Lesson Plan
Encyclopedia Britannica

Do the Campaign Math

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Follow the money trail! As part of their study of the 2020 Presidential campaign, class members to research how much money candidates have raise and spent, as well as the sources of the funds. They then graph their findings to compare...
Lesson Plan
Encyclopedia Britannica

Presidential Succession

For Teachers 9th - 12th
"Who takes over if a president dies, resigns, is impeached, or is otherwise removed from office?" That is the question class members research. After listing the 18 successors in order, individuals respond in writing to a series of...
Lesson Plan
Encyclopedia Britannica

Candidate Position Research

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
As part of their study of the US Presidential election process, class members research a presidential candidate's position on a specific topic or topics. Formatting their research as a pro/con question ("Should the Death Penalty Be...
Lesson Plan
Encyclopedia Britannica

Candidate Flip-Flop or Evolution?

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Beware political rhetoric! Connotation is everything! Groups select a presidential candidate and investigate how the candidate's position has changed on a specific issue. After analyzing the situation, the group determines whether they...
Lesson Plan
Encyclopedia Britannica

Candidate Book Report

For Teachers 9th - 12th
After reading candidate biographies, class members select one candidate to research. They craft a report on the candidate's book, their position on issues, and the image the candidate wants to project.
Lesson Plan
Encyclopedia Britannica

Campaign Photo Analysis

For Teachers 9th - 12th
It's the art of the image!  As part of a study of the 2020 Presidential race, groups analyze an image of a candidate, first from an objective point of view and then subjectively. They then prepare a presentation detailing what they...
Lesson Plan

What Are Ways for Youth to Engage in Politics?

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Help young people become excited to participate in politics. High school historians participate in an engaging activity focused on ways for youth to become involved in government. Scholars review articles, videos, and essential...
Teaching Tolerance

Voting in Your Town

For Teachers 6th - 12th
A socially important resource focuses on voter turnout and roadblocks to voting. Scholars review resources on voting stats, watch a documentary, and participate in group discussion regarding voting in their local communities. Academics...
Teaching Tolerance

Spotlight on Change Agents

For Teachers 6th - 12th
A thought-provoking resource guides learners as they interview agents of social change and share their findings. Scholars select an individual, create questions, conduct the interview, and create a profile of the person they selected....
Committee for Children

Five Activities to Help Bystanders to Bullying Know What to Do

For Teachers 1st - 8th Standards
Five activities covering ELA, social studies, and social and emotional learning offer bystanders tips and the courage to help individuals being bullied. Activities include writing an acrostic poem, creating a pamphlet, reading current...
Lesson Plan
Facing History and Ourselves

Understanding Identity

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Key to social-emotional learning is understanding who we are. The first lesson in an Understanding Identity unit asks class members to consider the factors that shape one's concept of themselves, the parts of their identity they choose...
Lesson Plan

Gloria Steinem’s Ancestry and Women’s Rights Movements: Lesson Plan | Finding Your Roots

For Teachers 5th - 12th
Introduce class members to Presidential Medal of Freedom winner, activist, writer, and lecturer Gloria Steinem with a PBS resource that not only investigates Steinem's ancestry but also encourages learners to trace their own.
American Museum of Natural History

Trip Up Your Brain

For Students 6th - 12th
Sometimes different parts of the brain disagree. See what this disagreement looks like using a remote learning resource to experience how brains often take shortcuts. Pupils complete the activity, observe their results, and then read...
American Museum of Natural History

Moving Mammals

For Students 6th - 12th
How many different ways do mammals move from place to place? An online resource uses animation to show how different mammals move. Learners use a slider to speed up or slow down a variety of mammals. The versatile lesson works as a...
American Museum of Natural History

Extreme Mammals

For Students 6th - 12th
Extreme characteristics can create some unusual mammals. Learners flip through a slide show of some of the most interesting mammals that are both living and extinct. Implement as a remote learning resource or use in-class to review...
Koshland Science Museum

Infectious Disease: Evolving Challenges to Human Health Middle School Virtual Field Trip

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Is there one right way to control infectious diseases? Learners determine the facts each stakeholder must consider when making their recommendations for controlling a disease threatening their area. They take into account public health,...
National Academy of Sciences

Genetic Disease: Putting DNA to Work

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Scientific knowledge of genetic information has grown quickly over the last decade. An interactive lesson has learners research the role of science and medicine in diagnosing and treating genetic disorders. They consider the job of the...
American Museum of Natural History

All About Cloning

For Students 6th - 12th
Start seeing double. The American Museum of Natural History website provides pupils with information about Dolly, the cloned sheep. Learners find out the procedure used to create Dolly along with why scientists clone animals.
American Museum of Natural History

You are the Queen

For Students 6th - 12th
A day in the life of a wasp queen is not as royal as it may sound. Pupils assume the role of the wasp queen to complete an interactive activity that simulates building a colony. They make decisions along the way and note the changes from...
American Museum of Natural History

Wonderful World of Wasps

For Students 6th - 12th
Shockingly, wasps sometimes challenge lions as the king of predators! Learners explore the life of a wasp in an interactive online lesson. They read about the characteristics of wasps and then complete activities to learn about their lives.
American Museum of Natural History

What's This? Sensing

For Students 6th - 12th
There is a scallop that relies on sight so much that it actually has more than 100 eyes! There are many species that rely heavily on one sense or another. An online interactive resource has youth read about several of these animals. The...
American Museum of Natural History

What's This? Life at the Limits

For Students 6th - 12th
There are some amazing ways species evolve to survive. From large ears to sneezing salt, learners read about these interesting adaptations in an interactive lesson. Great to supplement an in-class lesson, it also works well as a remote...
American Museum of Natural History

What's This? Leeches

For Students 6th - 12th
Who actually likes leeches? Meet a scientist that makes his living letting leeches feed on him. Pupils learn about the characteristics of leeches and different variations of the species. The lesson works as a remote learning resource or...
American Museum of Natural History

What's This? Colorful Creatures

For Students 6th - 12th
An online resource shows learners some species that are very good at using their camouflage as well as other ways species use their coloring for survival. Interactive and digital, the lesson is perfect as a remote learning resource.