Rock A Lingua

Mi Casa—Versión Fácil (My House—Easy Version)

K - 8th
¡Las casa es donde está el corazón! Spanish learners practice describing activities in the living room, bathroom, garden, garage, and more with a song focused on the rooms of the house.
Rock A Lingua

Frutas (Fruits)

K - 8th
Take a cheery trip through the produce section with a Spanish song about las frutas! Listeners learn about la sandía, la pera, and mucho mas as they follow along with an illustrated lyric sheet.
Rock A Lingua

Los Numeros 1-50 (Numbers 1-50)

K - 8th
How high can your Spanish class count? After listening to a catchy song and reviewing an accompanying worksheet, they'll be able to count to 50—twice!
Rock A Lingua

La Tierra, Lugares y Animales (Places and Wild Animals)

K - 8th
¡Esta tierra está enferma! Beginning Spanish learners learn more about the ways pollution affects rivers, forests, oceans, and the animals that live in these habitats with a catchy and informative song.
Rock A Lingua

Las Partes Del Cuerpo (Parts of the Body)

K - 8th
¡Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y dedos de los piés! A catchy rock song introduces Spanish classes to various parts of the body. Listeners try to point to the corresponding parts of the body as they hear the vocabulary in the song's lyrics.
Rock A Lingua

A Mí Me Gusta Viajar (Transportation)

K - 8th
How do you like to travel? ¿En avión? ¿En tren? ¿En elefante? Learn about the different ways to get from here to there with a fun Spanish song and illustrative worksheet.
Rock A Lingua

Países De Habla Hispana (Spanish Speaking Countries)

K - 8th
Do you know how many countries speak Spanish as a primary language? Can you name them all in one minute? Get your habilidades de geografía ready with a quick Spanish song that lists every Spanish-speaking country in the world.
Rock A Lingua

Preposiciones (Prepositions)

K - 8th
How did la tarea get en la nevera? Learn to describe many places where homework ends up, including on the table, under the table, to the left of the lamp, and in front of the door with a song and accompanying worksheet on prepositions.
Rock A Lingua

Cosas De La Escuela (School Supplies and Subjects)

K - 8th
What do you need for la clase de arte? What about a trip to la biblioteca? Get ready for a great day at school with a vocabulary-rich song about school supplies, what they're used for, and in what classes they're most helpful.
Rock A Lingua

Abecedario (ABC)

K - 8th
Learn your Spanish ABCs the rock-and-roll way! A catchy song goes through the letters of el abecedario to review the fundamental concept for beginning Spanish learners.
Rock A Lingua

Aficiones (Hobbies)

K - 8th
It's been a busy week! Two friends talk about all their activities during the week, including el fútbol, el tenis, and la banda de rock and roll with an engaging song and illustrated worksheet.
Rock A Lingua

¿Cómo te Llamas? (What Is Your Name?)

K - 8th
Get to know someone's name, place of origin, and where they currently live with a cute Spanish song. After Ana introduces herself, she asks Adam the same questions about himself. Spanish learners then get a chance to answer the questions...
Rock A Lingua

Ropa y Lugares (Clothes and Places)

K - 8th
What do you wear when it's cold? What about when you go to the beach, or to the mountains? Help beginning Spanish learners navigate their wardrobe choices with a catchy song full of fundamental vocabulary.
Rock A Lingua

Receta Guacamole—Versión Fácil (Guacamole Recipe—Easy Version)

K - 8th
¡A todos les gusta el guacamole! Learn how to make the delicious dip with a fun Spanish song, which details the ingredients needed for a perfect guacamole. ¡Buen provecho!
Rock A Lingua

Un Paso a la Derecha (Right, Left, Forward, Backwards)

K - 8th
¡Salto, salto, salto! Teach your Spanish class how to run and jump forward, backward, right, and left with a fun song and dance.
Rock A Lingua

Las Profesiones (Professions)

K - 8th
¿Que quieres ser cuando seas grande? Spanish learners listen to an engaging rock song to learn more about the duties of el mecánico, el bombero, el cocinero, and more.
Rock A Lingua

¿Qué hora es? (What Time Is It?)

K - 8th
¡No llegues tarde! Learn all about telling time in Spanish with a fast-paced and engaging song about expressing the time in different ways—and the consequences for reading the time incorrectly!
Rock A Lingua

A Mí Me Gusta Leer (I Like to Read)

K - 8th
Reading brings you to new places and new experiences—all from the comfort of your own home! An entertaining Spanish song expresses the singer's love of reading with vivid images and fun vocabulary.
Rock A Lingua

La Primavera (Spring)

K - 8th
Spring has sprung—or in Spanish, ¡la primavera ha llegado! Enjoy the warm weather, longer days, and colorful gardens of springtime with a fun Spanish song.
Rock A Lingua

El Otoño (Fall)

K - 8th
Lots of things happen in the fall! Learn about shorter days, departing birds, falling leaves, and growing mushrooms with a Spanish song all about the fall.
Rock A Lingua

Las Cuatro Estaciones (Four Seasons Song)

K - 8th
¿Cuál es tu estación favorita? Sing about the cold weather of winter, the bright flowers of spring, the heat of summer, and the falling leaves of fall with an engaging Spanish song about the four seasons.
Rock A Lingua

Buenos Días! (Greetings and Daily Routines)

K - 8th
Whether you're a morning person or a night person, a fun Spanish song about daily greetings and routines is the right way to start the day! Singers repeat buenos días, buenas tardes, and buenas noches before describing the steps to get...
Rock A Lingua

¿A Dónde Vas? (What, Where, When)

K - 8th
A trip to la panaderia leads to many more questions with an entertaining song about question words. Focusing on the question words quién, cómo, cuánto, and cuándo, the Spanish song and worksheet guide beginning learners through an...
Rock A Lingua

¿Qué Tiempo Hace Hoy? Versión Fácil (Weather—Easy Version)

K - 8th
Hoy hace sol, hace calor, y hace un poco de viento—¡que buen tiempo! A fun Spanish song asks about today's weather and describes the characteristics of good weather—as well as indicators of el mal tiempo.