in dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, and water temperature. They determine the CO2 and pH of the samples (and optionally, dissolved oxygen). Students complete their...

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