Lesson Plan

Analyzing Word Choice: Atticus’s Closing Speech (Chapters 20-21)

For Teachers 8th Standards
Choose your words carefully. Scholars begin by reading a line of Atticus's closing speech in To Kill A Mockingbird. Readers work independently on their note catchers, then complete a Think-Pair-Share activity with partners. They finish...
Lesson Plan

End of Unit 2 Assessment, Part 2: Revise Essay Drafts

For Teachers 8th Standards
Time to revise! Scholars revise their argument essays based on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream using feedback from their teacher and peers. They begin their revisions after reviewing a mini-lesson on proper writing conventions.
Lesson Plan

Analyzing a Central Idea: Carlotta’s Journey to Justice

For Teachers 8th Standards
Verbs are deceptive and like to disguise themselves. Young linguists identify verbals, specifically gerunds, infinitives, and participles when analyzing the third stage of Carlotta's journey in the novel A Mighty Long Way. Bridge...
Lesson Plan

Preparation for Performance Task: Using Writing to Make Prompt Cards

For Teachers 8th Standards
Writing becomes dynamic in a presentation. Presenters transform a piece of writing they have already composed about the Little Rock Nine into a presentation. The focus is transferring ideas from their writing into short prompts on cards...
Lesson Plan

Determining Cascading Consequences Using The Omnivore’s Dilemma: Industrial Food Chain

For Teachers 8th Standards
Which of Michael Pollan's four food chains from his book The Omnivore's Dilemma would best feed everyone in the United States? Using a thought-provoking resource, scholars learn how to create a Cascading Consequences chart to answer the...
Lesson Plan

Using Search Terms for Further Research: Industrial Organic Food Chain

For Teachers 8th Standards
Class members conduct independent research to continue examining the consequences of the industrial organic food chain from Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma. Pupils learn about source credibility and effective search terms, then...
Lesson Plan

Planning Body Paragraphs of Position Paper and Beginning Mid-Unit 3 Assessment

For Teachers 8th Standards
The best sandwiches aren't always edible. Pupils use a Quote Sandwich graphic organizer to plan paragraphs two and three of their position papers about the best food chain. Next, they begin drafting their body paragraphs for the mid-unit...
Lesson Plan

Practicing Structures for Reading: Gathering and Using Evidence to Analyze Salva’s and Nya’s Points of View (Chapter 4)

For Teachers 7th Standards
Class members discuss the gist of chapter four of A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park with a partner and share their responses with the class. Next, they complete graphic organizers to answer text-dependent questions based on a close...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit Assessment: Gathering and Using Evidence to Analyze Points of View in A Long Walk to Water (Chapter 5)

For Teachers 7th Standards
Class members discuss how culture, place, and time influence a character's identity in A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. Then, as part of a mid-unit assessment, they complete a Gathering Evidence graphic organizer to answer the...
Lesson Plan

Inferring about Character: Analyzing and Discussing Points of View (Chapter 2)

For Teachers 7th Standards
Welcome to the World Café! Readers discuss A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. They circulate throughout the classroom, stopping at different tables to answer a discussion prompt with their classmates and record their ideas on a chart.
Lesson Plan

Building Background Knowledge: The Dinka and Nuer Tribes Until the Mid-1980s (“Sudanese Tribes Confront Modern War” Excerpt 1) (Version 1)

For Teachers 7th Standards
Readers consider comparisons between the Dinka and Nuer tribes in South Sudan, making connections between an informational article about Sudanese tribes and the novel A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. They annotate the text to help...
Lesson Plan

Building Background Knowledge: The Dinka and Nuer Tribes Until the Mid-1980s (“Sudanese Tribes Confront Modern War” Excerpt 2)

For Teachers 7th Standards
Scholars continue making connections between the article "Sudanese Tribes Confront Modern War" and A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. They talk with partners to discuss how the article helps them understand a character's point of...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

Identifying Audience and Purpose

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Use a fun and creative activity to introduce junior high learners to how writing changes for different audiences and purposes. The activity begins with a reading by the instructor where teens visualize a food fight in the cafeteria. In...
Michigan Farm Bureau

The Little Red Hen

For Teachers K - 2nd
No one will be saying "Not I" with a lesson that combines The Little Red Hen with the life cycle of a wheat stem! After reading the story in your class, pass out wheat stems to your learners and have them examine the plants closely,...
Unit Plan
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Let’s Count!: Challenge Activities (Theme 5)

For Teachers K Standards
Challenge young scholars with a counting-themed series of activities. Your counters will write invitations to a feast, create books about dinner parties and animals, design posters, draw pictures of their favorite peaceful places, and...
Unit Plan
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Down on the Farm: Challenge Activities (Theme 8)

For Teachers K Standards
Down on the Farm is the theme of this series of challenge activities. Extend your scholars' learning experience with engaging activities such as designing a farm, creating collages, writing poems and to-do lists, and playing dominoes.

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